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I'am the new one. I'am German and bought last month an OrangePi PC+ from AliExpress without a clue what todo with it, but it was cheap ;-) And it was perfect for my new OMV.


Just installing OMV on top of Armbian / Jessie was not enough because of missing Quota Kernel Options. When setting up a development Enviroment, I found the excellent Build-Scripts of Armbian and thought, why not making an OMV-Image with the customize-image.sh.


And here is it (quick and dirty v0.1) Just copy it with a modified kernel.config under userpatches.

It should work with every supported Armbian Board as long as its working with Debian Jessie, because it installes OMV3.X

I compiled my Image with the legacy Kernel but it should also work with mainline.


If wanted I can build some Images for testing.

Please give some feedback or critics, I hope its helpfull for someone.


Sorry for attaching this as Code but I can't upload attachments?


## customize-image.sh - for installing openmediavault 3
## installs omv, omv-extras, omv-flashmemory
## and making some changes to the System
## started in chroot from /tmp
## Author : Benny St <Benny_Stark@live.de>
## Version : 0.1
## Version 0.1 - first Release

#Modified display alert from lib/general.sh
# Let's have unique way of displaying alerts
# log function parameters to install.log
#[[ -n $DEST ]] && echo "Displaying message: $@" >> $DEST/debug/output.log

local tmp=""
[[ -n $2 ]] && tmp="[\e[0;33m $2 \x1B[0m]"

case $3 in
echo -e "[\e[0;31m error \x1B[0m] $1 $tmp"

echo -e "[\e[0;35m warn \x1B[0m] $1 $tmp"

echo -e "[\e[0;32m o.k. \x1B[0m] \e[1;32m$1\x1B[0m $tmp"

echo -e "[\e[0;32m o.k. \x1B[0m] $1 $tmp"

echo -e "[\e[0;32m .... \x1B[0m] $1 $tmp"

case $RELEASE in
# your code here
#change root passs first
#else we get some configure-errors
display_alert "Change Root PW" "custom-image.sh" "info"
echo root:openmediavault|chpasswd

display_alert "Change /etc/hostname" "custom-image.sh" "info"
echo "openmediavault" > /etc/hostname ## works after reboot

#generate locales
#they are not there
display_alert "Generate Locals and set them" "custom-image.sh" "info"
locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
locale-gen "C"
export LANG=C
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"

#Unattended apt-get
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

#Add OMV source.list and Update System
display_alert "Adding OMV-Repo erasmus and update" "custom-image.sh" "info"
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmediavault.list << EOF
deb http://packages.openmediavault.org/public erasmus main
## Uncomment the following line to add software from the proposed repository.
# deb http://packages.openmediavault.org/public erasmus-proposed main

## This software is not part of OpenMediaVault, but is offered by third-party
## developers as a service to OpenMediaVault users.
# deb http://packages.openmediavault.org/public erasmus partner
apt-get update

# OMV Key
display_alert "Install OMV Keys" "custom-image.sh" "info"
#wget -O - packages.openmediavault.org/public/archive.key | apt-key add -
apt-get --yes --force-yes --allow-unauthenticated install openmediavault-keyring
# OMV Plugin developer Key
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 7AA630A1EDEE7D73

#install debconf-utils for postfix configuration
display_alert "Install debconf-utils" "custom-image.sh" "info"
apt-get --yes --force-yes --allow-unauthenticated --fix-missing --no-install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install debconf-utils

#install postfix
#Postfix configuration
display_alert "Install postfix and configure it - No configuration" "custom-image.sh" "info"
debconf-set-selections <<< "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select No configuration"
apt-get --yes --force-yes --allow-unauthenticated --fix-missing --no-install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install postfix

#install OMV
#--allow-unauthenticated because openmediavault-keyring doesn't contain all keys???
display_alert "Install OMV" "custom-image.sh" "info"
apt-get --yes --force-yes --allow-unauthenticated --fix-missing --no-install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install openmediavault

