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nand-sata-install "This tool must run from SD-card!"


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I built and successfully installed Armbian with Cryptroot SSH unlock. Now I wanted to have everything on SATA SSD, but when I run nand-sata-install I get the following message:

This tool must run from SD-card!

How could I have everything on my SATA SSD?

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I contacted the author of this nice blog post:



They suggested to remove from "case" to "esac" here:



I did it and run the edited nand-sata-install.


That looked like it was going to work ok, as it let me run the script without any problem. I chose to use EMMC and SATA SSD. It started to show the progressing bar, and it finished as it everything was fine. However, it did not work. It did not move things to EMMC or SATA.


Any suggestion would be very much welcome...


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