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HELP- DQ08 RK3528 4Go RAM 64go SSD can't boot with multitool (with photos)

Valentin C

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Thanks everyone. The information here has helped me a lot! I haven't managed to get the wifi drivers working though.

@jpegqs or anyone...could you help me with a more detailed explanation on how to apply the patch to use the driver, apply correct changes to kernel config and where to find the Android files to copy?


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

The HK2735M wifi chip is compatible to the bcm4335. the Linux driver is brcmfmac, controlled by kernel config CONFIG_BRCMFMAC_SDIO and
CONFIG_BRCMFMAC. The driver expects the firmware files brcmfmac4335-sdio.bin (may need to rename the file, the driver tells you the filename it was looking for) and brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt under


I'm using a different TV Box. Transpeed 8K618-T TV box. I had some success with the firmware files from https://github.com/LibreELEC/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware/blob/master/


You may need to patch your DT to enable wifi. Haven't checked your DT for your box yet. 

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The preinstalled Android on the RK3528 uses the BCMDHD driver, which is located in the "drivers/net/wireless/rockchip_wlan/rkwifi/bcmdhd" directory. As you can see, Rockchip has its own driver for Broadcom. Which is missing some patches.


I'm pretty sure that these patches must include this line:


{BCM4335_CHIP_ID,    1,    DONT_CARE,    "bcm4335b0_ag",        "bcm4335"},


There's number of repositories on Github that have this line (link). But they have no history of driver updates.

Edited by jpegqs
fix typo
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I tried the /vendor/etc/firmware/nvram_bcm4335.txt and /vendor/etc/firmware/firmware/bcm4335b0_ag that came with my android box. But it didn't work. When I used the brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt from LibreELEC. Everything worked. Didn't matter which firmware.bin I used (I tried bcm4335b0_ag, LibreELEC and Original Linux Kernel firmware.bin).  I think there may be a problem with nvram_bcm4335.txt. Something is missing. Right now, I'm changing the values in brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt because the values in nvram_bcm4335.txt might be more optimal.


I'm not sure how armbian rockchip loads your drivers. but if your patches are correct and the wifi still doesn't load. Try the brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt from LibreELEC. Worth a try. It worked for me.

Edited by Nick A
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I only used the BRCMFMAC driver... I guess your BCMDHD driver might read the nvram_bcm4335.txt correctly. It could be an issue with BRCMFMAC. If not try the brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt. Both nvram_bcm4335.txt and brcmfmac4335-sdio.txt are very similar. It's the config file for the firmware.bin. I'll setup BCMDHD on my box and see if the original nvram_bcm4335.txt works.

Edited by Nick A
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How did you managed to flash @Shinjin image from mega.nz ?

I've tried to dd it + add dtb + edit armbianEnv.txt but it doesn't show anything on my screen.


as I still want to use android, should i need to use SDDiskTool_v1.7 or update emmc's uboot ?

Edited by fensoft
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7 hours ago, fensoft said:

but it doesn't show anything on my screen.

There's an unsolved problem with the RK3528 video driver, it is necessary to connect an HDMI cable or turn on the monitor a few seconds after turning on the TV-box. Also, at the first boot there is nothing on screen, because first you need to enter the Armbian configuration script using ssh (over a LAN connection).

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everything is working. i've plugged an uart to have boot logs.


as i want a debian flavor to use it as a lowcost homeassistant, i'll try to create a script to "create" an image from scratch (with just your armbi_boot + any other armbi_root like an official one)


did you create a git repo with Image + uInitrd + dtb + armbianEnv.txt + boot.scr ?


what modifications did you do to armbi_root ?


also, the automatic partition extender seems to corrupt everything after a first reboot

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3 hours ago, fensoft said:

did you create a git repo with Image + uInitrd + dtb + armbianEnv.txt + boot.scr ?



3 hours ago, fensoft said:

what modifications did you do to armbi_root ?

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't make any changes to armbi_root, whatever this is.


3 hours ago, fensoft said:

also, the automatic partition extender seems to corrupt everything after a first reboot

Sounds like a fake flash media that reports more capacity than it actually has.

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armbi_boot is the label of the first ext4 partition with boot files mounted as /boot. armbi_root is the second partition, the root / one


9 hours ago, jpegqs said:

Sounds like a fake flash media that reports more capacity than it actually has.

it's not a fake one. works fine with other armbian releases.

