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Single Armbian image for RK + AML + AW (aarch64 ARMv8)

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  On 5/8/2020 at 5:45 PM, balbes150 said:

Where did you get the image ? Why did you change the scripts ?


I downloaded the images from here https://yadi.sk/d/_rQgn_FosYuW0g


and the uart boot I show up in my post, is a freshly imaged Armbian on a USB SSD, using the meson-g12b-gtking.dtb that came with the image. (I tried multiple versions of Armbian and for a test, later, I tried the corelec DTB to see if it may work, which it didnt even boot Armbian).







First time that I'm installing

I have an odroid c2, and in my emmc I have android 6. So I'm trying to enable multiboot

I downloaded the image for my odroid c2 Armbian_20.05.4_Arm-64_bullseye_current_5.7.0-rc3_desktop_20200508.img.xz

burned with etcher on my sd card 

downloaded u-boot-odroid-c2.img burned with etcher on the same sd card

edit uEnv.txt pointing to odroid c2 DTB

Opened android on c2 with sd card inserted used odroid utility to try to use aml_autoscript.zip but nothing hapens I can't start the script.

Is anything that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance

  On 5/9/2020 at 6:02 PM, dante6913 said:


First time that I'm installing

I have an odroid c2, and in my emmc I have android 6. So I'm trying to enable multiboot

I downloaded the image for my odroid c2 Armbian_20.05.4_Arm-64_bullseye_current_5.7.0-rc3_desktop_20200508.img.xz

burned with etcher on my sd card 

downloaded u-boot-odroid-c2.img burned with etcher on the same sd card

edit uEnv.txt pointing to odroid c2 DTB

Opened android on c2 with sd card inserted used odroid utility to try to use aml_autoscript.zip but nothing hapens I can't start the script.

Is anything that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance


I have instaled update&backup from apk (com-droidlogic-otaupgrade-2-49567460-7e54b2e37b44fe75b97581da85b68e61.apk) starting the app I can find from local aml_autoscript.zip then it asks if I want update but just reboots and nothing happens

  On 5/9/2020 at 2:05 PM, erew said:

I downloaded the images from here


Show the output of the "printenv" and "help" commands from u-boot


  On 5/9/2020 at 6:02 PM, dante6913 said:

Is anything that I'm missing?


What result do you want to get (leave Android on eMMC and run other systems with SD\USB) ? Show the list of files on the first eMMC partition (which are used to run Android).

  On 5/10/2020 at 9:29 AM, balbes150 said:

Show the output of the "printenv" and "help" commands from u-boot


What result do you want to get (leave Android on eMMC and run other systems with SD\USB) ? Show the list of files on the first eMMC partition (which are used to run Android).


I want to run android on the emmc and armbian in the sd. Here is the list of files

Android   boot-logo.bmp.gz  display.bin  Image_android
boot.ini  default.prop      edid.bin     LOST.DIR

  On 5/10/2020 at 9:37 AM, dante6913 said:

I want to run android on the emmc and armbian in the sd. Here is the list of files

Android   boot-logo.bmp.gz  display.bin  Image_android
boot.ini  default.prop      edid.bin     LOST.DIR


Sorry are you asking for the  rootsystem?

acct          file_contexts              init.usb.rc        seapp_contexts
addon.d       fonts                      init.zygote32.rc   selinux_version
app           framework                  internal           sepolicy
bin           fstab.odroidc2             lib                service_contexts
boot          fstab.odroidc2.sdboot      lost+found         storage
build.prop    init                       media              swap_zram0
cache         init.environ.rc            mnt                sys
charger       init.odroidc2.board.rc     odroid-usbgps.xml  system
config        init.odroidc2.rc           oem                tts
d             init.odroidc2.usb.rc       package_config     ueventd.odroidc2.rc
data          init.rc                    priv-app           ueventd.rc
default.prop  init.recovery.odroidc2.rc  proc               usr
dev           init.superuser.rc          property_contexts  vendor
etc           init.trace.rc              sbin               xbin
factory       init.usb.configfs.rc       sdcard

