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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. Easier way to see the swap size is the "free" command. To locate de swap file, check it path in "fstab"

    Turn off the current swap with "swapoff /var/swap".

    Overwrite existing one by creating a larger one on the same path with "dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap bs=1024 count=524288".

    Turn the new file into a swap file with "mkswap /var/swap" and turn it on with "swapon /var/swap".



  2. On 2017/08/23 at 0:09 PM, mantouboji said:

    no works:


    yaofei@opione1:~$ dmesg  | grep usb0
    [    3.165900] reg-fixed-voltage usb0-vbus: could not find pctldev for node /soc/pinctrl@01f02c00/usb0_vbus_pin@0, deferring probe
    [    3.906582] usb0-vbus: disabling


    While I've done the patch, I tested it on OPiLite, and it work without any tuning.

    Today, just to verify, I've built an image for OPiOne, but did worked at first : I had to tweak the DT to switch the "dr-mode" to "host" since it was defaulted to "otg".

    After reboot, it worked !


    BTW, the message "deferring probe" is still present even if working later, but you should not see "usb0-vbus: disabling".

    Which image are you using ?


  3. 25 minutes ago, Tido said:

    Doesn't this board have to ways to power it ?

    Since the center pin of the barrel is bigger than the one from OPi, I didn't have any jack for it, so I've powered the board directly from 5V pin of the header.


    BTW, I've finally recover the bad apt-get without reboot, but I don't know when things will go bad again, maybe it is a bad DRAM and crash when hitting bad region.


  4. Unfortunately, with Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170820.img.xz, there is no modules for AP6212, either it is part of kernel or not present at all, although the /lib/firmware/ap6212 is present.

    "dmesg" doesn't reveal much.

    Anyway, with the intermittent reboots and boot loops occurring in the middle of some apt-get I had this morning, I'm convince that this board is probably defective.


  5. Thanks, @balbes150 !

    Using @kicker22004 patches, I got the Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170820.img.xz image booting ! ;)

    But unfortunately, on-board WiFi not detected ...

    Trying some Mainline images didn't lead to some success, staying stuck at "Starting kernel ..." !


    EDIT : even the Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170820.img.xz start doing some reboot loop now. I think my board is simply defective, FriendlyArm maybe simply send me this sample from "rejected" one ...

    (It will return in the drawer to collect dust :angry:)


  6. 40 minutes ago, TonyMac32 said:

    If you still get the loop with a custom image, the u-boot blob isn't being written to the correct position on the card, so the first stage bootloader isn't seeing it. Now I don't know why you might be able to get to a u-boot prompt "after a while".  That doesn't sound healthy

    The boot loop wasn't with balbes image, but with FriendlyELEC image ... So, not stable enough, I decided to build a C2, and will report back if it is working better.


  7. Grrrrr ! :angry:


    Even this FriendlyELEC nanopi-k2_ubuntu_core_xenial-20170718.img.zip image just enter in a boot loop for awhile, but after several trys, I've finally got the prompt ...


    Thanks, Zador for the hints, I will take a lot at that !

    Unfortunately, I think it will take a lot of efforts ...


    EDIT : Grrrrr ! :angry: After a reboot, the boot loop came back again ...

  8. I have a NanoPi-K2 sitting in the dust since awhile.

    I decided to try some images from @balbes150, such as Armbian_5.32_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_server_20170820.img.xz or even some other such Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Debian_jessie_4.13.0-next-20170731+_server.img.xz, but none of them is even starting to load u-boot ... :wacko::(


    It is only producing such output on debug serial :



    I don't know much about Amlogic, what I'm missing ?


  9. 8 minutes ago, zador.blood.stained said:

    AFAIK some USB ports are shared with the USB-SATA converters

    Yes, that is my conclusion seeing the above picture :

    This USB connector is directly in parallel with the header pins connected to the converter, allowing people to use the board on other SBC using male-male cable like in the picture.

    I don't have such cable, so I can't verify that ...

    That means this connector should always left empty while the board been used with OPiZero, meaning only one USB is available.


    If we can get schematic on day, that will prove all this conclusion ...

  10. BTW, I've never tried those USB until now (I'd only tested the mSATA) ...

    Without using any overlays, since my DT was already enabling them, the one near the SATA connector is working, but not the near audio jack !

    Doing "dmesg" reveal flood of "device descriptor read/64, error -71" and the mSATA is disappearing ...


    This weird behaviour make me think that we still waiting for the schematic, still cannot be found anywhere ! :(


    While searching the schematic, I've found pictures where this USB on the audio jack side is kind of connected as OTG not HOST :




  11. This seams the scenario where both ETH and WLAN are connected on the same subnet, and when disconnecting the ETH, it break the whole routing, because the default gateway is gone.

    It is never a good thing to have the same subnet for both ETH and WLAN, because in fact, doing an SSH on WiFi for example, the packets coming from WLAN, but reponses will go back thru ETH, therefore disconnecting ETH will freeze the SSH...


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