#install OMV extras
display_alert "Download and install OMV Keys" "custom-image.sh" "info"
wget http://omv-extras.org/openmediavault-omvextrasorg_latest_all3.deb -O /tmp/omvextras3.deb
dpkg -i /tmp/omvextras3.deb
rm -f /tmp/omvextras3.deb

#install openmediavault-flashmemory
display_alert "Install openmediavault-flashmemory" "custom-image.sh" "info"
apt-get --yes --force-yes --fix-missing --no-install-recommends install openmediavault-flashmemory
sed -i '/<flashmemory>/,/<\/flashmemory>/ s/<enable>0/<enable>1/' /etc/openmediavault/config.xml
/usr/sbin/omv-mkconf flashmemory

# Tidy up
display_alert "apt-get autoremove / autoclean" "custom-image.sh" "info"
apt-get autoremove
apt-get autoclean

#remove first-login Script
display_alert "Remove first-login Script" "custom-image.sh" "info"
rm /root/.not_logged_in_yet

#remove some services
#ändern auf systemctl enable dienstname.service
# /etc/systemd/system, /run/systemd/system, /usr/local/lib/systemd/system, and /usr/lib/systemd/system are four of those directories.
display_alert "Disable Services - tftpd-hpa, proftpd, nfs-common, smbd, snmpd, ssh"
systemctl disable tftpd-hpa
systemctl disable proftpd
systemctl disable nfs-kernel-server
systemctl disable nfs-common
systemctl disable snmpd
systemctl disable nmbd
systemctl disable samba-ad-dc
systemctl disable smbd
#systemctl disable ssh
display_alert "SSH enable" "custom-image.sh" "info"
systemctl enable ssh
sed -i '/<ssh>/,/<\/ssh>/ s/<enable>0/<enable>1/' /etc/openmediavault/config.xml

#FIX TFTPD ipv4?
display_alert "tftpd-hpa ipv4 startup fix" "custom-image.sh" "info"
sed -i 's/--secure/--secure --ipv4/' /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

#adding omv-initsystem to firststart
display_alert "adding omv-initsystem to firstrun" "custom-image.sh" "info"
echo "/usr/sbin/omv-initsystem" >> /etc/init.d/firstrun

#debug shell
# your code here
# your code here


Thanks for the praise.


I'va already found a few Bugs / ToDos for v0.2

 - Pinning Kernel & Headers because of custom kernel - apt-get update with new kernels will ruin OMV mounts 
 - Change Hostname in /root/.ssh, maybe at other places
 - Comment jessie-backports in sources.list because its doubly in omv-extras.list

 - OMV Flashmemory disables swap, but Armbian set vm.swapiness to 0 which should be better - maybe set it on mainline kernels to 1?




If i read above, i notice my english is not the best. Please correct me if something is to awful ;-)


@BennyStin the meantime we 'stole' your idea, fixed the kernel configs to meet OMV requirements and tried to integrate OMV installation in an unattended way with image creation. Feedback welcome! 



This is pretty awesome !

OMV is my goto distro for cheap NAS builds. Hopefully we get some usable NAS ready boards (Allwinner h6 anyone) sometime this year, so OMV will be extra handy.


A bit offtopic; anyone got their webui working on latest 3.x builds ? Mine broke as soon as i've updated.

On 4.4.2017 at 0:54 AM, tkaiser said:

@BennyStin the meantime we 'stole' your idea, fixed the kernel configs to meet OMV requirements and tried to integrate OMV installation in an unattended way with image creation. Feedback welcome! 



Sorry for answering late, had much todo at work and some other Projects


No Problem when "stealing" this way ;-)

I'll fire up my build env and have a look.

In the meantime an Image based on the script + tvheadend runs since October flawlessly at my home for watching TV+Media on 3 Kodi installations. 

But now with the fixed kernel config, a comfortable way of upgrading is created




at a quick look I've seen you doesn't disable the extra services enabled by apt-get/default ?

Need to find an mSD-Card then I will test it on my OPIZero.

Anything I should specally look at?  Except the points here 



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