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I feel like I have been here before..... I'm trying to get Netatalk working on my OrangePiOne and OrangePiPC. No luck again


I have build a custom kernel with only appletalk extra as a module ( appletalk.ko) and used the then created package:


to install this over an image of the beta images site for an orangepizero.


The OrangePi boots perfect and I see the new kernel active:

Linux orangepizero 4.9.0macippi-sun8i-g21ddf78-dirty #2 SMP Fri Jan 6 20:08:41 UTC 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

Installed Netatalk after this and it is running fine...only no appletalk or AFP over DDP... very frustrating!!


I can aecho to its own address, but not to other Macintosh

root@orangepizero:~# nbplkup
                   orangepizero:netatalk                           65280.235:4
                   orangepizero:Workstation                        65280.235:4
root@orangepizero:~# aecho 65280.235
14 bytes from 65280.235: aep_seq=0. time=0. ms
14 bytes from 65280.235: aep_seq=1. time=0. ms
14 bytes from 65280.235: aep_seq=2. time=0. ms
14 bytes from 65280.235: aep_seq=3. time=0. ms
14 bytes from 65280.235: aep_seq=4. time=0. ms 
root@orangepizero:~# aecho 65280.129
----65280.129 AEP Statistics----
4 packets sent, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Wit tcpdump I see a lot of tuncated packages / errors:

23:08:58.212531 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 25: "=:AFPServ[|atalk]
23:08:58.722110 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:08:59.038331 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 25: "=:AFPServ[|atalk]
23:08:59.860710 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 25: "=:AFPServ[|atalk]
23:08:59.874674 AT 65280.235.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "=:=@*" [addr=65280.235.128]
23:09:00.685779 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 25: "=:AFPServ[|atalk]
23:09:01.521082 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 25: "=:AFPServ[|atalk]
23:09:01.876643 AT 65280.235.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "=:=@*" [addr=65280.235.128]
23:09:15.188213 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:09:16.029066 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9

On my older image with adjusted kernel 4.6.0 and appletalk  everything is working fine. At nbplkup looks like this:

|  \/  | __ _  ___|_ _|  _ \ _ __ (_)
| |\/| |/ _` |/ __|| || |_) | '_ \| |
| |  | | (_| | (__ | ||  __/| |_) | |
|_|  |_|\__,_|\___|___|_|   | .__/|_|

Welcome to ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux stretch/sid 4.6.0-rc1-macipgw-op1-sunxi
Made possible on an OrangePiOne
System load:   0.56             Up time:       1 min
Memory usage:  14 % of 495Mb    IP:  
Usage of /:    82% of 3.4G

Last login: Sun Jan  8 00:02:14 2017 from
root@orangepione:~# nbplkup
                    OrangePiOne:AFPServer                          65280.223:129
                    orangepione:netatalk                           65280.223:4
                    orangepione:Workstation                        65280.223:4
                     BasiliskII:AFPServer                          65395.129:249
                     BasiliskII:PPCToolBox                         65395.129:251
                     BasiliskII:  Macintosh                        65395.129:252
                     BasiliskII:Workstation                        65395.129:4
           AsantéTalk 940863E7:Asant▒Talk                         65330.7:252

tcpdump looks also more healty:

root@orangepione:~# tcpdump -i eth0|grep AT
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
00:41:37.351701 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 134: "=:=@*"
00:41:37.351896 AT 65280.223.nis > 65395.129.253:  nbp-reply 134: "OrangePiOne:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "*" 72 "orangepione:netatalk@*"(2) 4 "orangepione:Workstation@*"(3) 4
00:41:38.192129 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 134: "=:=@*"
00:41:38.192306 AT 65280.223.nis > 65395.129.253:  nbp-reply 134: "OrangePiOne:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "*" 72 "orangepione:netatalk@*"(2) 4 "orangepione:Workstation@*"(3) 4
00:41:39.039719 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 134: "=:=@*"
00:41:39.039852 AT 65280.223.nis > 65395.129.253:  nbp-reply 134: "OrangePiOne:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "*" 72 "orangepione:netatalk@*"(2) 4 "orangepione:Workstation@*"(3) 4
00:41:39.886361 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 134: "=:=@*"
00:41:39.886524 AT 65280.223.nis > 65395.129.253:  nbp-reply 134: "OrangePiOne:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "*" 72 "orangepione:netatalk@*"(2) 4 "orangepione:Workstation@*"(3) 4
00:41:42.250885 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 135: "=:AFPServer@*"
00:41:42.251074 AT 65280.223.nis > 65395.129.253:  nbp-reply 135: "OrangePiOne:AFPServer@*"(0) 129
00:41:43.088403 AT 65395.129.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 135: "=:AFPServer@*"
00:41:43.088539 AT 65280.223.nis > 65395.129.253:  nbp-reply 135: "OrangePiOne:AFPServer@*"(0) 129

The log file from this one can be found here:






Nothing to see from my Basilisk II emulator too. Should be....





I hoped that with a newer kernel the Ethernet problems of the Orange Pi where solved,

See my armbianmonitor -u output on:





I love to have a working ethernet card WITH Apple talk for my project "The MacIPpi". See all about it on:




Tried it again with 4.10.3 .... no luck again. It seems this ethernet driver is ruining AT packages:


Linux orangepione 4.10.3macippi-sun8i #1 SMP Fri Mar 31 23:11:00 UTC 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux



root@orangepione:~# tcpdump -i eth0|grep AT
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
23:06:22.691401 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:23.532231 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:24.372297 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:25.221060 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:41.950905 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:42.797431 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:43.647590 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
23:06:44.502581 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9


Some more research. It seems that Appletalk protocol is mutilated bij the ethernet driver on a OranePi Zero. Could it be a simple thing like a value which is to snmall so that information is cut of?


