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Hello everybody,

I'm trying to build a full bootable image for the Rock pi 4B using a VM with the recommended build system I followed the build instructions in https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/.

I got the image built without errors. At this point I haven't tried the image because I still want to change a source file and recompile.


I changed the file in question: build/cache/sources/linux-mainline/linux-5.10.y/drivers/pci/controller/pcie-rockchip-host.c

and rerun compile.sh in the build directory.


The system builds again without issues, but the file I edited get replaced by the original content along the way. 


Obviously, this is not the way to change the file in the source tree. Is there a workaround? Or what should be the way to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish, which is simply tweak a specific file of the kernel source code?


Thanks in advance,



Hello and thanks for trying out our build system!


2 hours ago, JLima said:

Is there a workaround?


For not reading the documentation ? :P before creating support questions / expense we have no near any possibility to cover? It is.


what should be the way to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish, which is simply tweak a specific file of the kernel source code?

Use CREATE_PATCHES=yes or smth alike, look for usage details in the documentation - it will stop building after applying Armenian’s patches and prompt for editing sources u-boot and kernel, also your changer will be saved as patches.
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