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Lamobo R1 serial ports.

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Gentlemen, which ports are confirmed to be working with 4.x kernels on Lamobo R1 ?


I'm using Ubuntu image 5.10, with installed updates: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS 4.5.5-sunxi.

So far, seen only working UART3 (/dev/ttyS1) on pins 8/10 of CON3.

U-boot seen on UART0 (J13), but under Linux, don't see anything on either UART0 or UART2.


Anyone seen better results ?

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

The funny part that in dtb at least uart0 is enabled. but it works kind of funny way: from external to R1 data can be transferred, so RX line works, from R1 to external device, it doesn't work. TX pin seems to be working incorrectly. I checked pin mapping, PB22/PB23 seems to be ok. potentially it can conflict with IR1, but IR1 is disabled.

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