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Bananapi 1: no HDMI on boot (after Kernel load?)

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Hey there,

I have managed to compile your great image. How ever I dont receive any HDMI signal on boot.

During the first boot I got atleast some picture. but after loading kernel all went black.
See log: https://sprunge.us/YjQd

I used a] HDMI to VGA converter b] a direct HDMI connection. Both screens usually work.

See log: https://sprunge.us/YjQd

I will continue to install the system via SSH, however I would like to use HDMI lateron e.g. in emergency cases.


Edited by Sim0x34985034101
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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Hi Sim,

I got the same prob with my banana pi R1.

As far, as I can see, it is a matter of Screen resolution. My screen says "out of range". I read from others, things work with a HDMI Screen. Well, I don't have one. And I wont buy one for ugly 25 lines with 80 char of text.

I posted this: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1569-issues-with-screen-resolution/


It doesn't seem to interest anybody. So what,... I guess, I'm going to leave the "overwhelming good" Armian and switch back to the so said poor Bananian, because it works. At least at simple things, like screen, keyboard an so on.


I'm a bit disappointed.


Good luck for you, amsel

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If they will provide an update, you will face the same problem. Next, no screen on R1 is also possible due to hardware / power design. Not related to this, but just a reminder.


Wrote on mobile phone

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I got the same prob with my banana pi R1


I'm a bit disappointed.


Wow, I had to read every single post from you in the forums to get at least the idea which of the many OS images we provide for the R1 you're using. So you're dealing with legacy kernel, while Sim used our build system to try out 'Linux version 4.7.0-sunxi' (bleeding edge, we do not test/support the most recent kernel the day after release since we don't get paid for this whole thingie here and have to decide on what to spend our time first)


So instead of being disappointed simply go back to Bananian if everything works there. If something breaks with Bananian be prepared that you're out of luck since you fail to provide information what's wrong ('Mimimi, I did everything correctly but it doesn't work! Silly Armbian people!' is not sufficient to enable others to help you!)


Regarding legacy kernel, A20 and 'exotic' resolutions I had some luck using fbset: http://forum.lemaker.org/thread-15430-1-1.html (fbset should already have settings for 1280x1024 so simply check /etc/fb.modes and use what looks appropriate)

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