  On 5/10/2020 at 9:44 AM, balbes150 said:





setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within
# supported by your TV or monitor.
#    Symbol             | Resolution
# ----------------------+-------------
#    "480p60hz"         | 720x480 Progressive 60Hz
#    "576p50hz"         | 720x576 Progressive 50Hz
#    "720p60hz"         | 1280x720 Progressive 60Hz
#    "720p50hz"         | 1280x720 Progressive 50Hz
#    "1080p60hz"        | 1920x1080 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1080p50hz"        | 1920x1080 Progressive 50Hz
#    "1080p30hz"        | 1920x1080 Progressive 30Hz
#    "1080p24hz"        | 1920x1080 Progressive 24Hz
#    "1080i60hz"        | 1920x1080 Interlaced 60Hz
#    "1080i50hz"        | 1920x1080 Interlaced 50Hz
#    "2160p60hz"        | 3840x2160 Progressive 60Hz
#    "2160p50hz"        | 3840x2160 Progressive 50Hz
#    "2160p30hz"        | 3840x2160 Progressive 30Hz
#    "2160p25hz"        | 3840x2160 Progressive 25Hz
#    "2160p24hz"        | 3840x2160 Progressive 24Hz
#    "2160p60hz420"     | 3840x2160 Progressive 60Hz YCbCr 4:2:0
#    "2160p50hz420"     | 3840x2160 Progressive 50Hz YCbCr 4:2:0
#    "640x480p60hz"     | 640x480 Progressive 60Hz
#    "800x480p60hz"     | 800x480 Progressive 60Hz
#    "800x600p60hz"     | 800x600 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1024x600p60hz"    | 1024x600 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1024x768p60hz"    | 1024x768 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1280x800p60hz"    | 1280x800 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1280x1024p60hz"   | 1280x1024 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1360x768p60hz"    | 1360x768 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1440x900p60hz"    | 1440x900 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1600x900p60hz"    | 1600x900 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1600x1200p60hz"   | 1600x1200 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1680x1050p60hz"   | 1680x1050 Progressive 60Hz
#    "1920x1200p60hz"   | 1920x1200 Progressive 60Hz
#    "2560x1080p60hz"   | 2560x1080 Progressive 60Hz
#    "2560x1440p60hz"   | 2560x1440 Progressive 60Hz
#    "2560x1600p60hz"   | 2560x1600 Progressive 60Hz
#    "3440x1440p60hz"   | 3440x1440 Progressive 60Hz
setenv hdmimode "1080p60hz"

setenv rootopt "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw init=/init rootwait"
setenv consoleopt "console=ttyS0,115200"
setenv androidopt "androidboot.hardware=odroidc2 androidboot.serialno=${fbt_id#}"
setenv logoopt "osd1,loaded,${fb_addr},${hdmimode}"
setenv selinuxopt "androidboot.selinux=disabled"

# HDMI/DVI Mode Configuration
# This will enforce the signal type of display
# "hdmi" - For HDMI interface
# "dvi" - For DVI interface
setenv vout_mode "hdmi"

# Display Auto Detection
# "false" or "true"
setenv display_autodetect "true"

# HPD enable/disable option
setenv disablehpd "false"

# Overscan offset configuration
# All offsets are zero and can be tuned by manual or ODROID Utility
setenv overscan_top "0"
setenv overscan_left "0"
setenv overscan_bottom "0"
setenv overscan_right "0"
setenv led_onoff "on"

# max cpu frequency in dvfs table / in MHz unit
# setenv max_freq "2016"  # 2.016GHz
# setenv max_freq "1944"  # 1.944GHz
# setenv max_freq "1920"  # 1.920GHz
# setenv max_freq "1896"  # 1.896GHz
# setenv max_freq "1752"  # 1.752GHz
# setenv max_freq "1680"  # 1.680GHz
# setenv max_freq "1656"  # 1.656GHz
# setenv max_freq "1536"  # 1.536GHz
setenv max_freq "1536"

# max cpu-cores
# setenv maxcpus "1"
# setenv maxcpus "2"
# setenv maxcpus "3"
setenv maxcpus "4"

# disable vu7
setenv disable_vu7 "false"

# invert touch screen x,y
setenv touch_invert_x "false"
setenv touch_invert_y "false"

# gpio power key : J2 (2x20) Pin#35, GPIOY.BIT3
#setenv gpiopower "214"

# usb timing tweak
setenv usbmulticam "false"

if test "${display_autodetect}" = "true"; then usb pwren; hdmitx edid; fi
if test "${hdmimode}" = "custombuilt"; then setenv cmode "modeline=${modeline}"; fi

setenv bootargs "${rootopt} ${consoleopt} hdmimode=${hdmimode} ${cmode} hdmitx=${cecconfig} vout=${vout_mode} disablehpd=${disablehpd} logo=${logoopt} ${androidopt} ${selinuxopt} suspend_hdmiphy=${suspend_hdmiphy} led_onoff=${led_onoff} max_freq=${max_freq} maxcpus=${maxcpus} disable_vu7=${disable_vu7} touch_invert_x=${touch_invert_x} touch_invert_y=${touch_invert_y} usbmulticam=${usbmulticam} gpiopower=${gpiopower}"


showlogo ${hdmimode}
#usb pwren

movi read dtb 0 ${dtbaddr}
# load kernel from vat or boot partition.
movi read boot 0 ${loadaddr}
#fatload mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} Image_android
booti ${loadaddr} - ${dtbaddr}


You don't need to activate multi-upload, just add a couple of lines to this file to start it. Write what system you want to run , and I'll write what needs to be added to (boot.ini) on eMMC.

