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Posted (edited)

Ok so for the HDMI port I am designing for one of these kind of options https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09F61FZWQ https://www.amazon.com/Angled-Degree-Female-Multicopter-Photography/dp/B08C7DLDR4  . I will make it with a screw on holder/shelf to mount the HDMI. Though I'm trying to find the USBC version to have the option of USB-C hdmi or full size HDMI ports. If I'm not mistaken this USB-C adapter could be swapped in to work. https://www.amazon.com/Type-USB-C-Type-C-Cable-Phone/dp/B095KCR9GG

Edited by berin
Posted (edited)

Ok at this point made some big design changes to the case, It looks the same but big adjustments plus I've added a hand full of new features. I may update the GIT repo tonight. FYI I removed the "back section" STL becuase of errors I found. I will update with the corrected stl(s) when I'm happy with the latest progress.

Ok so summary of things I have added. HDMI/pocket filler power wire holder for power, HDMI female holder, RTC battery older, front i2c LCD, power button and other modifications.

Edited by berin

Look for a GIT repo UPDATE of cad   .RSDOC .STL .DXF files update on the OPI5 micro desktop around 11pm or so, there ARE new parts now added. I have just started printing the front half after printing some small parts. the front half + updates print on this new 3d printer is about 6 hrs at 60% infill. I may re-print the back half tomorrow to fingers crossed confirm my updates are measurement accurate. As is the mount plane for the OPI5 fits the back half of the print like a glove. Sadly I had errors I didnt know about in the ports locations so.... we will see. Now that I have had some time to work on the cad files its really starting to look good with the new updates. With luck someone else will even post about there thoughts on the project. I doubt it but I am a pipe dreamer.

Posted (edited)

Discovered the posted measurements from the AMAZON link for the i2c LCD I purchased are not even close. Remeasured by hand and adjusted the CAD file. NOT pleased. So far most everything that I have purchased that had measurement documents has turned out to be wrong. WTF is going on with the world and products. I just adjusted the RTC battery backup, footprint, LCD mount in the front shell, male female coupler for the front/back halfs of the case.  No one has given me feedback, so I only find errors as I get to building the hardware myself. CNC milling and 3d printing. Here are some teasers of what the OPI5 MICRO DESKTOP CASE is starting to look like when it's tuned per measurements and done. Not including side walls in these photos. And again the concept behind this case is to be custom. So a different front half design can be used with a different aft half. Depending on the desired needs. FYI the RTC battery backup "concept" is based on the standard CR2032.The battery holder I'll post a link too at some point in time but it looks just like the the image.  The idea is to wire a keyed JST connector to the +/- and feed the wires through a tiny hole at the base of the CR2032 HOLDER, not pictured. That way if the OPI5 needs to be removed, one needs to only unplug it. The power button I have played with the idea of using an acrylic dowel for or in the center of the button. then running a small fiberoptic to a small, encased LED maybe a small RGB-LED on a controller. The power button looks kind of bulky, IT IS but the idea is to have a small spring in it to ensure it stays in place and works as a power button. The LCD for the front the idea is it just gets put into place and the 4 TABs get melted with an iron to lock it into place. maybe some color matched silicon caulk to seal the face. The HDMI at the back is designed to use one of a few HDMI option cables I posted before. The RED filler piece on the aft of the case is to allow the power wire to feed into the case and then neatly locked in "not strain relieved"

opi5 micro desktop updated 1.jpg

opi5 micro desktop updated 2.jpg

opi5 micro desktop updated 3.jpg

Edited by berin

I am going to design a custom/STANDARD larger receiver panel in the LCD location. That can allow different option panels to be installed in the 45 degree area. Thoughts/suggestions? any custom design ideas for the case. I've had one person on the git repo ask me about adding a 2280  m.2 holder. I'd be glad to I just don't have one on hand for measurements. At this point I do not trust any online measurements on products, they all seem to be wrong. When I get closer to the end of this build and all dimensions are perfect. I will then move to the more decretive end of the design aspect.

