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RK3288/RK3328 Legacy Multimedia Framework


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Is it possible to install Multimedia Framework for Armbian CLI images?

I have to run Chromium with Web GL 2.0 support and don't need Desktop things....


In my case under latest Armbian Debian CLI image I have packages not found.

root@tinkerboard:~# sudo apt install media-buster-legacy-tinkerboard --install-recommends
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package media-buster-legacy-tinkerboard
root@tinkerboard:~# sudo apt install media-buster-legacy-rk3328 --install-recommends
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package media-buster-legacy-rk3328


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Just found this forum. Thank you @JMCC for your hard work. Anybody knows exactly which Buster legacy desktop image would work on a renegade? I have tried every one of them at https://armbian.tnahosting.net/archive/renegade/archive/ (link provided by libre.compter and that's why I tried). It appears that those images include all those at https://armbian.systemonachip.net/archive (suggested by OP). None works. If lucky, some would boot into GUI but I couldn't run sudo apt update (or upgrade), lots of error messages. I couldn't even start chromium either. Some images wouldn't even boot into GUI. Thank you.


Pretty new to Linux and single board computer. If I didn't do it right, I apologize. 



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6 hours ago, Handy Doctor said:

None works. If lucky, some would boot into GUI

Do you have emmc or only SD card? Renegade legacy images don't get along well with SD cards (it was a problem with regulator voltages, and didn't affect all units). For example, mine worked only with certain older legacy images on SD card, but it broke somewhere around early 2019.


So do you have emmc? If so, the easiest is boot the board from a current image, and then flash legacy from it into emmc. I can teach you how to do that


If you don't have emmc, please try this image: https://armbian.tnahosting.net/archive/renegade/archive/Armbian_5.75_Renegade_Ubuntu_bionic_default_4.4.174.7z , and use the old multimedia script instead (DO NOT upgrade the kernel, use "apt-mark hold"):


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Thank you, @JMCC. I do use an SD card. I guess that's why. Are you sure your link is correct? That's bionic default, no desktop version. It did try its desktop version, of course not working, lol.


I did see two buster default at the same directory. One is 4.4.184 and the other 4.4.192. Which one should I try? Older one? I assume here default means legacy? Thank you.


BTW, how to quote in this forum? I saw you guys quoted but I couldn't find how to. Sorry if this is a dump question.

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Ok, I have tested the oldest buster (4.4.182) . It logs into GUI but nothing can be done. Pretty much same with 4.4.192. Is there any older version that can be used? The bionic 4.4.174 works quite well, except that the script (the old one) doesn't do anything. Still 100% CPU at 720p. In fact, chromium doesn't even provide anything better than 720p for youtube. It looks like it need to be 4.4.174 or older. Thank you.

Edited by Handy Doctor
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