  On 5/10/2020 at 9:54 AM, balbes150 said:

You don't need to activate multi-upload, just add a couple of lines to this file to start it. Write what system you want to run , and I'll write what needs to be added to (boot.ini) on eMMC.


Can you kindly tell me what to write? Thank you.

  On 5/9/2020 at 6:02 PM, dante6913 said:

I downloaded the image for my odroid c2 Armbian_20.05.4_Arm-64_bullseye_current_5.7.0-rc3_desktop_20200508.img.xz

burned with etcher on my sd card 

downloaded u-boot-odroid-c2.img burned with etcher on the same sd card

edit uEnv.txt pointing to odroid c2 DTB


If you have u-boot to eMMC, you don't need to write u-boot to SD. To run ArmbianTV from an SD card or USB drive, you just need to edit (boot.ini) on eMMC. Add these lines after the first line.


for SD



setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within


for USB



setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

usb start

fatload usb 0 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within



for Sd + USB



setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

usb start

fatload usb 0 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within

  On 5/10/2020 at 10:06 AM, balbes150 said:

If you have u-boot to eMMC, you don't need to write u-boot to SD. To run ArmbianTV from an SD card or USB drive, you just need to edit (boot.ini) on eMMC. Add these lines after the first line.


for SD



setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within


for USB



setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

usb start

fatload usb 0 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within



for Sd + USB



setenv dtbaddr 0x1000000
setenv loadaddr 0x20000000

usb start

fatload usb 0 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr

# Resolution Configuration
# 'hdmimode' must be one of below to configure display resolution within


No luck

just boots directly in android

  On 5/10/2020 at 10:37 AM, dante6913 said:

No luck

just boots directly in android


Do you have a UART console ? What media do you use for Armbian ? Try changing the string.


fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr




fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

autoscr loadaddr




fatload mmc 0 loadaddr boot.scr.aw

autoscr loadaddr




fatload mmc 0 loadaddr s905_autoscript

autoscr loadaddr



I think the launch is possible, but you need to find the right parameters for your conditions.

  On 5/10/2020 at 10:45 AM, balbes150 said:

Do you have a UART console ? What media do you use for Armbian ? Try changing the string.


fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

source loadaddr




fatload mmc 1 loadaddr boot.scr

autoscr loadaddr




fatload mmc 0 loadaddr boot.scr.aw

autoscr loadaddr




fatload mmc 1 loadaddr s905_autoscript

autoscr loadaddr


Using a scandisk ultra 32GB HC1 class

or scandisk ultra 64 GB XC1 class 10 A1

USB scandisk Ultra 3.0 16GB


  On 5/10/2020 at 11:08 AM, balbes150 said:

Does this flash drive have an indicator that blinks when you access it ?


Yes the blue ligth of the usb drive blinks

Tried all conbinations of boot.ini, they all boot directly to android

  On 5/10/2020 at 11:24 AM, dante6913 said:

Yes the blue ligth of the usb drive blinks

Tried all conbinations of boot.ini, they all boot directly to android


Do you edit (boot.ini ) from Android?


Make a backup copy (boot.ini) on your PC, and try removing it from eMMC. If Android starts, it means that it uses other settings to start.


Connect only the eMMC module, you need to check whether it uses the edited one (boot.ini) or uses other data.

  On 5/10/2020 at 11:45 AM, balbes150 said:

Connect only the eMMC module, you need to check whether it uses the edited one (boot.ini) or uses other data.


eMMc module without sd card and usb card boots

So is it using another boot.ini?


I found an issue on with armbian on khadas wim2 when WOL is enabled in u-boot using kbi.


When I power off the unit, it actually reboots instead of shutting down.


Issue doesn't appear if I disable WOL.


image used:  Armbian_20.05.2_Arm-64_buster_current_5.7.0-rc1_20200418

  On 5/10/2020 at 11:47 AM, dante6913 said:

eMMc module without sd card and usb card boots

So is it using another boot.ini?


The only thing since the bigining of editing boot,ini, is the HardKernel logo that is messed out

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