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I am running OpenVPN, Samba and Plex with Armbian on my rockpis.

I want to make a docker image from it.

I am new to docker and I searched and found that I could make an image from Docker file or commiting in a container.

I thought that commiting in container was easier for me.

So I downloaded "twhtanghk/armbian" in docker hub and  ran it.

#docker container run -it twhtanghk/armbian bash

But when I hit "#ls -ls /dev" in the container, it show different result with my rockpis' Armbian. So I am reluctant to start to install those.

Is it ok to install OpenVPN, Samba and Plex with the image?

Or which docker image should use?

And is there any way to make a docker image from my present Armbian?

5 hours ago, kimwida said:

I want to make a docker image from it.


Armbian provides you clean Debian Linux for your board. 

Since Armbian is a good OS it also provides Docker dependencies for all supported hardware. Moving to general areas - Docker on your desktop PC will work the exact same way as on your Rockpi S running Armbian.  Regarding ready made images - you only need to use the same architecture (armhf, arm64, ...)


Moving topic to general areas.


Sorry for my lack of knowledge.

I am using Armbian 20.08.5 Buster.

So you mean I should start from debian-ARM64 docker image?

When I run debian-ARM64 docker image, there isn't even "ifconfig".

So I should add all stuff and commit to make an image right?


The reason to use docker is for backup my successful system because I like to mess up my rockpis with many things.

7 hours ago, kimwida said:

So you mean I should start from debian-ARM64 docker image?


I mean you should understand what Docker is by studying it, dig into its documentation and ask no more questions regarding this for a long time. Armbian has nothing directly to do with Docker and we don't support Docker related issues. Armbian only provides possibility to run it.

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