Posted (edited)

Tonight I am working on designing the universal 45 degree location universal filler plate. That will allow for custom inserts. Later tonight I'll post a cad photo, and will inform when I will update it to the git repo.





opi5 micro desktop front universal filler front lcd.jpg

Edited by berin

I am doing a print / TEST print of the universal filler/ i2c lcd... if the LCD fits nice then I will look at re-printing the front half of the shell again. If those two parts fit nice. I'm going to update the cad files again to the GIT hub....  Those will be some interesting updates.

Posted (edited)

Test print came out great two minor adjustments to the cad file to update the new cad design. I'm going to be uploading today on the GIT repo, the I2c LCD version as pictured and the blank filler that anyone can customize. .RSDOC files and .stl files will be added, as well as master files will be updated. I have also updated the vent location on the heatsink side of the case to align with the ice tower cooler and removed the cyrcle of vent holes on the other side of the case.



Edited by berin

tonight I am re-printing the front half with all the updates. I also just got my new spools of PLA... Still sticking with the red though. Not my first choice but its on the machine and dont feel like cracking open an other spool.

Posted (edited)

And there it is. I've hardly cleaned it up at all. just pulled the supports. Battery holder and universal front plate installed.



Edited by berin
Posted (edited)

The sides are in my git repo as .rsdoc and .STL files. Or you can convert anything to STL using the designspark cad software. All the master files are on the git repo. I've posted a lot of content but if you read through everything between the GIT and this thread, you will find all of the answers you need (I believe). BTW I have not even started to SEX up the case design. right now I'm just slowly making it a working design and fixing bugs from the basic "shape" concept. I've found that more or less all online posts of data and measurments are wrong. Even the AMAZON link for the LCD shows different pinouts between multi images in the pcb mask. And got your Anet A8 back on line? Looking at it I think I kind of like that design better then the ender neo I purchased from a local big box store. The plastic wheel bearings have to be very tight to steady the print tray. And the wheels are starting to wear with few hours on it. that printer has nice pillow bearing blocks spaced out and twin Z axis screws...... I might have gone for that had I seen that. I'm already wanting to change the bearings to a different setup on this ender. My Monoprice mini delta is much faster and much much better print quality from all aspects, but it has a scale issue everything is small by like 2% and its work area is only 110x110 mm :(. Beyond that out of the box my MP mini delta kicks the crap out of the ender neo for speed and quality from factory. In general .RSDOC files are source cad drawing files from designspark, .STL is well stl, and files in .DXF format are generally for cnc milling or laser cutting.

Edited by berin

Truth be told...if the Ender 3 was out when I got my Anet A8 I would have gotten that one...an all metal frame just seems like the better choice


My other printer an TronXY X1 is outta commision at the moment..kids moved it and busted the 3d printed belt tightener on the end of the Y axis...so another job for the Anet A8 to print ;)  It is my "desktop" printer as it literally sit's on the shelf right next to my monitor...it only has 110x110x110 but it actually prints decently

You can get rubberized wheel bearings online for pretty cheap...they last a bit longer


I think you can import .dxf files and then make em thicker (I think it was to import em to img files then extrude em out for thickness in tinkercad or something), I will have to look into how to do that again



So I just re-tuned my ender. GOOD lord the wheels had worn in with few hours. last night I started printing the back half and today I have started sanding and it fit together perfect.. I do have to re-cut the opi5 mounting plate because its changed. My next step will be to really SEX up the design and add any features people are interested in adding. IF there is custom hardware someone wants added to the design, I would need it in hand. 



Sometime this weekend I'm going to post some updates. Pictures of the prints, and maybe some cad changes. I have mounted, and soldered wires. Mounted the battery holder, soldered wires to the OPI5 RTC battery backup. There are a number of other aspects I have done. I just finished one of the nightmare projects at work so I should " " have more time soon. I have not had time to mill my new sides and mounting plane that match the updated OPI5 micro tower version with the universal front. Regardless the new version works wonderful. Everything fits nice and plays nice. I have made a change in the RTC battery mount location but that has to do with wire sizing. So when I get to it expect some big change posts. Also WHEN I get everything, I'm doing done. I may do a giveaway of the first version case. If I do the giveaway, it will be mailed to someone in the USA only and it will be a do with it what you will but expect to have to adapt and adjust some areas to make it functional. Nothing wrong just the ports in the back need to be cut open. alignment issue and other changes. But if someone is up to the challenge I will require/request they post photos of it adjusted to usefulness. If I do the give away it will be the front/back half of the shell (good luck separating), both original sides and the inside mounting plane that fits. It is pictured with the OPI5 mounted in it above, I will also include the RTC battery holder, but the case will have to be modded for that as well. There are no other parts included. Case, both sides, inside mounting plane, rtc battery holder, so 5 parts.


