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  1. I have an odroid-c2 with eMMC module flashed with Armbian_23.02.1_Odroidc2_jammy_current_6.1.14_xfce_desktop When viewing youtube containing word composed of non-latin characters, it shows a funny symbol for each character. How do I install the proper language for this?
  2. I have an odroid-c2 with eMMC module flashed with Armbian_23.02.1_Odroidc2_jammy_current_6.1.14_xfce_desktop I have the following connected to the USB ports. 1) USB to audio headphone/microphone jacks 2) Wifi keyboard dongle The odroid-c2 is connected to an HDMI monitor with speakers I've been manipulating the settings for Pulseaudio and I could not get the audio to output to the monitor speakers. I could hear audio from the USB to audio jack connected to headphones
  3. I tested the latest available Armbian image (minimal installation) on my odroid C2 via SD card. have available an 16gb hardkernel emmc card on which I had ubuntu 20.04 installed and running. But by burning the image with etcher (the same procedure as with the SD image) the odroid is unable to boot. Black screen, solid red led, and nothing else. I waited more than 30 seconds, I tried to disconnect keyboard....I waited more than 30 seconds, I tried to disconnect keyboard I have repeated the procedure through the SD and it works correctly. When I do it through the emmc, the system does not boot. When I use the SD card, the Emmc card is obviously disconnected, and when I use the emmc, the sd card is disconnected. I think u-boot has something to do with it https://redirect.armbian.com/region/EU/odroidc2/Jammy_current_minimal I apologize to the people mentioned above. I've read the forum a lot and thought they were the right people to respond to. @Igor
  4. Dear members My odroid c2 don't restart. I found this command in the forum: apt install linux-image-edge-meson64 linux-dtb-edge-meson64 linux-u-boot-odroidc2-edge Can i use it for odroid c2? What will be installed?
  5. Hello I tried to retasrt my system, but it doesn't work. Before i post my question i found this thread: i can't find a solution in the thread. Does anybody knows, how he fixed it? I need to restart the system. Can i disable the user login to the beginn? i need to start without a login choice. Thank you
  6. Hello I'm a newbie and want to start my tour with my odroid c2 for the beginn i want to install a vnc server. So i tried to setup the port 5901 tcp (opoen/free) if i try ufw allow 5901/tcp i get ufw not found if i try iptables -a ........ dport 5901 i get dport not found So my question, is there any firwall on the default system? Thank you a lot
  7. Hello, i tried to set up a little samba server with armbian on a odroid c2. If i use only the sd card, without any external storage, the system works fine, but if i connect any usb storage to the odroid c2, the system is booting into a bootloop or stops booting If i connect the usb storage after the first bios display, the system boot is fine. I think, the bootloader is trying to boot from the usp storage after detecting this, so is there an option to modify the bootloader, so it is only trying to boot from the pluged in sd card?
  8. EDIT: After discussion with a few users, to avoid the issue of having this modification wiped out by a future DTB update and create the unfortunate scenario where the /boot/armbianEnv.txt requests to load a DTB which no longer exists, it's a lot simpler to overwrite the original DTB thus keeping the naming identical. If the DTB gets overwritten by an update then the reboot functionality may just revert to the no-reboot behavior until the fix is re-applied to the newer DTB. The problem lies in the SDCARD signals not being in the right state for a reboot. To solve this we will de-compile the DTB in /boot/dtb/amlogic/meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb to create a source version (DTS), modify it, and re-generate the new DTB with the same name. The board will need to be re-started to load-in the new DTB after which the following reboots should be automatic. 1) Back-Up everything - if the DTB is somehow not at the right place or the 1 character editing goings wrong there's probably a way to recover from the u-boot console but I haven't explored that. 2) Go To: /boot/dtb/amlogic ls -al (you will see your meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb which is hardcoded in the bootloader as the DTB to load) 3) Convert to a source file by doing: dtc -I dtb -O dts -o meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dts meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb (you will now have a new DT Source file meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dts) 4) Edit: vi meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dts find the entry TF_IO look for the line gpios = <0x38 0x03 0x00>; the hex number in red is to be changed from 0x00 to 0x06 (what this does is set the SDCARD in a mode to be ready to boot by allowing the resistor pull-down to enable the VDDIO Regulator to go to 3.3V which is the proper boot voltage) save, exit 5) Return the DTS file to a new DTB file (which is the only format accepted by the bootloader). We will copy the original DTB to another name and overwrite the original: cp meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb meson-gxbb-odroidc2-ORIGINAL.dtb dtc -O dtb -o meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dts many warnings will be emitted, they can be safely ignored 6) No changes need be performed to /boot/armbianEnv.txt (ie. the 'fdtfile=' directive) as the DTB file with the expected naming will be loaded except now it has the TF_IO mod. 7) Now you will reboot - THIS WILL SHUTDOWN BUT WILL NOT REBOOT AUTOMATICALLY BECAUSE THE NEW DTB IS NOT ACTIVE YET. 8 ) Do a Power Reset to bring-up the board and load the new DTB. 9) Now if you do a reboot you will finally get a proper reboot sequence.
