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Armbian on Le Potato - Chromium very laggy, how can I fix it?


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Title says it all....   Installed the latest on download for Le Potato today and so far I've found 2 issues...


1. On first boot, text was cropped left and bottom, had to press enter a couple of times to get the prompt to show at least so I could make the right selections.

2. After it booted, jumped right on to Chromium and was super laggy.  Installed Firefox as an alternative but it's still kinda laggy while loading page, but it works great after page loads.  I would like to have Chromium instead though.


PRO:   My rtl8821CU which was not working on any distro of Le Potato is finally working.  I'm guessing it's a Kernel issue?  This has kernel 5.x and other distros (even Raspbian 10) have Linux 6.x   KEEP IT AT 5.x PLEASE!

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RTL8821CU is upstreamed in Linux 6.2. Armbian uses an out-of-tree driver for it. Chromium on X11 is very laggy since it's not accelerated. Your best bet is to use the official Ubuntu server images and run Chromium snap on weston.

Edited by Da Xue
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