Research Poll : What board images do you trust to use?
Do you trust pre-made vendor images? Linux/Android
10 members have voted
1. Do you trust the use of pre-made vendor images? Do you think they are secure? Linux/Android or anything else. How about Armbian?
Yes, I fully trust whatever image is available, and I use them often.0
I trust some, but not from every board maker.3
I trust and use pre-made Linux images, but not Android.2
No, I do not fully trust the use of these images, but I still use them.5
I would never use any pre-build vendor image, no matter what company.2
2. Do you trust Armbian?
I fully trust the use of Armbian.10
I have doubts in Armbian, but have not much other choice.0
I do not trust Armbian.0
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