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  1. We are facing an issue on Pinebook Desktop A64 HDMI under 5.0.y ... It is booting, but as soon as HDMI is switching from plain text console to graphic, the screen stays blank ... I didn't get chance to investigate, I need help here from any Devs who has a Pinebook !
  2. Hello! I'm using Armbian Stretch for 1080P Pinebook A64. I've installed Armbian Stretch about 2 months ago, when it was still "Unsupported" and in-development. Now, however, it's supported. Currently, I'm on Armbian Stretch 5.60 and dev branch. I would like to update to 5.69 and next branch. However, from armbian-config, I'm only able to go from stable to nightly build (5.68, but still dev branch). Moreover, I can't select next kernel from Other menu. Is there a way to switch branches (barring re-flashing from latest image)?
  3. Hi all. Last weekend PINE64 was on FOSDEM with many new products. The PineBook Pro with RK3399. The new designed PINE H64 with the H6, now with wifi on-board and a small form-factor. That one's comming out next week. The PinePhone. A prototype of the PinePhone with an A64 SoC and 2GB of RAM. The PineCam. A multi-funtional network camera. A new SNES case. Exciting times to come with all that. I've made a video about it all. You can see it here. Greetings, NicoD
  4. Armbian Legacy 5.56 Kernel 3.10 boots and installs to the eMMC (as long as ext2fs is picked). Armbian Dev 5.56 Kernel 4.19 does not boot from the SD Card at all (power LED and black screen). I don't have the serial console adapter (yet) so I don't know if there is something useful there.
  5. Hi, just a quick sanity check - is install to eMMC on pinebook known to be working (with recent Armbian images from the wip section), and is nand-sata-install the right way to do it? It just occurred to me that I might be spinning my wheels trying to figure out something that just isn't ready yet Thanks, James
  6. Hi, I am running Armbian on my Pinebook and want to install Kodi version 17. In official repository only version 15 is available. Is it possible to install version 17 and if yes, please tell me some instructions. Thank you in advance.
  7. Some of the functions keys on my Pinebook like volume up, down and mute doesn't work. Any clues on that? Thank you in advance.
  8. i'm trying to make suspend on lid close work. i saw in this thread that some people are aware that there's a problem. i'd prefer to achieve this from within xfce4-power-manager. here's the thing: 1. using the normal xfce desktop * for "when laptop lid is closed", only 'lock screen' and 'switch off diplay' are available * "System sleep mode" is completely grayed out, as well as security 'lock screen when system is going to sleep' * the 'Ask' option is available only for "Buttons". Choosing it, then choosing "Suspend" from the dialog, causes the ui to hang (desktop darkened), but after a minute i can 'escape' out of it. * 'systemctl suspend' suspends as expected (without locking the screen) 2. using plain openbox without display manager (i.e. console login & startx instead of nodm) or desktop environment, xfce4-power-manager autostarted * for "when laptop lid is closed", 'lock screen', 'switch off diplay', 'suspend' and 'hibernate' are available, but only the first 2 work * "System sleep mode" gives me a choice between 'suspend' and 'hibernate' - only suspend works (!) as expected. * security 'lock screen when system is going to sleep' is not greyed out, and un/checking it works as advertised * the 'Ask' option is available only for "Buttons". It does nothing. * 'systemctl suspend' suspends as expected (without locking the screen) in other words, choice nr. 2. works in all aspects except the lid switch! i tried to let systemd handle the lid switch - to no avail. i also tried to not use xfce4-power-manager at all, only systemd - to no avail. reading `man logind.conf` i notice this: Interesting... 'udevadm monitor' showed nothing for opening/closing the lid. dmesg showed this: hall: (D) hall_isr hall: (I) HALL_CLOSE hall: (D) hall_isr hall: (I) HALL_OPEN every time i open/close the lid... so, where exactly would i have to add this "power-switch" udev tag? phew, my head swims... any ideas? maybe a secret solution already exists?
  9. Hello, recently got a pinebook. I have a strong Linux-on-PC-user background (running ArchLinux on my desktop & older netbook, and debian oldstable on my home server laptop), but not really a developer background and no experience with single board computers at all! Ubuntu Mate is happily chugging along right now, but video playback (h264 packed in .mkv) is abysmal to non-existent. I have tried these releases; the stable 0.6.2 first: AFAICS, it uses a frambuffer driver (fbturbo) under Xorg. video playback was more than choppy, and the UX drops to zero because the video window can't be resized and sticks to the screen, always on top across all desktops. I upgraded to 0.7.8 and ran the scripts according to the rather sparse instructions (and I haven't found better instructions): Now video playback is non-existent! But according to the glmark2-es2 benchmarking utility i get 100points. hm. i think i read on pine64 forums that the drivers responsible provide only a subset of opengl v2.0, and that subset has nothing to do with video playback. True? Some additional info in this post. My questions: Is video playback possible at all? The answers i see on pine64 forums range from "With these mplayer settings it works" or "It is OK; not perfect but usable." to "It is what it is because the driver is closed source and nothing to do" ... I get the impression there's some self-delusion in this (who'd want to admit that getting a pinebook was a mistake)... About the pinebook Linux releases: Why a (the same?) 3.10 kernel in all pine64 releases? Is an alternative OS available and will it bring improvement? Can I install any pine64 OS, or does it have to be a binebook release (I am quite capable of setting up my own desktop, but I'm not sure how deep the differences between pine64 and pinebook run)? About armbian for pine64: A Xenial stable release is on offer. why xenial? the name "armbian" suggests debian, not ubuntu? Thanks for reading. PS: I am aware that there's 2 stickies that relate to my questions; if the information I'm asking for is buried in them, I apologize and will accept any pointers given.
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