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Does Armbian (Bookworm or Jammy) supports Khadas VIM3 UART


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I have installed Armbian Bookworm on Khadas VIM3. Also I have enabled "UARTa" , "UARTc" in armbian-config utility.

After reboot in file /boot/armbienEnv.txt I have checked options about uart (uarc).


Also there are many files /dev/ttyS[0-7] exists.


After this I try to connect "minicom -D /dev/ttyS0" (ttyS0, S1, and S3 etc).

But no answer from my device on pins 15,16 OR 18,19 (this is a UARTA,UARTC, UART linux).

Python sripts pyserial output: "i/o error".


Does Armbian (Bookworm or Jammy) supports Khadas VIM3 UART?

Are there successful cases?


One more question:

On Ubuntu Server files /dev/ttyS* are absent. However Khadas supports UART (on https://docs.khadas.com/products/sbc/common/applications/gpio/uart )



Thank you!


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