  9. boa noite gostaria de pedir ajuda estou tentando instalar o armbian em placa amlogic s805 e gostaria do arquivo u-boot já pesquisei no forum no site desde já agradeço não obteve sucesso
  10. I’m running an Odroid C2 and trying to drive a 14.9" 1280x390 60hz LCD marquis display. On a Pi I can change the boot config files to the following and the display works like a champ. [HDMI:1] hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87 hdmi_timings=1280 0 8 128 64 390 0 1 3 24 0 0 0 67 0 42009500 8 On the Odroid running Armbian 22.11 Jammy XFCE I tried changing: /boot/armbianEnv.txt adding display_autodetect=false hdmimode=1280x390p60hz I had no joy with this change, it did not modify the display output. I love how fast and light Odroid is with Armbian, it is really snappy, but I need some help stretching out this display. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, I already threw you $5 to take a look @Igor https://paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=A2AM5NWLVENF2&source=url
  11. I have a Waveshare 3.5inch RPi LCD (A): https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/3.5inch_RPi_LCD_(A) Does somebody have this kind of LCD running on a Odroid C2? Is there a step by step? Because the Waveshare or Odroid Wiki is over my head 😟
  12. Hi. I want to use CAN interface on ODROID C2 board. I use external CAN-bus controller like MCP2515 via SPI interface. So, i need to enable SPI and CAN-bus peripherals and in kernel. So, could someone explain me how to do that? I know about device tree, but don`t know what to do. Just give me some guide links about device tree management, any examples, etc.
  13. Hello Guys, i am running an Odroid C2 with the latest Armbian based on debian Bullseye. As disk i am using an 8GB emmc flash drive. For longlive reasons i am thinking about to reduce the read or more important the write access to that drive. I know, that every SD card and also every EMMC flash drive got a certain amount of write access and then its dead... So i am ask you what can i do to reduce read/write: - move logs to external usb? - activate ZRAM? - disable cache...? - tmpfs? I am just at the beginning of this, so kindly let me know if you guys have some well know hints. Thanks JM
  14. I have just downloaded desktop Armbian 22.08 Jammy XFCE on my Odroid-C2 and it works fine on a 1080p monitor. I need it to work on a different monitor though so I have added the following lines to /boot/armbianEnv.txt display_autodetect=false hdmimode=1680x1050p60hz and added hdmitx=forcergb in the bootargs (which I copy/pasted from /boot/boot.cmd) but it has no effect. My monitor works with these parameters on Hardkernels Ubuntu 18.04 image. What else do I need to do?
  15. I've tried a few images of the latest builds. None of them start. Odroid starts to power the screen and I see blinking lights, but screen goes dark and it seems to cycle like this. I use USB power for it and a powered hub (so basically no power output to USB dongles, etc.)
