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  1. I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest. **Artwork Details:** - **Title:**Penguin Planets in Armbian Universe - **Description:**I wrote a little program to create this image. The background, the penguins and the icons can be customized by making small changes to this program. A wall paper generator web page could be made available for this purpose as well. To encourage vendor support for this project, the penguins (icon, penguin size and location) can be customized per vendor needs. Linux penguins as planets is my original idea (I did not find or copy anything from google). Since the image can be easily recomputed, they are not important any more only the idea remains. The background image is found by searching google images for royalty free universe images. Another background image can be substituted easily if need be. I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).
  2. How many submissions one allowed to make? Would animated desktops be allowed (not too much CPU)? (Sample animation attached)
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