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Odroid HC4 hdmi to vga adapter, how to set resolution?

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Hi! Odroid&ARM newbie here!


Trying to boot Armbian on HC4, no picture coming up.

I guess my problem is my old LCD display that im connecting with hdmi-vga connector.

Display and connector are working, i tried with Odroid ubuntu SD-card, but when i ordered i didnt realize its Ubuntu-minimal.

(My internet comes from mobile wifi hotspot, and i have no idea how to install GUI in there. Also Odroid wifi-bluetooth dongle is a pita)

In Ubuntu, to get the monitor working i changed lines in boot.ini and conf.ini, no idea which of those files is the right one.

My working lines in those Odroid Ubuntu 20.04  files are:

setenv display_autodetect "false"
setenv hdmimode "1280x1024p60hz"
setenv voutmode "dvi"

(Also the Odroid wifi dongle needs to be disconnected at boot, otherwise picture is scrambled)


The question is: how to make such settings on Armbian SD-card. What files need to be changed with what text?

7 hours ago, izzo said:

What files need to be changed with what text?

My guess would be to look in /boot folder. There should be boot.ini


There should be boot.ini

No such thing these days. There is a boot.cmd file that says not to edit it directly, and armbianEnv.txt where you can declare things somehow, but the lines from old ubuntu did not work there.

(Maybe i take the risk and edit boot.cmd directly to see what happens)


P.S. As for connecting to internet, i connected the HC4 to my laptop with ethernet cable, and shared the mobile wifi to cable. Did not knew previously about this possibility.

On 12/14/2021 at 4:21 PM, izzo said:

but the lines from old ubuntu did not work there.

You need to use Armbian with a stock u-boot / 4.9 kernel if you want that function from old "Ubuntu" works ... 


First, nice to meet you, Igor (Your the boss here, right? :D )

Secondly, sorry, english is not my language.

No i dont want those excact lines to work.

I want to understand if there is a way for me to try the newer Armbians with my old monitor and the HDMI-VGA adapter or is it impossible.

Is the resolution changeable, and how, or only hdmi monitors work?

(I realized now that the image im trying now, is not even listed in Petitboot. I also read about deleting Petitboot, but going around it by holding the black button should give the same result? which is a black screen anyway)

Sorry to bother your precious time, and keep up the cool work!



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