At this point I have one more panel to mill out, clean up and mount to the opi5 micro tower case. When I get that done and mounted I will take photos and update all the cad files as needed and post new pictures. I can tell you it looks REALLY good really sharp. Exciting new look. And when its done it will be amazing.

Posted (edited)


And there it is. everything fits. I have not updated the GIT yet but that will be next. I still need to print and build the power button portion. But that is just something I have not gotten too, as well as I'm still playing with ideas. I would have prefered to have printed this in BLACK. but I didnt have any on hand at the time. Oh well.







Edited by berin

And as I have posted a number of times. the front back halfs can be swapped so custom designs can be used for custom features. also I just ordered these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0967W2W1M and this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09F61FZWQ . Unless I am missing something I should be able to take the USB-C adapter plug it into the cable with the HDMI female. AND I should... get HDMI out using the usbc header or I could use the HDMI. As you can see I had to cut away the sheath of the power supply a bit to fit the wire. There are 90 degree adapters  I could get but I decided to just trim.

Posted (edited)

I have JUST finished updating all of the cad files. If anything is wrong or missing please let me know. But to the best of my knowledge I have updated everything. Also the master files have ALL files in an assembled setup and can be pulled and export saved using designspark as what ever file format as needed that designspark supports.

Edited by berin

Usb to ssd? Got a link to what you're talking about. I'm not sure how to answer the question? All computers with USB and the right os/driver's support USB to ssd. The OPI5 has an M.2 NVME port on the back side.


Excuse me, my English is very bad and use a translator. I understand that the supports and the aluminum block of the dissipator have been manufactured by you, is it correct? It is a shame, I've been with the idea of setting up a dissipator of this type but I have neither the knowledge nor the necessary machinery to manufacture it. Congratulations, it's a great job.

On 3/28/2023 at 6:58 AM, Vidor said:

Excuse me, my English is very bad and use a translator. I understand that the supports and the aluminum block of the dissipator have been manufactured by you, is it correct? It is a shame, I've been with the idea of setting up a dissipator of this type but I have neither the knowledge nor the necessary machinery to manufacture it. Congratulations, it's a great job.



Yes I designed and milled everything with a cnc machine and 3d printing and laser as needed. all files needed to make everything are there. The MASTER *.RSDOC files are the cad  files that are "designspark" cad files. everything needed for someone to create  this design on there own is posted on the github. EVERYTHING. I'm going to do some updates some time soon, dont know for sure  but I have some  things I'm looking to do and update. I have not done anything software wise beside setting up armbian on an SD card. I have not even gotten around to setting up the M.2 SSD card I installed.

As to the LCD I have not done anything with it sadly I have just had no time between work and a stock market issue I'm dealing with.

I have not updated in a while because I have just not had time. I have some projects I'm working on and I'm dealing with a massive stock market fraud lot of money lost (MMTLP)   https://www.fairmarketsnow.org/ mmtlpstudios.com lots of info on twitter Its bigger then FTX its bigger then madoff. and the media wont talk about it. Lot of info out there for anyone who is just lost and wondering what is going on.


vidor You may want to look into getting a small desktop CNC machine. If you have interest in getting the tools to do everything I have done. You need a 3d printer and a small CNC machine. vidor if you know about IRC internet relay chat you can get on IRC.LIBERA.CHAT/6667 its a server. TXT based internet chat LIVE chat. You can join a room called #linuxcnc   "/join #linuxcnc " would be an example of a join command. regaredless If you get into one of those rooms you can talk to people who are talking live about cnc work. There are also discord server/channels that do cnc and 3d printing. Lots of help and info out there.  Once you get some basic tooling setup its amazing what you can do DIY.


Thank you very much, I will look for a company that does CNC jobs and send where I live because near my house there is no company to do these jobs.


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