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I am compiling the armbian for orangePi3, using the armbian tools ... and the compilation works fine. :)
It works both from the kernel_only and from the entire image

But I have a problem with the current version of the kernel, because it turns out that it does not support the hdmi-vga adapter and I would like to compile the 5.07 kernel instead of the 5.10.

I have found in the doc but I do not find how to indicate to the compile.sh script that it has to compile version 5.07 of the kernel.
Inside the file config-default.conf I do not see where to put the version.

The documentation:
It is insufficient and does not do much to solve this problem.

Can someone help?


14 hours ago, maxlinux2000 said:

Can someone help?

Not with this board/kernel combo. We have a policy to not help users trying to use development/preview builds for real. Why? They are full of problems, not just the one you found and we simply don't have resources dealing with boards and you finding problems on boards and seeking help. Over and over again. It is not possible. We will not pay for months of time lost for /dev/null and you also don't. We would need to waste hundreds of hours every day to catch up while only telling you this: If you seek for a solution in development areas stop doing ... what you are planing to do. If you plan to learn something and you don't care much about the problem you have, then proceed. If you are willing and capable to help, welcome.


I don't know if I can help to solve this problem, but I can try.

I want compile the kernel 5.07 because it's  working on orangePi3, an then compile again the last 5.1.3 comparing with previous, in order to found the problem and share here the possible solution. 

I think that it's only  a kernel module that create the bug.

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