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Customizing image for deep sea C2


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after a very successful deployment last year we will start a new sub sea C2 deployment next year (next to the old installation, in Northern Pacific, down at 2600m).

Things work out nicely, but now we reached a state where some help from experts is welcome.


I need to include some changes into the filesystem generated by Armbian build system, and hope someone can give me a hint on how to do it best way:


- include some packages into the image (list available)

- add some files to /etc/udev/rules.d/

- add some lines to /etc/rc.local

- have a preinstalled user plus home directory (optional)


Any help is appreciated, and sorry for my dumb questions :(



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35 minutes ago, mboehmer said:

Any help is appreciated,

Hi Michael,

35 minutes ago, mboehmer said:

- include some packages into the image (list available)

Here some hints about what I'm doing in my own custom builds : There is a script in userpatches/customize-image.sh, I've added the following code into Main() function, for specific distro, in my case "stretch" :

                        eval 'LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 chroot $CACHEDIR/$SDCARD /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -q \
                                --no-install-recommends install joe ntpdate p7zip-full mtd-utils cifs-utils pigz dcfldd nmap zip python-serial python-setuptools python-httplib2 python-openssl strace libtool pkg-config autoconf-archive bison flex avrdude dfu-util pcscd python-pyscard"' \
                                ${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \
                                ${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" --progressbox "Installing Armbian system..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \
                                ${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
                        # your code here


45 minutes ago, mboehmer said:

- add some files to /etc/udev/rules.d/

- add some lines to /etc/rc.local

- have a preinstalled user plus home directory (optional)

Although I've never done it, it could probably done in the same userpatches/customize-image.sh, doing to changes or copies assuming the path "$CACHEDIR/$SDCARD" ...

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