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I followed in detail the installation tutorial but I'm stuck at the installation of OMV. I can't access after the installation using the ip address or the generic link helios.local. 

I did try to reinstall the configuration. To go through a boot on the Micro SD...

I don't know if there would be a command line to verify that OMV is installed? Or another way to install it?


to install OMV You should login via SSH to your helios then:


root@helios64:~# armbian-config

root@helios64:~# armbian-config

Software -> Softy -> OMV


You can verify if it installed:


root@helios64:~# dpkg -l |grep openmediavault
ii  openmediavault                       5.5.17-3                            all          openmediavault - The open network attached storage solution
ii  openmediavault-fail2ban              5.0.5                               all          OpenMediaVault Fail2ban plugin
ii  openmediavault-flashmemory           5.0.7                               all          folder2ram plugin for OpenMediaVault
ii  openmediavault-keyring               1.0                                 all          GnuPG archive keys of the OpenMediaVault archive
ii  openmediavault-luksencryption        5.0.2                               all          OpenMediaVault LUKS encryption plugin
ii  openmediavault-omvextrasorg          5.4.2                               all          OMV-Extras.org Package Repositories for OpenMediaVault
ii  openmediavault-zfs                   5.0.5                               arm64        OpenMediaVault plugin for ZFS



@Niglix How did you install the OMV? using armbian-config?

The installation process took roughtly half an hour. You can use serial console to access your Helios64 if for some reason the network down.


You would also see screen like this in serial console after OMV installed


Starting kernel ...

openmediavault 5.5.17-3 (Usul) helios64 ttyS2
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 by Volker Theile. All rights reserved.

To manage the system visit the openmediavault web control panel:

eth0: 2002:c0a8:10a:1:6662:66ff:fed0:17c
eth0: fe80::6662:66ff:fed0:17c

By default the web control panel administrator account has the
username 'admin' and password 'openmediavault'.
It is recommended that you change the password for this account
within the web control panel or using the 'omv-firstaid' CLI

For more information regarding this appliance, please visit the
web site: https://www.openmediavault.org

helios64 login: 




@Niglix OMV5 will wipe out any fixed IP configuration, so if you didn't use DHCP you will need to login via console to setup temporally an IP in order to then access the OMV web interface and reconfigure for good the network interface via the web interface.

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