  16. I would like to permanently change at start up the UART permissions of /dev/ttyAML0 to give user, read write permissions always. I can do this with the usual "chmod" command but this gets reset after every boot and sometimes also during normal operations. Can somebody direct me to how this can be done please? xuraax
  17. I use DietPi on my Odroid C2. I post here because the developer mentioned that the DietPi image is based on the Armbian kernel and he suggested posting here. When I attach the R5 to a USB port of my Odroid C2 it is not recognized. lsusb and dmesg do not show it. On my Ubuntu 22.04 PC it does show up. Looked around and finally found an old post on this forum that mentions a bug with the C2 in recognizing USB devices. The mentioned workaround is to add a second USB device and reboot the device. I added an USB drive and both are now recognized, initialized and working after a reboot. (When removing one of the devices it again doesn’t stick after a reboot.) I can not find more information on this. It seems this problem isn't solved? Regards, Joost
  18. I have an C2 and an old VU7 (800x480p60hz) https://wiki.odroid.com/accessory/display/vu_series/vu7/vu7#tab__odroid-c2 that I was hoping to use for a mini kiosk. Was able to run the older Hard Kernel supplied images with the uboot boot.ini updates suggested above to change disable auto detect, fix the resolution, and set to DVI rather than HDMI mode. When I loaded the latest Focal image from Armbian when I have the screen switched on then the kernel faults and reboots. ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 04080000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x4080000 Loading Ramdisk to 7b06a000, end 7bf49d63 ... OK Loading Device Tree to 000000007aff8000, end 000000007b069fff ... OK Starting kernel ... GXBB:BL1:08dafd:0a8993;FEAT:EDFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EMMC:0;READ:0;CHK:0; TE: 59543 no sdio debug board detected BL2 Built : 11:44:26, Nov 25 2015. gxb gfb13a3b-c2 - jcao@wonton I assume all I should need to do is update the /boot/boot.cmd, run `mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr` and the boot.scr should be updated. Also set: setenv disable_vu7 "false" But that variable isn't being used anywhere in the boot.cmd so I don't think it is being applied.
  19. Odroid C2 never starting after a soft reboot (reboot command). I have the same problem which other user is having with the Odroid C4 With the last kernel I have 5.10.102-meson64 the Odroid C2 never boots again after the "reboot" command, I need to unplug and plug again the power suply. Thanks and best regards, David
  20. according to here 5.13 is latest kernel https://www.armbian.com/odroid-c2/ but when I issue: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y I'm still on 5.10....
  21. Hi , i buiild a SPDIF connector like shown here: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?t=21477 it uses the J7 SPDIF output which is connected to HDMI. On coreelec i can clearly see a HDMI soundcard output with aplay -L , i dont see that on armbian.... Is odroid c2 spdif output on armbian working ? why do i not see this soundcard that f.e. libreelec is showing ( i have 2 odroid c2s , one is running coreelec in my living room with HDMI connector working) im using a little older armbian distro since the latest has ethernet issues on C2 (im using 20.11 , kernel 5.9.10 debian edition ) regards, Simon
  22. Hi there, I've an odroid C2 device used for home automation and running armbian (uname -a) : Linux odroidc2 4.19.69-meson64 which is running stable with no problem. Yesterday, I've downloaded a fresh image of latest armbian for odroid C2, named Armbian_21.02.1_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.10.12.img.xz. Put it on a new SD card and booted. It booted correctly but I've NO network. The LAN chip doesnt work at all, altough it appear in the device list I've theses entries in dmesg: [ 2.217600] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: IRQ eth_wake_irq not found [ 2.217611] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: IRQ eth_lpi not found [ 2.217694] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: PTP uses main clock [ 2.218292] random: fast init done [ 2.218418] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: User ID: 0x11, Synopsys ID: 0x37 [ 2.218426] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: DWMAC1000 [ 2.218431] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: DMA HW capability register supported [ 2.218435] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: RX Checksum Offload Engine supported [ 2.218439] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: COE Type 2 [ 2.218443] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: TX Checksum insertion supported [ 2.218446] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Wake-Up On Lan supported [ 2.218538] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Normal descriptors [ 2.218543] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Ring mode enabled [ 2.218547] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer ... [ 10.568311] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: no phy at addr -1 [ 10.568329] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: stmmac_open: Cannot attach to PHY (error: -19) [ 10.615619] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: no phy at addr -1 [ 10.615634] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: stmmac_open: Cannot attach to PHY (error: -19) [ 10.716190] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: no phy at addr -1 [ 10.716207] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: stmmac_open: Cannot attach to PHY (error: -19) [ 10.735509] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: no phy at addr -1 [ 10.735535] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: stmmac_open: Cannot attach to PHY (error: -19) the first message I see when I boot (while plug in the power) is: Net: Could not get PHY for ethernet@c9410000: addr -1 No ethernet found The device is working with older armbian version but not the latest ? Could anyone look at it because the image available for download seem's broken and should not be distributed like this. I've reverted back to my old image (that's why I don't have the full log) and lost my week end on it, trying to sort it out without success. Could this be related to the .dtb ?? Thanks you
