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Posted (edited)

I would like to use st7735 in an orangePI zero 2 (H616).
The st7735 module was purchased at the following link:
Armbian usage.

I connected st7735 in the following way:
OPI --------> st7735
23 --------> SCK
19 --------> SDA
24 --------> CS
13 --------> AD
11 --------> RTD
4 --------> VCC
25 --------> GND

I then ran the following command:
sudo modprobe fbtft_device custom name=fb_st7735r gpios=dc:3,reset:0 speed=16000000 rotate=90

The screen stays white with a red stripe at the bottom.

I can't find any errors in dmesg.
/dev/fb1 is created

how can i use the command

con2fbmap 1 1
which I found by following this guide:
Thank you

Edited by bsrobot

I recently got my SPI display to work with OPZero2.  This document was very helpful:

Your GPIO pin numbers are not correct.


I wired to the same GPIO pins suggested in the document above:
1 - VCC     (1) 3.3v
2 - GND     (6) Gnd
3 - CS         (24) Spi1 CS
4 - RESET     (7) GPIO 6 - 73
5 - DC         (11) GPIO 1 - 70
6 - SDI (MOSI)    (19) Spi1 MOSI
7 - SCLK    (23) Spi1 CLK
8 - LED        (13) GPIO 0 - 69
9 - SDO (MISO)    (21) Spi1 MISO

The GPIO mapping looks like this:

options fbtft_device custom name=fb_ili9341 gpios=dc:70,reset:73,led:69 speed=16000000 busnum=1 cs=1 bgr=1 txtbuflen-32768 fps=10 rotate=90


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the reply.
In these days I will start some tests.
One question, I don't have the led pin.
Could the LED pin be my BLK?
Another curiosity, why use fb_ili9341 and not fb_st7735r?

on PCB i have only SDA i don't have MISO and MOSI pins.
How can I do?


Thank you

Edited by bsrobot

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