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i installed the xu4 server (legacy) for debian jessie and get no output on the hdmi/dvi connected display.

what is meant by "Serial console enabled" in the description?

thank you for producing armbian for odroid xu4! i like the board - it is fast!



That means serial getty is enabled - you can login via serial, when (if) it comes that far. Those images should work - check standard issues - SD card, power supply, disconnect USB devices, ...


I can't test to give you 100% confirmation since my XU4 is serving this forum for some time ;)


do you mean the serial uart where one needs a special connector (where to get from? my supplier, pollin, seems not to have it)?

what code would i need to add to have output on the hdmi/dvi (this works with other distributions and i find it handy).

can i just apt-get install some packages? (i do not see a change in the boot.ini, except to switch hdmi/dvi)

thank you!


I got mine here: http://www.eu.diigiit.com/ Yes, it's expensive but you can also diy. I choose not to. 


Without knowing what's going on, I can't tell. We use the same boot.ini config as you found on other builds. But since you don't have HDMI, can you access the board via network? Is blue led on the board flashing? 


i can confirm that the output on hdmi connected to a dvi display is working, IF 

in the /boot/boot.ini file is set to dvi


# --- HDMI / DVI Mode Selection ---
# ------------------------------------------
# - HDMI Mode
# setenv vout "hdmi"
# - DVI Mode (disables sound over HDMI as per DVI compat)
setenv vout "dvi"


that was all! now setting things up is easier. if the board is not starting, ssh is not helpful for debug ;-)

thank you!   andrew

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