  23. I recently bought a 64 GB eMMC module (chip on orange board) from Ordoid/Hardkernel but u-boot does not recognize the eMMC. What I did: installed the official Armbian_20.11.10_Odroidc2_focal_current_5.9.14.img.xz with Etcher on SD card booted successfully from SD card, eMMC is accessible from within Armbian/Ubuntu executed nand-sata-install to transfer the system to eMMC, which completed without error messages shutdown the system, removed SDcard and restarted it The serial console displayed the following: U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 05 2021 - 01:40:47 +0100) odroid-c2 Model: Hardkernel ODROID-C2 SoC: Amlogic Meson GXBB (S905) Revision 1f:c (0:1) DRAM: 2 GiB MMC: mmc@72000: 0, mmc@74000: 1 In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: eth0: ethernet@c9410000 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 Card did not respond to voltage select! Card did not respond to voltage select! MMC Device 2 not found no mmc device at slot 2 starting USB... Bus usb@c9100000: USB DWC2 scanning bus usb@c9100000 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found and then tried to boot via network. I then flashed the eMMC with the official Odroid image ubuntu-20.04-3.16-minimal-odroid-c2-20200617.img.xz and the system booted up successfully, so the eMMC module is working fine. Next step was to try the nightly build (Armbian_21.02.0-trunk.80_Odroidc2_focal_current_5.10.10_gnome_desktop.img.xz, with Etcher flashed on SD, then nand-sata-install) and again the eMMC as not visible in u-boot so the system did not come up. Therefore I set up an Armbian build environment and first tried to use this promising patch for u-boot https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-amlogic/-/commit/5ccd5d2cc98224108ae9fb09593a862c9caa5e80 but it seemed not to be suficient. I then replaced the provided u-boot v2020.10 with the new v2021.01 version and after replacing the kernel and uboot packages with the self compiled ones the eMMC was recognised by u-boot and the system boots from the orange 64GB eMMC module. U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 01 2021 - 11:57:23 +0100) odroid-c2 Model: Hardkernel ODROID-C2 SoC: Amlogic Meson GXBB (S905) Revision 1f:c (0:1) DRAM: 2 GiB MMC: mmc@72000: 0, mmc@74000: 1 In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: eth0: ethernet@c9410000 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 Card did not respond to voltage select! : -110 switch to partitions #0, OK mmc1(part 0) is current device Scanning mmc 1:1... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 7136 bytes read in 1 ms (6.8 MiB/s) ## Executing script at 08000000 161 bytes read in 1 ms (157.2 KiB/s) 15703885 bytes read in 342 ms (43.8 MiB/s) 25461248 bytes read in 556 ms (43.7 MiB/s) 38868 bytes read in 2 ms (18.5 MiB/s) 232 bytes read in 1 ms (226.6 KiB/s) Applying kernel provided DT fixup script (meson-fixup.scr) The "Card did not respond to voltage select" message is from the missing SD card Therefore I kindly ask to upgrade the u-boot of Odroid C2 to version 2021.01 in the next release.
  24. Hi, I'm getting a random packet loss on the ethernet connection. When pinging, about 6-8% pings are lost, the ssh connection sometimes freezes for a moment. Things I've tried so far: Disabled NetworkManager, added eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces with a static ip4 address Disabled EEE for eth0 Replaced ethernet cable Plugged into different switch None of them made something better. My C1 & C4 with the same Armbian Buster version/release don't have this issue. How to investigate deeper in this issue?
  25. A few weeks ago, after a firmware-upgrade my C2 bricked. It's blue led didn't flash any more and no serial console was available. Since I had everything setup just right I wanted to recover it using these steps here: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Recovery/#replacing-boot Off course I replaced the packages with the ones for the C2. Specifically: https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/pool/main/l/linux-5.9.14-meson64/linux-dtb-current-meson64_20.11.3_arm64.deb https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/pool/main/l/linux-5.9.14-meson64/linux-image-current-meson64_20.11.3_arm64.deb https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/pool/main/l/linux-buster-root-current-odroidc2/linux-buster-root-current-odroidc2_20.11.6_arm64.deb https://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/pool/main/a/armbian-firmware/armbian-firmware_20.11.3_all.deb After following all the steps, I don't seem to have an uInitrd. I don't know if that would help booting up again, but from the symlinks section it's the only file missing after following all the steps: Does anybody know what went wrong or guide me towards the right steps to recover my C2?
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