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Banani Pi M5, Armbian_23.02.2_Bananapim5_bullseye_current_6.1.11_xfce_desktop into SD card, USB drive connected and auto mounted in fstab.

Boot loop looking for system into USB.

I have to disconnect USB then it boots up from SD.


Any help?

Posted (edited)

Hello, I managed to boot recently on external usb sata. here is the HOW-TO I would have seen somewhere..

I - Install armbian x86 UEFI

        I really recommend it !  You will be able to compile arm from it faster.

        just before going on, it possible to put it side by side with LMDE5 and share /home using garted copy and paste of partitions!
II - Install armbian arm64 aside and outside 😎
1)      I used gparted to make free space  and create a new partition of size 14749 Mb (size of emmc) /dev/sdaX
2) then decompress  the image you downloaded from (redirect).armbian.com big KISS to @Werner for the mirror !

 here <foo> is for example jammy,bullseye,bookworm etc..

unxz -T0 Armbian_<version>_<foo>_arm64.img.tz

3) copy it to the partition (and SD)

   a) then you mount armbian_<version>_<foo>_arm64.img with gnome-disks utility or other way

  b) inside gnome-disk locate THE ARMBIAN_ROOT PARTITION and mount it. click on the link /media/$USER/armbian_root

 c) The fastest way to transfer I found is with partclone (see ubuntu manual that indicates partiitons should be umounted!):

partclone.extfs -b -d -s /media/$USER/armbian_root  -o /dev/sdaX 


4) Fix the UUID if it does not match
you can access to the /boot directory , in this directory you see the UUID in the boot/armbianEnv.txt  like "SoSIe-Love-Armbian-It-R0cks" or in etc/fstab
you use tune2fs to set the partition /dev/sdaX to it with:

tune2fs /dev/sdaX -U <UUID> 

5) then you copy it to a sdcard > 16Go to boot on it


dd if=/dev/sdaX of=/dev/<sdcard> bs=10M

6) Put the sdcard on the sbc bananapiM5 and boot it

   recommend to install to emmc with armbian-install or dd way like i discribed before ,
  then shutdown the sbc, remove the sdcard, light on to make all actions in the emmc because it is faster and safer

7 ) Now inside as root you can copy boot as boot-emmc

mkdir /boot-emmc
rsync -aPz /boot /boot-emmc

8 ) then you rename boot

mv boot boot-usb-sata-<foo>

9) Adapt  armbianEnv.txt and boot.cmd tfor usb sata target

cd /boot-usb-sata-<foo>

Check the armbianEnv.txt and boot.cmd to match target usb sata partition drive   

    a) the UUID must match those of /dev/sdaX  (or other armbian_root)
    b) rootdevfs is no more /dev/mmcblk1p1 but /dev/sdaX   (or other armbian_root)

10) then you do symlink to usb sata boot, the one you want to boot


rm boot # erase previous link, ln -sf does nothing
ln -s boot-usb-sata-<foo> boot

11) Ensure your usb sata drive is connected to BPI M5 usb3 port.. I have a powered usb sata case. I notice the power is not enougth on USB3 to handle usb sata drive

11) Reboot the baby.. now you should boot on usb sata /dev/sdaX !

of course  ONE WILL SAY, HEY DUDE, THERE IS THE ARMBIAN-INSTALL SCRIPT...yes but no it can not handle side by side boot without erasing all drive.

Edited by SoSie

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