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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. You seems to be at 2 inch from success ...


    The "disk" in /dev/disk/mmcblk1p1 should not be there ...


    Maybe the error isn't in boot.cmd, since you provide proper root there.


    Did you check again in /etc/fstab of the eMMC ? (so in /mnt/etc/fstab when mounted from sd boot)

  2. There is a lot of changes that occured between 5.20 and 5.24, so don't worry about things that are missing, it would be useless to add them.

    But for root=UUID, yes, you need to fix that, either by placing proper one, or simply by using "root=/dev/mmcblk1p1".

    Yes, you will need to use mkimage command to get the boot.scr updated, then reboot without SD.

  3. Boot from SD again, then do "mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt", then check /mnt/boot/boot.cmd and make sure the rootdev=/dev/mmcblk1p1.

    Also check the same thing in /mnt/boot/armbianEnv.txt (I'm not sure if this file exist in older 5.20).

    Check the /mnt/etc/fstab too for the device or UUID used in "/" partition.

    (If some UUID is used, check what "blkid" is reporting)

  4. This can occurs on any Linux or even on other OS where files a cached and written to disk in background after a certain amount of time.

    If you wish to ensure that files are not cache any more, the "sync" command will force the caching to be written on disk.

    Power failure will always produce such behaviour, even on PC or Mac.

  5. @TKaiser, 5 cents is pretty low estimate, I would rather say 20 cents, even 30 cents if we wish 128Mbits ;)


    BTW, today, I've worked on get U-Boot-SPL-SPI running on my Zero-M2+ ...

    I've finally got it working few minutes ago, it was able to boot from USB dongle without SDCard via this U-Boot-SPL-SPI.

    Next steps is to get it able to boot from network ...


    For H5, I presume there still a lot of work to get it work, André told me that it still WIP.

  6. Yes, RPi.GPIO is coming from RaspberryPi community, I'm using the RPi.GPIO-PineA64 derivative since it is already as most pins there, I've submit a PR yesterday to add SPI/I2C borrowed from Olimex pyA20 to this pineA64 derivative, original Pi version still don't support those yet.


    On H3, I prefer using the orangepi_PC_gpio_pyH3 since it is a derivative directly from Olimex pyA20 : https://github.com/duxingkei33/orangepi_PC_gpio_pyH3

  7. Here is how to shrink an existing image.

    In "gparted", do "edit/resize" of the partition, but leave a certain percentage of free space, then "Apply".

    Replace the "endsect" by the actual number shown by fdisk.

    sudo modprobe loop
    sudo losetup -f
    sudo losetup /dev/loop0 myimage.img
    sudo partprobe /dev/loop0
    sudo gparted /dev/loop0
    sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
    fdisk -l myimage.img
    truncate --size=$[(endsect+1)*512] myimage.img

    (alphabet - 1) * 31 + pin no.  = A3 = (0-1)*31+3 = 3

    This is not true !

    it should be calculated as :

    (alphabet - 'A') * 32 + pin no.  = A3 = (0)*32 + 3 = 3

    And for PG11 :

    (alphabet - 'A') * 32 + pin no.  = A3 = (6)*32 + 11 = 203
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