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OrangePI PC no output on HDMI


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I'm running an OrangePI PC with legacy Jessie server and armbian 5.23 and kernel 3.4.112. I never seen the ouput through the HDMI monitor. It's always without signal, even at boot when uboot start.

Is that normal ?

I played with h3disp, but it never work.

I would like to see just the boot and the text console.


Any suggestion ?


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not uboot... But kernel begin to load it shuold output , or I have to wait last phase, around login to see the prompt ?


Regarding the stuff used:

1) monitor I used both a DELLU2410 and a mini 7" monitor,

2) two different HDMI cables (I can try other two different cables)

3) I did not read 720p default, I ve tried different modes using h3disp

4) I've used the supplied power supply at beginning, but now I'm using a powerbank connected to power: EasyAcc PB10000CF) that works well as UPS and should provide 2A (I've tried different ones, most of them are not able to switch without interruption/power loss).


I could restore the original script.bin, maybe some settings was corrupter around hdmi: I found that using h3consumption if I descrease core, in some situation I'm not more able to restore the original 4 cores, because a setting remains in rc.local, and it's not deleted by h3consumption.


Last question, the difference between desktop and server are only due to differents packages that provide X functionlity ?

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