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Hello everyone :)


i installed correctly  "Armbian_21.08.0-trunk_Rk3318-box_focal_current_5.10.41_xfce_desktop"  ( !! )


on this machine:  CPU rk3318--GPU mali 450


after the installation I have updated everything with "apt install update & upgrade"


video drivers detected: mesa 20.2.6


i tried with some player ( mpv-xine..)  with videos (mp4) hi-res.and low-res. with identical results....good video texture but played jerky...:angry:


can I optimize some settings?


...install original video driver mali?


is it worth it?


thanks a lot to everyone...!!!!



Those boxes play flawlessly on Android. I think it's a matter of time and better drivers will come up

The best results i got was using Arch Linux and lima (open source drivers for Mali GPUs). Maybe you should give it a try.

PM me if you need help with this!

Good luck


The answer to this question is yes, but it still requires some manual intervention because the bits to get hardware accelerated videos is getting merged into mainline kernel in these months.


From the tests I did on rk3288 (not rk3318), it is working pretty well, but requires compiling ffmpeg and mpv by hand, plus ffmpeg source code has to be compiled with some more patches.


A note: GPU is not involved in hardware video acceleration, so tinkering with the driver won't provide any dramatic performance improvement.



  On 8/23/2021 at 2:13 PM, jock said:

A note: GPU is not involved in hardware video acceleration, so tinkering with the driver won't provide any dramatic performance improvement.


Just to complete the answer of jock, you have to look at the VPU (video processing unit) support. For Rockchip Socs its name is hantro.

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