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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. I'm not using Legacy, but always Mainline, so my previous post was wrong.


    Zador was right, Legacy image still using the old numbering scheme.


    So the commands would be more likely be for PH1 :

    echo 16 > /sys/class/gpio/export
    echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio16_ph1/direction
    echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio16_ph1/value


  2. The command you mentioned above is erasing the first sector of the u-boot. This command is only to make sure that SD Card won't stay bootable for people wishing to boot from eMMC with still the SDcard inserted.

    It should not have been executed until you are sure that you eMMC is actually bootable and working properly.


  3. I'm glad that some of you got it working on ZeroPlus-H3 !

    Now, seeing the advance, I retried it on my side too and it is now working.

    Last time I did on H3 was 2 weeks ago, when we didn't knew about the firmware workaround.

    Those recent days, when I was pulling my hairs, it was all on A64 or H5 boards, and the workaround didn't work there.

    Also, yesterday, my trials was on BPiM2Plus, but this one is effectively a Non-A version.


  4. Now that I've done builds for NanoPiM1Plus2 and BananaPiM2Plus, along with the previous series OPiZeroPlus-H3/OPiZeroPlus-H5/OPiWin/OPiPrime, and that all of those boards has the same symptoms of missing AP6212 (+/- some have mmc-sdio appear, some not), I've continue my search for hints.

    To my discovery, I found the following quote in http://linux-sunxi.org/Sinovoip_Banana_Pi_M2%2B


    Mainline kernel

    (everything working except of WiFi/BT due to lack of interest)

    I hope that is not true any more ... :wacko:

  5. Ok ! I've added the new add_nanopim1plus2_dts.patch, and committed it along with few tweaks for Makefile since patches are applied in alphabetic order.

    Now, this image boot properly, but as expected, like other AP6212, it doesn't load up, and even mmc-sdio isn't fully initialized.

    Back to SquareOne with this AP6212 issue ... :wacko:


    EDIT : I've added MMC2 for eMMC into this ... GoodBye, BSD ! I'm now over-writing you ! :P

  6. BSD is not using DeviceTree DT, it is using FEX/BIN.

    So, you will need to use bin2fex to decompile script.bin (after having done a backup first), edit the the resulting script.fex to enable I2C buses, and recompile using the fex2bin into script.bin.


    But be aware that people on Armbian forum isn't inclined to give much support of builds that are not from Armbian, we consider BSD as crappy builds !


  7. Apologize for some previous noise ...

    Ok ! I did the right build, now the u-boot is Ok, but it missing the sun50i-h5-nanopim1plus2.dtb.

    This means the WIP target is incomplete ! I will have to finish it, probably like I did for other H5 recently.

    But this means that my whole goal of trying to see if AP6212 is working on this board can't help, because I will probably end up with same things as other H5.



  8. Yes ! I've got the idea while you were answering : why not trying to boot an OPiZeroPlus-H5 on this board ?

    Success ! ... This means the Armbian_5.27_Nanopim1plus_Debian_jessie_dev_4.10.11.img is complete crap !

    We will have to check this target completely ...


    EDIT : I will redo a build and inspect all the steps of u-boot compile (since I didn't keep the log, and have built some other H5) ...

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