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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. I'm not sure to following you ...

    Do you means a NIC that wasn't defined in the top level DTB ?

    This scenario are pretty rare, but you it should be doable if top level expose everything needed.

    But I don't see the advantages, especially if this NIC needs to be present all the time.

    Overlays are best suit for things that require to be loaded/unloaded dynamically.

    Currently, I have I2C, SPI and W1 sample overlays.

  2. @lanefu, DT overlays are small pieces of DT definitions that can be loaded in the kernel DT at any time from user-space and kernel will notify drivers accordingly.

    So, with my current samples, I could, for example, make the I2C buses appearing and disappearing from the following shell command :

    mkdir /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/mydtbo
    cat i2c-enable.dtbo > /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/mydtbo/dtbo
    echo "overlay loaded ..."
    echo "doing here more stuff ..."
    rmdir /sys/kernel/config/device-tree/overlays/mydtbo
    echo "overlay unloaded ..."
  3. I'm doing copy/paste of the same answer posted in this other thread where the same news is posted : http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1666-mainline-moving-target/#entry13033


    First, that pretty new, so let's the dust settle down !

    Second, I don't know your knowledge about Kernel development, but you should remember that odd/even number in branches under Linux means Stable/Dev branches.

    Stable 4.6.x cames out few months ago after a lot revamps in 4.5.x. This is now the Stable, and we are now using 4.6.4 in Armbian if you build your own kernel, but no image published yet since there are some stuff missing.

    New 4.7.x can be interesting in a future, but it is probably NOT for you, except if you wish to become a Mainline kernel developer ... :P


  4. First, that pretty new, so let's the dust settle down !

    Second, I don't know your knowledge about Kernel development, but you should remember that odd/even number in branches under Linux means Stable/Dev branches.

    Stable 4.6.x cames out few months ago after a lot revamps in 4.5.x. This is now the Stable, and we are now using 4.6.4 in Armbian if you build your own kernel, but no image published yet since there are some stuff missing.

    New 4.7.x can be interesting in a future, but it is probably NOT for you, except if you wish to become a Mainline kernel developer ... :P

  5. Unfortunately, I don't see much comments about my recent works ... :(


    I wish to get some feedback if some of you tried it out, although, of course, most of you don't have yet my sample overlays, such i2c-enable.dtbo/spi-enable.dtbo/w1-enable.dtbo.


    This bring me again the question : where should those samples should be located in standard images ?

    (On beaglebone, they provide some in /lib/firmware)

  6. Those past days, I was working on getting DT ConfigFS Overlays into sun8i-dev.


    Today, I've suddenly saw that the version from that we are using from https://github.com/megous/linux(branch orange-pi-4.6) change from 4.6.2 to 4.6.4.

    I didn't care much until I figured out that we loose all the UART1/2/3/4 (only keeping the debug UART0) as well as all I2C (except the one on r_pio for PMIC).


    So, "megous" github is back to almost what linux-sunxi github is providing, without all the patches for UART/I2C that I had prepared 3 months ago.

    I get I will have to re-integrate them on our side until there merge into real linxx-sunxi branch.




  7. I posted 2 days ago some progress on Dynamic Device Tree Overlays, but I think I should report here too.





    I've been studying and working on Dynamic Device-Tree Overlays since awhile, but after hard work, I've finally got a working prototype using the work from Pantelis Antoniou.


    During last few days, I was doing debugging to find out why it wasn't working, even if I got the ConfigFS working, it was refusing to grab my simple overlay test.

    I've finally figured out this afternoon : the Root/Base DTB need also to be compiled with the "symbols" list generated with the Antoniou's version of "dtc".


    So, I will probably prepare a patch soon and submit it thru a PR.

  8. I've been studying and working on Dynamic Device-Tree Overlays since awhile, but after hard work, I've finally got a working prototype using the work from Pantelis Antoniou.


    During last few days, I was doing debugging to find out why it wasn't working, even if I got the ConfigFS working, it was refusing to grab my simple overlay test.

    I've finally figured out this afternoon : the Root/Base DTB need also to be compiled with the "symbols" list generated with the Antoniou's version of "dtc".


    So, I will probably prepare a patch soon and submit it thru a PR.


  9. The UART available on pin 8 and 10 on the Pi header is the UART3, while the UART2 is located on pin 11 and 13.

    So, in the FEX, for the UART3, you simply need to enable it (uart_used = 1) and remove the corresponding pins (PA13/PA14) from the GPIO list.

    For the UART2, the pins to remove from GPIO list are PA00/PA01/PA02/PA03.

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