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As i don't trust img distributed over googledrive/mega, here is a script to build it yourself: https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/rk3528-tvbox/issues/4


git clone https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/rk3528-tvbox.git
cd rk3528-tvbox
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/armbian/build armbian-build
cp -R armbian-patch/* armbian-build/
cd armbian-build
./compile.sh build BOARD=rk3528-tvbox BRANCH=legacy BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=yes EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no KERNEL_GIT=shallow RELEASE=bookworm
cd ../..
cat <<EOF > rk3528-tvbox/build.sh
cd /build
IMAGE=\`ls /build/armbian-build/output/images/*.img\`
losetup -D
losetup --partscan /dev/loop0 \$IMAGE
mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt
cd devicetree
cp orig/*.dtsi .
patch -p1 -i rk3528-tvbox.patch
make NAME=rk3528-vontar-dq08 PRESET=LINUX
cp rk3528-vontar-dq08.dtb /mnt/dtb/rockchip
sed "s#fdtfile=.*#fdtfile=rockchip/rk3528-vontar-dq08.dtb#" -i /mnt/armbianEnv.txt
losetup -D
cat \$IMAGE | gzip > /build/\`basename \$IMAGE\`.gz
chmod a+x rk3528-tvbox/build.sh
docker run -it -v /dev:/dev --privileged=true -v `pwd`/rk3528-tvbox:/build --rm armbian.local.only/armbian-build:initial /build/build.sh


Tooks almost 30minutes to generate the image. Should works with WSL if you have docker.

Note that you can change BUILD_DESKTOP BUILD_MINIMAL and RELEASE if you want.

Also, nomore corruption with automatic partition extender.

I've put the link here for lazy guys

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I also added a usb3 ssd to the usb3 port.

To use it, you still need to load the kernel from an internal SD.

- flash the usb3 drive

- plug to the box

- e2label /dev/sda2 ssd

- change /boot/armbianEnv.txt : rootdev=LABEL=ssd


i also removed /dev/sda1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2 with fdisk


also, to install homeassistant/haos, here's the tutorial


Reboot and voilà !


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I was planning to buy a few Android TV boxes to install home assistants, but after researching and following the debate between @Energokom and @jock , I decided to buy a Mini PC Intel NUC and Raspberry Pi for my house instead. The quality of these devices is much more reliable than gambling with Android TV boxes and inviting trouble and headaches.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to supporting these products from unknown Chinese manufacturers.

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On 2/6/2024 at 10:24 PM, An An said:

I decided to buy a Mini PC Intel NUC and Raspberry Pi for my house instead.

you're comparing 20USD android tv box with a 60USD rpi4/4go or a 300USD with ram intel nuc. That's not comparable, sorry :)

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2 hours ago, Lizzo69 said:

@fensoft i flashed your image from mega, but i'm not getting anything on screen. any idea why?


Most likely this:


On 2/1/2024 at 12:03 PM, jpegqs said:

There's an unsolved problem with the RK3528 video driver, it is necessary to connect an HDMI cable or turn on the monitor a few seconds after turning on the TV-box. Also, at the first boot there is nothing on screen, because first you need to enter the Armbian configuration script using ssh (over a LAN connection).


But did you notice that this is a "minimal" build? You need to install desktop packages if you need a desktop.

Edited by jpegqs
note about minimal
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@jpegqsI did notice it's minimal and I don't mind it as I plan on using it to run kipper for a 3d printer. But can you gimme a brief rundown of how to ssh into into it at first boot? Because as far as I'm aware, in order to ssh like I do with a raspberry pi, I need to enter the user name followed by the IP. But I'm not seeing the IP pop up when connected to lan, while using my network watcher app and I also wouldn't have the name and password to ssh (correct me if I'm wrong)

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Hello I'm starting from scratch.

I would like to install an armbian mage on this box that I bought on amazon. https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0C3D3ZT9Q?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


Where can I find the procedure? Is the procedure https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-prepare-a-sd-card valid for the EU box I bought?

What is the purpose of the script published on this page on February 3rd?


Thanks for your help

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On 2/21/2024 at 8:44 PM, lebrun said:

What is the purpose of the script published on this page on February 3rd?

it's written on the post: "As i don't trust img distributed over googledrive/mega, here is a script to build it yourself".


use the prebuilt file if you trust a random guy with 5 posts on a forum

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I'm thinking of a possible use case for this box, but I would need to use the internal emmc.


Is it still not possible to install armbian internally?


On 2/3/2024 at 7:40 PM, fensoft said:


i also removed /dev/sda1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2 with fdisk


What are these 2 partitions? SDcard?




On 2/22/2024 at 10:58 PM, fensoft said:

a random guy with 5 posts on a forum

Well, I did post that image after @Lizzo69's request and you only have 2 posts more 😉

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