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Hi everyone! I tried to boot both Lunar and Sid and got similar UART-console output:

Armbian_23.05.0-trunk-e33842ef2_Mangopi-mq_lunar_edge_6.1.0-rc3.boot.logFetching info...

 I noticed that "/boot/dtb/allwinner/sun20i-d1-nezha.dtb" is wrong choise, found it in extlinux.conf and changed it like this(hope commenting out strings works here):

label Armbian
  kernel /boot/Image
  initrd /boot/uInitrd
#  fdt /boot/dtb/allwinner/sun20i-d1-nezha.dtb
  fdt /boot/dtb/allwinner/sun20i-d1-mangopi-mq-pro.dtb
  append root=UUID=5e7413f7-b308-4843-b9a9-063d99cb1700 console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 earlycon=sbi cma=96M rootflags=data=writeback stmmaceth=chain_mode:1 rw rw no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0 splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles


the result was like this(this is just a tail of log):

lunar_edge_tail.logFetching info...


Am I on the right path?


>>Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/pxelinux.cf_eth_start: Timeout

MangoPi-MQ-Pro board does not have ethernet controller, but it seems OS try to initialize this (unexisting) device. Probably you need to change your image build configuration, to exclude ethernet device?




MangoPi-MQ-Pro board does not have ethernet controller, but it seems OS try to initialize this (unexisting) device. Probably you need to change your image build configuration, to exclude ethernet device?


Failover like this is typical for many platforms, it tries PXE after more usual options failed, which also visible in this log. For example it tries USB above, some other lines are also look like unsuccessful attempts to boot from different medias. I didn't build image myself, I took it from the location below. Do you think that building is preferable?



Where are these images taken from ?



from this location: https://www.armbian.com/mangopi-mq-pro/

Posted (edited)

The images on the download page are broken and do not boot past U-Boot phase, last functioning one comes from February. There is a new maintainer for the board, hopefully we will get a functioning version soon. I can help with testing and debugging if there is such need.


By the way, /usr/lib and /lib are EMPTY in the images, I've tested 3, so something is seriously broken?

Edited by riscvboy
Posted (edited)

just tested the latest available build for mangopi-mq-pro, 26 May 2023 (from there: https://github.com/armbian-beta/os/releases/download/23.5.0-trunk.275/Armbian_23.5.0-trunk.275_Mangopi-mq_lunar_edge_6.1.0-rc3.img.xz), boot process still stop at the same stage:

Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/pxelinux.cfg/default
sun8i_emac_eth_start: Timeout
Config file not found
sun8i_emac_eth_start: Timeout
sun8i_emac_eth_start: Timeout

Edited by Vladimir Dudnik

I also have a Mango Pi MQ Pro.

I spent several hours attempting to figure out if I had a bad SD card or what. Just found this post and have the same problem. What image can I download that still works.  Attempting to find a pre-built one from February seems to be a problem, can someone give me a link to the *.img file I need?






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