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Are there any plans for a bookworm distro for Rockpi 4 c+?

Peter Andersson

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Hi I found the following page https://www.armbian.com/rockpi4/ but I guess those files are for rock pi 4 and not rock pi 4 c?

It has a link to 4 c plus images https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/dl/rockpi-4cplus/archive/ but they only contain bullseye?


So are there any plans for rockpi 4 c plus to have a bookworm image?


Are there any github pipelines that build them where I could send a pull request? (not that my c or c++ compilation skills are existing but I would be happy to give it a try).

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Thanks for the response, but from what I can see the 4C and 4C+ have almost the same configuration


Why does one get a bookworm distro and not the other one?

While I guess I could use the framework to build my self one I would prefer if I could download one from https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/dl/rockpi-4cplus/archive/ what settings need's to be changed for a build to go to the download page?

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12 hours ago, Peter Andersson said:

Why does one get a bookworm distro and not the other one?

My guess is because nobody added this combination as a target.

We already provide a lot of images per board which eats up tons of ressources (which cost money btw.). With the provided build framework it is very easy for users to create their own combinations of board and userspace as needed.

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