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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. Personally, I'm using Mainline Armbian on my Plus2E installed in the eMMC and using it with the WiFi.


    But be aware that Eth0 was not working a week ago, and I fixed that issue 5 days ago :




    If your image is older than last build using this patch, you can access your board using Eth0, therefore the only way to see if it has booted properly is thru Debug Serial or WiFi, but this WiFi need to be configured first.

  2. The CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ=480000000 is also defined in orangepi_zero_defconfig, so it is probably a build process issue that doesn't pass the defconfig value to compiler properly ?


    EDIT : I've added a printf at the place you've mentioned and it was already the good value, and kernel still hang if I leave the DT stuff.

    So, back to "square one" ... :(


    EDIT2 : I've rebuild both OPiOne and OPiLite and they don't have this disease, it is only with OPiZero ... :angry:


    EDIT3 : I've open this issue https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/580to get attention from other Armbian developpers.

  3. Further investigations : I did a fresh image build without the XR819 patches, using orangepi-4.9.0 branch, and it freeze during boot same way as before.

    Last entries of serial log are :

    [  OK  ] Listening on Syslog Socket.
             Starting Journal Service...
    [  OK  ] Started Journal Service.
    [  OK  ] Mounted Configuration File System.
    [  OK  ] Mounted FUSE Control File System.
    [  OK  ] Started Apply Kernel Variables.
    [  OK  ] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
             Starting udev Kernel Device Manager...
    [  OK  ] Started udev Kernel Device Manager.
             Starting Copy rules generated while the root was ro...
             Starting LSB: Tune IDE hard disks...
             Starting LSB: Set preliminary keymap...
    [  OK  ] Started Copy rules generated while the root was ro.
    [  OK  ] Started LSB: Tune IDE hard disks.

    I've then took a copy of the sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dtb from sun8i-emac-wip-v5 branch, and it boot properly.


    So, there is definitively something wrong in DTS of the orangepi-4.9.0 branch.


    (It is probably not booting on a PiOne either, but I didn't try that yet.)


    EDIT : Ok ! it seems to be related with "cpufreq_init", if I remove the cpu0/operating-points/cpu_thermal sections in DTS, it is booting ...

    (I remember facing similar issues 6 months ago, but I don't remember what changes were required, missing freq or something like)

  4. That is good news !

    So, I've started trying this out even before PR been merged.

    It compiled fine, but boot freeze ...

    Early investigation : boot freeze isn't related with xradio, but related with branch switch.

    Using DTB from sun8i-emac-wip-v5 branch along with this new build binaries is Ok.

    So, something is wrong in DT of orange-pi-4.9 branch for Zero !

    More investigations tomorrow ...

  5. @TKaiser gave me hint in the other thread.


    The problem is that older u-Boot had the FDT file set wrongly to "orangepi-plus" not "orangepi-plus-2e", which make the loading DTB for Plus not for Plus2E.

    So, diffing the DTS for Plus2E against PC+ was not revealing any thing, but diffing Plus against Plus2E reveal a big thing :

    EMAC wasn't declared the same way ! There was also some GMAC-3V3 missing !

    Looking at the schematics for PC+, there wasn't any PD6/EMAC-PWR-EN been used, but in both Plus and Plus2E there is a power switch.

    In other words, Plus2E DTS never been completed since EMAC never got power, except if using wrong Plus DTS by pure concidence ...

  6. Just to clarify, DT is for Mainline kernels while FEX is for Legacy kernel.


    In DT, there is a property named "clock-frequency = <400000>;", so it is pretty easy to change.


    For Legacy FEX, I couldn't find any ways to do, so it seems hard coded in drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-sunxi.h

  7. My image of last month was using montjoie's sun8i-emac-wip-v5, but few days ago, I've upgraded the kernel+modules (without redoing full image) using orange-pi-4.9 from megous, I didn't faced any issues.


    BTW, I've almost forgot to mention, I'm using the built-in WiFi of OPiPlus2E, not the EMAC. Maybe I should try it and report here...


    EDIT : Effectively, I have problem with orange-pi-4.9, and fortunately I always keep old image for a while, and I've tried sun8i-emac-wip-v5 from last month, it is working fine.

    I will probably revert my eMMC setup back to sun8i-emac-wip-v5.


    EDIT2 : Interestingly, I've just verified one of my OPiPC+ which was updated the same day with orange-pi-4.9 too, and EMAC seems to work fine.

    (I will have to rebuild a new image for OPiPlus2E to see if it still fail.)

  8. When you are doing frequently such calculations and getting bored, you simply use python script to help you out ...

    import sys
    import string
    def convert(value):
    	value = value.upper()
    	alp = value[1]
    	idx = string.uppercase.index(alp)
    	num = int(value[2:], 10)
    	res = idx * 32 + num
    	return res
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    	args = sys.argv[1:]
    	if not args:
    		print("Usage: %s <pin>" % sys.argv[0])
    	print("%d" % convert(args[0]))
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