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I am looking for a solution to have the JustBoom and HifiBerry Audio Hat with dtoverlays working like in the TinkerOS 2.0.8 Image from ASUS.

Does someone known and has a procedure how to compile those and integrate in the Image or Compile a new kernel with its integration or a way to get those two hat's working?


Many Thanks for your help




I can take a look at this, my RPi keeps destroying its SD card and ruining my Volumio setup, so my hifiberry DAC Pro needs a new home.  I keep trying to channel the "millions sold" they use as a defense of their design choices, but it just doesn't seem to matter... :ph34r::lol:



On 6/1/2019 at 4:11 PM, TonyMac32 said:

I can take a look at this, my RPi keeps destroying its SD card and ruining my Volumio setup, so my hifiberry DAC Pro needs a new home.  I keep trying to channel the "millions sold" they use as a defense of their design choices, but it just doesn't seem to matter... :ph34r::lol:


Hi Tony, 


Thanks a lot for your help


Here are the files we should integrate into the actual 4.19.x kernel and 5.0.x for the Tinkerboard, I have tested them and they are working!




and the coresponding dts files




I think those are almost all very useful to integrate all of them to give advantages in hat Compatibility. 


Have a nice Day




On 6/1/2019 at 4:11 PM, TonyMac32 said:

I can take a look at this, my RPi keeps destroying its SD card and ruining my Volumio setup, so my hifiberry DAC Pro needs a new home.  I keep trying to channel the "millions sold" they use as a defense of their design choices, but it just doesn't seem to matter... :ph34r::lol:

Hello Tony, 


Any update for me... can I help you somhow...





3 minutes ago, SecureXperts said:

Any update for me... can I help you somhow...


Sorry for the silence.  Starting with the Asus overlay https://github.com/TinkerBoard/debian_kernel/blob/develop/arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/justboom-dac-overlay.dts


The Overrides exploded the patching process 100% of the time, I didn't get that debugged yet.  perhaps @martinayotte has something interesting on that.  The power supplies I commented out because they're named/structured differently in the 4.14 + kernels and it seems to fallback to a dummy anyway.


The interesting issue I haven't quite gotten is why the sound node isn't obeying a "disabled" patch, the normal soundcards are still loading as though nothing has been changed (Yes, I am watching the boot terminal to make sure the overlay applied).


I was finishing the launch of a crowdsourcing for a project of mine, and some unexpected family health issues have been in the way, I think there might be a higher intervention against my working.


Below is the WIP overlay, no override and I also added a "sound-ext-card { }" section to the device tree to target these hats at.  My DAC is a Just Boom DAC Zero, but it should be extremely similar (might be pcm5122 instead of 5121)


/ {
	compatible = "rockchip,rk3288";

	fragment@0 {
		target-path = "/sound";
		__overlay__ {
			status = "disabled";

	fragment@1 {
		target = <&i2c1>;
		__overlay__ {

			dac: pcm5121@4d {
				compatible = "ti,pcm5121";
				reg = <0x4d>;
				AVDD-supply = <&vcc_io>;
				DVDD-supply = <&vvcc_io>;
				CPVDD-supply = <&vcc_io>;
				status = "okay";

	fragment@2 {
		target-path = "/sound-ext-card";
		__overlay__ {
			compatible = "justboom,justboom-dac";
			i2s-controller = <&i2s>;
			status = "okay";

	fragment@3 {
		target = <&hdmi>;
		__overlay__ {




Hi all, 


I still stuck on compiling and loading dts files to get the Sound Hats like HifiBerry working


This following had @martinayotte sent me some time ago:


mkdir: cannot create directory '/sys/kernel/config/device-tree': Operation not permitted because on my system the path stops at

This mean that Tinkerboard S patches don't have equivalent of the following patches :







Maybe simple copies of those into proper patch folder can make it work, maybe additional tweaks are required ...



Does anyone can give me a solution for the latest dev kernel?

I would also pay for a solution in the dev / default installation image! Contact me first to discus the Price and the delivery date / solution


Many thanks to all con



20 hours ago, SecureXperts said:

Maybe simple copies of those into proper patch folder can make it work, maybe additional tweaks are required ...

Did you gave it a try ?

I don't have any Thinkerboard, but it should be pretty straight forward ...

On 7/30/2019 at 3:49 PM, martinayotte said:

Did you gave it a try ?

I don't have any Thinkerboard, but it should be pretty straight forward ...


Yes I have tried it but on my RockPi 4 which was not working. and on my Thinker Board S

I am really at the beginning of development. But will try again this weekend







Hi all, 


I have tried to do the Following:


apt-get -y -qq install git git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build cd build

Then put the following two Files





In the folder


kernel patch folder but after compiling normal or next with the following command




I con not see any Files in the /boot/dtb nor in /boot/dtb/overlays


I have found now Kernel Source Files from HifiBerry Direct




I hope someone can take care of this because i'm not a programmer but just a normal User.


Hope someone can help me



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