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Werner's post in Cannot boot from microSD was marked as the answer
As always the solution pops up once I start complaining
Seems like my 64G microSD is cursed. It works well on common usage but it refuses to work properly on SBCs. Not wrote the same image to a 32G SD of same quality and brand and it works...
Werner's post in I need a USB imager with offline installation to run on armbian was marked as the answer
Posting the same question on multiple occasions is considered abusive behavior.
Werner's post in How to install BalenaEtcher AppImage? was marked as the answer
Is that arm'ish enough?
Werner's post in armbian-install fails due to bad lsblk argument was marked as the answer
Werner's post in HassIO install with Soft on an OrangePiPCPlus was marked as the answer
Correct. That way of installation has been removed by HASS and therefore broke our installer which then got removed:https://github.com/home-assistant/supervised-installer/commit/ece9fcc9468be41c67d052e043a9e70bad16a67a
You have to figure some manual way of installation. No idea though what packages are available and so on.
Werner's post in Orange Pi PC can't install updates - 404 file not found was marked as the answer
Did you do apt update beforehand?
Werner's post in Odd network behavior after reinstall (no ip for ethernet) was marked as the answer
This sounds quite confusing.
PHY is set to DHCP by default so it tries to aquire a lease by a DHCP server available in the network. If you don't have one you have to find another way to make the board connectable via copper. Like using UART serial console or build your own script using custom configuration.
Cannot say about using Pi as DHCP since I dont know your full network setup and therefore no idea if that would work. A dhcp server is usually also some kind a router to NAT data to a different network or WAN.
Werner's post in How to backup the system image of my sdcard? was marked as the answer
With MS Windows you can also try https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/usbimager
With Linux I'd simply go for dd if to create an image from an sdcard.
Werner's post in Python on armbian was marked as the answer
Depending n Armbian flavor (Bullseye, Jammy....) various Python versions are available for install via apt.
Werner's post in Asus thinker board 2s was marked as the answer
Feel free to join development
Werner's post in Successful dist-upgrade and kernel upgrade but broken Armbian MOTD was marked as the answer
Userspace upgrades (Buster->Bullseye or Focal->Jammy) are neither tested nor supported.
Try replacing rootfs package.
Werner's post in First apt update fails (PBP) was marked as the answer
We have some issues with the redirector. You can work around this by setting a random mirror from the list in your apt for now.
Werner's post in Espressobin Bullseye images - 404 from mirrors? was marked as the answer
Lots of boards have been removed from support and automated builds according to https://www.armbian.com/newsflash/armbian-needs-your-help/
If you need an image for this board either build by yourself or check archive.
Werner's post in Full Disk Encryption was marked as the answer
There are no such plans due to lack of human resources and literally thousands of other tasks waiting for being worked on.
Werner's post in ssh public key was marked as the answer
check your sshd_config if PubkeyAuthentication is enabled.
Werner's post in error booting after microSD clone was marked as the answer
Moved to Common issues / peer to peer technical support
Use proper way to prepare sd card: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-prepare-a-sd-card
Werner's post in Log jams RAM-disk was marked as the answer
Here are a few hints how to tweak journal: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1238214/big-var-log-journal
Werner's post in How to remove /tmp from tmpfs was marked as the answer
Did you check /etc/default/armbian-ramlog ?
Werner's post in Issue with onboard Wi-Fi on R1S-H3 was marked as the answer
R1 != R1S
Both boards may have a different WiFi Chip and therefore the device tree may not fit.
Werner's post in The LED1 and LED2 on the BanabaPi Pro. How do I get them to show MMC card usage and the watchdog heart beat? was marked as the answer
I usually do the noob way finding the trigger files for LEDs
code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } du -a /sys | grep led | grep trigger
I don't know what trigger is needed for mmc but heartbeat is self-explaining. code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } echo heartbeat > trigger
Werner's post in Support Status of Jetson Nano was marked as the answer
If this is true for Armbian no idea since it is CSC.
Werner's post in NanoPI R2S/R4S missing bionic images was marked as the answer
Build one yourself. We do not provide every OS for ever board since it is way too much and our resources are limited.
Werner's post in apt-get update returns The repository 'http://apt.armbian.com stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file. was marked as the answer
Armbian Stretch support was discontinued quite a while ago IIRC. Upgrade to Buster.
Werner's post in Change the root device on a BananaPi R1 was marked as the answer
Did you try to simply use the code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } nand-sata-install script to move rootfs to ssd?
Werner's post in Armbian repository "is no longer signed" errors from 'sudo apt update' was marked as the answer