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Hello. I've got physically rotated HDMI monitor and try using Olimex Lime 2 with simplefb graphics.


I could rotate console in kernels compiled with




by using


echo 3 > /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate


But what about graphical sessions? Like I install some desktop environment and in its screen properties rotation is grayed out!


Any instructions please how to make HDMI screen rotation working with latest Igor's Olimex Lime 2 images? Preferrably for 4.x kernel since I believe it is more free software without proprietary blobs and plain software simplefb graphics handling. If I only could rotate it! Any help?




I have one experience with Wheezy under kernel 3.4.x running 7" LVDS display on Banana Pi in portrait mode. Booted with extra kernel parameter, I think it was just 


The console booted in portrait and also LXDE was started properly, only the touch screen controller was still in normal mode ... I haven't even try to fix that since it was only a test boot. 


X is not my home. I think you need to do some extra configuration to bring up rotation on the fly.


Try first with 3.4.x since on 4.x might not be working at all.


Hello! I'm using Wheezy under kernel 3.4.x on Lime2 with 7" LCD and i added fbcon=rotate:1 in boot.cmd and the console booted in portrait but LXDE is still in landscape. I also added FBDEV_ROTATE_CCW=90  but with no results. Any suggestions please how to rotate the screen in LXDE?

Thank you!


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