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Hey Everyone!


Last week we tried out doing a community Discord get together on Friday night and it went really well!  We are going to try and do the same thing again this week on July 1st, 2022 at 5:00 PM EST.


Everyone is invited, just come to the Armbian Discord (You can click our invite link: here if you are not already part of our Discord) and on Friday evening at 5:00 PM EST we will open up the public voice chat for all who would like to participate.


The meet-up will last 1 hour and there are no official topics set for the conversation, of course, if you have something fun to share that is always welcome!


Hope to see you there!





  • TheLinuxBug changed the title to *Weekly Community Discord Voice Chat!*
  • TheLinuxBug featured this topic

Hello Everyone!


Just wanted to check back and say that so far the first two community voice chats have been a lot of fun with more people showing than we originally expected!


I know that the currently set time is a bit more difficult for our European friends to make, though it has been difficult to come up with a time that would be better that would fit everyone.


The current time corresponds with the end of business day in the Eastern timezone where, so far, the bulk of our participants have been from.  It may be possible to make it an hour earlier or so, but would be interested to hear from the community on if you guys think there would be a better time in general?


We will continue with the Friday 5:00 PM Eastern time this week, but if we can come to an agreement on a better time before next week, we can move it to the new time.


Look forward to seeing you all there!







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