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Found 9 results

  1. I've recently used armbian-install to enable booting from my nvme/ssd drive and all appears to be working fine. However, I'm curious to know, why, the device is mounted twice as shown below. The / mount point is in /etc/fstab but where/how does the device get mounted again on /var/log.hdd. mount|grep nvme /dev/nvme0n1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=120) /dev/nvme0n1p1 on /var/log.hdd type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=120)
  2. Hello, Recently I tried to make pwm control on my Nanopi M4. Beside the PWM pin on the 24 pin connector (the one which actually controls the voltage output on 12V 2 pin connector for fan), I wonder if it is possible to use GPIO pins on the 40 pin connector as pwm pins to control fans. I tried to set pwmchip0 and literally checked every pin by connecting the wire to each one of them but I couldn't find that any othe these GPIO react on any settings I made on pwmchip0 pwm0. Does anyone know how to do this? Best Regards.
  3. Hi folks, I had an old install of armbian which worked. I wanted a new install to start fresh all over. My problem is that i don't het any HDMI signal form the board. What i've done so far: - Downloaded ISO from armbian (nanopim4 with DE) - flashed iso to sd 8GB SD card - ssh to the board and did the first install - with `armbian-install` installed to 32GB emmc - enabled RDP for remote access but i was not able to get this to work either -.-' System: _ _ ____ _ __ __ _ _ | \ | | _ \(_) | \/ | || | | \| | |_) | | | |\/| | || |_ | |\ | __/| | | | | |__ _| |_| \_|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| Welcome to Armbian 23.8.1 Bookworm with Linux 6.1.50-current-rockchip64 No end-user support: community creations System load: 2% Up time: 4 min Memory usage: 6% of 3.77G IP: CPU temp: 33°C Usage of /: 28% of 29G RX today: 4.3 GiB Board starts with no issue, ssh works perfectly but i dont have any HDMI output. this is the `armbianmonitor - u` output: https://paste.armbian.com/akovewakud If you need log from the old installation i can provide the logs also. Thanks for your help!
  4. Myy

    Mainline VPU

    So, I tried to adapt @Kwiboo and @jernej patches on my 5.6 branch, but this made the kernel fail to boot for no visible reason. Since I were able to boot it without the VPU patches, I'm convinced that it's their readaptation that broke something. The patches applied are here : https://github.com/Miouyouyou/RockMyy64 If someone wants to play with them and determine which one break the boot process.
  5. Anyone cares, have some helpful tips or time & knowledge to fix this ? Problem: No audio on either sink (board or HDMI) with the latest built made available for download (Armbian 23.02 Jammy XFCE Kernel 5.15.y, Size: 1313Mb, Release date: Feb 27, 2023) Tried so far: Switching the default server to nanopmi4v2 and toggling the default sink; Hints: Both sinks work fine on a previous 'dirty nightly built' that I have used for a while. "armbianmonitor" on both built attached for anyone who can help. Thanks Older-Nightly-Dirty-Built.txt Lates-Official-Built.txt
  6. I downloaded the latest Armbian 22.08 image for the NanoPi M4V2 (https://armbian.chi.auroradev.org/dl/nanopim4v2/archive/Armbian_22.08.8_Nanopim4v2_jammy_current_5.15.75.img.xz), flashed it to an sd card and tried to boot my NanoPi M4 (non-V2 board). It crashes every time with the attached log. I have tried 4 different power supplies, so I don't think that's the issue. I tried the Bullseye CLI image and it fails in the same way. The Sid server image works fine. Any ideas? Thanks, Ben
  7. Hi, I own a nanopi m4 v1, I know there is no more armbian support neither maintainer for this board but I still enjoy "the other supported variants" which work very good for my needs. Until now, I only used armbian on sdcards for my system, but today I tried to install it of my emmc module. Maybe I did somethig stupid, I tried to install the bullseye current cli version from https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-m4/ on my emmc module via armbian-install. So all process of installation was ok (boot on sdcard then armbian-install => erase / format / install on emmc ...), I choose to boot from emmc too (maybe it was a mistake). => After the installation I put off the sdcard (to let only the emmc on the board), then plugin power to boot, but nothing happen (only red light on boot). From then my board cannot boot anymore, I have only the red light on, no more green light. I try to flash back sdcard again with a lot of differents images (armbian, legacy versions, friendly elec versions), without any success. I try with differents sdcards (who worked before), with or without the emmc module plug, nothing worked. I try too to boot on usb but same result. So I think the option I choose in armbian-install to boot on emmc maybe change the boot mode of my board ? Maybe is some eeprom on the board with some kind of boot order which was flash by armbian-install and explains the problem ? Have anyone have that kind of problem ? Some ideas to unbrick my board ? Thank you P.S. : My emmc module is ok too, I had friendlycore installed on it and I boot it more earlier today. I don't have emmc usb reader, so I cannot flash the emmc for now (I used the board for that).
  8. I simply can not figure out why UART4 at GPIO1 header with the pins 19 (TX) and 21 (RX) not working at all. I see that here (ttyS2) is running an agetty but there is no serial activity at any baudrate (9600, 115200). Please help me.
  9. Hi all, I have a nanopi m4 with following installation - Armbian_22.05.4_Nanopim4v2_jammy_current_5.15.48_xfce_desktop. I am looking for someone who has retroarch installed on armbian and fully working, and what the key steps are. Im asking because: 1) I tried installing by command line, which installs retroarch to a location with no cores. An issue with rk3399 cores is that there are none to download and must be built seperately (Is there a way to update a file so that cores can be downloaded through the application?) 2) In an attempt to build retroarch + cores, i downloaded and built libretro, which took probably 12+ hours. This resulted in a seperate installation, with cores not in the correct directory, and many cores uninstallable eg mame2010, ppsspp. I hope someone can assist - I want to find a use for my nanopi m4 but having difficulty with retro games - Rcade is buggy, lakka does not work well, batocera does not work well, TwisterOS does not boot after selecting correct .dtb etc. I have built linux and android on many boards but this one is troublesome. Thanks for reading
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