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I've been using Armbian with Banana Pi M2 for a while and I am very satisfied with performance. Recently I noticed that Teamviewer has been developed for ARM systems, officially only for Raspbian but it seems few people had success running it on Orange Pi too. 


I followed installation instructions and succeeded however once I connect to it I see only black screen.


Did anyone else manage to get it working?


Below is link to original thread:






Thanks, after following your instructions I managed to log in from another computer. I can see armbian desktop but mouse and keyboard controls don't function.


I tried, it was unchecked.


Another thing I noticed is that Teamviewer seems to connect to different desktop than ultravnc. And within Ultravnc desktop Teamviewer window pops up on boot but the content remains empty, only frame is visible (screenshot attached).



Not sure if this will help, but I use x2go with great stability from all over the US, I like it better than teamviewer.
If you need to tunnel through a firewall, then you can use ngrok or pagekite, or just open a port. Personally I use tinc to vpn into home rather than opening ports.


I stumbled upon another solution for me: LogMeIn Hamachi. It creates a VPN connection and I can remotely access my OrangePi using IP. The hamachi client for armhf works very well, I used a tutorial from raspberry forums and found useful tips in a thread in orangepi.org forums. So I can remotely wake my PC at home with my OrangePi (wake on lan) and then use Teamviewer Android client with my PC (Teamviewer ist most useful for me).

  On 8/8/2016 at 3:55 PM, shahidali55 said:

Install TeamViewer

wget http://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/version_11x/teamviewer-host_armhf.deb
dpkg -i teamviewer-host_armhf.deb

Install dependencies:

apt install -f

Get ID:

cat /etc/teamviewer/global.conf | grep ClientID

Finally, try logging in from another desktop using the TeamViewer desktop client
Add a permanent password:

teamviewer passwd my_password



Hello :)


What i put in " ClientID " the ID from the armbian teamvieweer or the ID of my laptop xubuntu ( where i want to use to connect to my armbian ) ?



I'm on Armbian ( debian 9 Stretch dev ) in Armbian ( Ubuntu Bionic 18.04.1 ) Teamviewer seems to doesn't work. On debian Teamviewer seems to works but i can't see my armbian under teamviewer where as all seems to be good, so i think i've missed something like your " ClientID ".


ok i understood :)   cat /etc/teamviewer/global.conf | grep ClientID   = to see what is the clientID on Armbian (debian 9 for me) but i see already my ID because Teamviewer starts normally and it shows the ID to connect, but when i connect from my laptop to my armbian nothing happens...


déc. 09 20:37:04 gon systemd[1]: Starting TeamViewer remote control daemon...
déc. 09 20:37:04 gon systemd[1]: teamviewerd.service: PID file /var/run/teamviewerd.pid not readable (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
déc. 09 20:37:04 gon systemd[1]: Started TeamViewer remote control daemon.


Well teamviewer is active in Armbian but impossible to connect from another devices... ( teamviewer-host ) <- ( for armbian ) and i try to connect from ( teamviewer-amd64 ) <- ( my laptop xubuntu ) nothing happens just written " connecting " but the armbian desktop doesn't appears..... Ouiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :'( :'( :'(   i'm going to try another remote control...

  On 12/9/2018 at 7:58 PM, John34 said:

i'm going to try another remote control..


If you want to use something like TeamViewer try the searchbox (right hand corner) and search for: x2go



Worked on the last Ubuntu Bionic but the wired is still broken where as on debian wired works perfectly, but x2go don't work actually on ARMBIAN 5.75 stable Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.19.20-sunxi :( i'm going to test again with teamviewer to see if it's work


Hi Nelson. I've tried the DWService. The file and console access works good, but not the Screen one.

Which Armbian version are were you using?


I am really disappointed since no remote desktop over WAN has worked for me (although on LAN works perfect). I tried anydesk, teamviewer, RealVNC with no luck. A real bummer for my little projectes.


Any ideas on how to solve that?


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