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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. BTW, I've committed a preliminary AP6212 integration for BPiM2+Ultra DTS.

    But, to my surprise, BPiM2+Ultra WL-WAKEUP is not attached to some GPIO of the R40, so I've left it commented in the DTS.

    This is may one of the reason with I wasn't able to make it work : the wlan0 appears but doesn't receive it DHCP response.

    Or this is related to the fact that it is not a "A" version, since I'm now getting the same issue with plain BPiM2+, although it worked last week.

  2. Ok ! I've finally found some discripancies in DT between H3 and H5 : the reset-gpios default level in wifi-pwrseq of DT.

    Thoses fixes the OPiZeroPlus2-H5 as well as NanoPiM1Plus2-H5. Next nigthlies should reflect that.

    (Be aware for those two boards : MicroUSB powering is choking when WiFi get powered. I need some new stronger cables)

    A side note : OPiWin still not work with the same medecine, as well as the BanadaPi-M2-Ultra ... I will dig further ...


    EDIT : For those who trying fresh builds, you sill need @tkaiser firmware hack, which is not part of the images yet :

    download /lib/firmware/ap6212/fw_bcm43438a1.bin and copy it under /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin.

  3. Don't expect HDMI or Analog Video to work yet ... Too early in Mainline development !

    Do you have an Debug Serial USB-TTL attached ?

    It should reach login prompt.


    For networking, only the Wired is working, no WiFi yet ...


  4. Quote

    This looks like the Zero plus dts file was accidentally just copied from the Zero dts file without making the necessary changes.

    It is me that did the integraton of the new ZeroPlus-H3 DT two weeks ago, but I don' t see why I missed in your comment.

    (I will check again tomorrow since it it late tonight ...)



    2) zero plus 2 h3 3.4.113, xenial legacy

    Did you tried Mainline ?

    Because in Legacy doesn' t look at DT at all, it is using hte old FEX with script.bin.

    I didn' t managed any FEX changes since I hate Legacy ... I' m strickly work with Mainline.





  5. @monomial First, it would be nice if you mentioned which kernel are you using, Legacy or Mainline.


    On my side, I took the effort to bring this board to Mainline more than a week ago, and nand-sata-install worked fine since the beginning.


    The things that still doesn't work is the AP6212 WiFi. For Bluetooth, I've not even looked at it, since I never use it.


  6. That is a bit strange that the manufacturer of this board doesn't provide you support ...


    "merge DT and resulting dts compiled into dtb"

    This is quite dummy job that should be done by the manufacturer if he wish to sell his boards...


    EDIT :  the manufacturer can send us few sample, and we will look if it worth to do the task for free ...


  7. The 40-pin connector isn't dedicated to LCD, it provides different GPIO/UART/I2C.

    It is up to you to attach a LCD properly suing some of those pins.

    Also, it is depending of your LCD requirement : is it simply to display some things from python scripts, or you wish to have full Linux display ?

    (For the full Linux display, I would bet that drivers will be difficult to obtain for this board)


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