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Temperature sensor DS18b20 (dallas 1-wire) easy configuration

Go to solution Solved by martinayotte,

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Hi All,

Just wanted to share a good story using armbian. I have used in the past 1-wire probes for temperature, and the process included decompiling, editing and recompiling dtb for my Banana Pi M1, which was not easy at all. Every firmware update deleted by changes and had to redo de recompilation.


With latest kernels and armbian version, the process is now extremely easy, just edit:



Adding this lines:


param_w1_pin=PI3             # desired pin(7th pin (GCLK) or number 4 on first column where number 1 is +3V)

param_w1_pin_int_pullup=1     # internal pullup-resistor: 1=on, 0=off


I just struggled a little bit to find the GPIO code (decompiled dtb and checked possible candidates).


Information about temperature is here:

cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/XX-YYYYYYY[this is your probe serial, if you have more they will be in /sys/bus/w1/devices/] /w1_slave


You have plenty of information here, but don't need to do all they explain, just my edition has been enough:





  • Solution
5 hours ago, sooperior said:

just struggled a little bit to find the GPIO code (decompiled dtb and checked possible candidates).


5 hours ago, sooperior said:

# desired pin(7th pin (GCLK) or number 4 on first column where number 1 is +3V)

Effectively, you seems confused about GPIO pin name.

It should be simple as "param_w1_pin=PD14" for example.

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