Homoran Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 First of all I have to mention, that my knowledge of linux is very small. I started with raspberry about two years ago and switched to cubietruck. First I didn't use Igor's image, because I wanted to have a graphical front end. After getting used to putty and ftp I swithed to Igor's image - it was very convenient, small and fast. So I also bought a banana, when Igor published an image for it, and a cubox i Pro. All of those images worked out-of-the-box - it was a pleasure to work with it, especially for a noob. In the meanwhile I switched to RasPi2 for a while, but yesterday I wanted to start again with the other ones. So I downloaded the latest images. But big surprise: I couldn't get any image to work (BPi and Cubietruck, wheezy legacy and vanilla) After hours at least the Bananapi startet (I formatted the SD Card with paragon as ext4, and used the imagewriter instead ogf win32diskimager) I read something about a magic byte and wanted to get rid of it. But the cubie doesn't start at all. In the forum I read something about a Power cycle; I removed the Li-Battery, disconnected the HDMI and the Network-plug started again - no chance At last I removed the Harddisk - the screen remained the same: and there it stays for hours. Any help is very welcome Thanks Rainer
drscheme Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 Have a look at this post: First run stuck with ssh key generation / Cubietruck RTC bug
Homoran Posted September 12, 2015 Author Posted September 12, 2015 Yes, I read this. But what does it mean? In the forum I read something about a Power cycle; I removed the Li-Battery, disconnected the HDMI and the Network-plug started again - no chance At last I removed the Harddisk - the screen remained the same: Rainer
drscheme Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 This is something I found on another website when I googled how you reset the hardware clock of the board... You don't have to do this. Maybe this info is even wrong. I don't know... What you need to do: - put the wheezy image with kernel 4.something to the micro sd card - mount the card - edit the file /etc/init.d/armhwinfo - add: # fix for eth0 no brought up if [ "$(hwclock -r)" == "" ]; then echo -e "[\e[0;32m ok \x1B[0m] Fixing RTC and reloading eth0" date -s "2015-01-01 10:00:00" hwclock -w ifup eth0 fi This will fix the problem. The eth0 will be enabled and the ssh key generation succeeds.
Igor Posted September 12, 2015 Posted September 12, 2015 This ex4_dev and invalid partition from u-boot doesn't sound right. Get a brand new / different SD card and try again. The bug, mentioned in previous posts, is only present at vanilla kernels. Legacy kernel should work o.k. on both, Cubietruck and Banana ... tested them many times.
Homoran Posted September 12, 2015 Author Posted September 12, 2015 Thanks for that hint. In the meanwhile I practiced it anyhow - I don't know what was the issue. I tried it with three micro-SD cards, with two different cardreaders, with two different images, with and without formatting to ext4..... for few minutes one try worked. But I will remeber the workaround for the next time Thanks a lot Rainer
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