Have a look at a tcpdump at the same time on two different machines. One on an OrangePi Zero ( 4.10.3) and one on a Tiny Core VM. On the Tiny Core atalk works fine...




ORANGE PI ZERO with 4.10.3


22:24:10.562341 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
22:24:10.673783 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
22:24:10.786945 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
22:24:10.906635 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
22:24:11.020365 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
22:24:11.133410 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
22:24:12.165345 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolB[|atalk]
22:24:12.272129 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolB[|atalk]
22:24:12.387657 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolB[|atalk]
22:24:13.003707 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 4: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalk[|atalk]
22:24:13.035244 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "[|atalk]
22:24:13.856797 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "[|atalk]
22:24:14.684734 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "[|atalk]
22:24:15.507516 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "[|atalk]
22:24:17.840665 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServ[|atalk]
22:24:18.675405 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServ[|atalk]
22:24:19.500474 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServ[|atalk]
22:24:20.328409 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServ[|atalk]
22:24:31.579863 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:24:32.420715 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:24:33.263291 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:24:34.104906 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9

Linux VM with atalk in kernel


22:24:10.294907 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
22:24:10.294942 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
22:24:10.406296 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
22:24:10.406332 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
22:24:10.519429 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
22:24:10.519467 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 1: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
22:24:10.639298 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
22:24:10.639334 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
22:24:10.752958 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
22:24:10.752994 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
22:24:10.865933 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
22:24:10.865967 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
22:24:11.897845 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
22:24:11.897879 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
22:24:12.004649 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
22:24:12.004683 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
22:24:12.120171 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
22:24:12.120207 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
22:24:12.736317 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 4: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalkZone"
22:24:12.736352 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 4: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalkZone"
22:24:12.737996 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.nis:  nbp-reply 4: "*"(0) 72
22:24:12.738028 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.nis:  nbp-reply 4: "*"(0) 72
22:24:12.767916 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:12.767952 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:13.589315 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:13.589351 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:14.417287 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:14.417322 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:15.240063 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:15.240098 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 5: "*"
22:24:17.573280 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:17.573315 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:18.408036 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:18.408074 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:19.233124 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:19.233161 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:20.061127 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:20.061165 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 6: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
22:24:31.312688 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:31.312722 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:31.312945 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:31.313077 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:32.153506 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:32.153542 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:32.153727 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:32.153860 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:32.996098 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:32.996133 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:32.996319 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:32.996453 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:33.837734 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:33.837769 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "=:=@*"
22:24:33.837978 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72
22:24:33.838144 AT 65280.253.nis > 1.174.253:  nbp-reply 7: "tinyMacIPgw TEMP File Server:AFPServer@*"(0) 129 "tinyMacIPgw:netatalk@*" 4 "tinyM              acIPgw:Workstation@*"(2) 4 "*"(3) 72





I got a very friendly reply on my search for correct AppleTalk working on the sun8i-emac network driver. See this:





Which driver do you use dwmac-sun8i or sun8i-emac ? (see it in dmesg) Anyway I have tried to fix both in two github branch

Corentin Labbe




Not sure how to use this fix in the building development, but maybe someone is willing to give some help!

19 hours ago, op1tjaap said:

Not sure how to use this fix in the building development, but maybe someone is willing to give some help!


You would adjust https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/sources/sun8i.conf#L16-L17 to point to Corentin's dwmac-sun8i-v5 repo/branch and then you need to disable most if not all patches since the majority will fail. Putting an empty file with same name in userpatches subfolder will do the job (I would start with disabling all patches except of the necessary 'packaging' patch). Performance with such a built kernel will be awful but that shouldn't matter if it's about trying to help him debug/fix the AppleTalk problem.



Changed lib/config/sources/sun81.conf   line 16 and 17 to





made a directory lib/userpatches with almost only empy files.


cd lib/userpatches
(cd ../patch/; find -type d ! -name . -printf "\"%p\"\n") | xargs mkdir

copied all the files of lib/patch into it and emptied everything. Only not the files with 'packaging' in it.

in compile.sh chose for yes at only kernel and yes for configure kernel so I can add AppleTalk module


Started it up ..... and yes I see it is getting the right git sources

[ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ u-boot v2017.03 ]
[ .... ] Creating local copy
[ .... ] Fetching updates
remote: Counting objects: 14229, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12905/12905), done.
remote: Total 14229 (delta 2597), reused 5973 (delta 1067)
Receiving objects: 100% (14229/14229), 17.88 MiB | 5.42 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2597/2597), done.
From git://git.denx.de/u-boot
 * tag               v2017.03   -> FETCH_HEAD
[ .... ] Checking out
[ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ linux-sun8i-mainline dwmac-sun8i-v5 ]
[ .... ] Creating local copy
[ .... ] Fetching updates
remote: Counting objects: 63678, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (59270/59270), done.
remote: Total 63678 (delta 5461), reused 22527 (delta 3416), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (63678/63678), 168.33 MiB | 7.69 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5461/5461), done.
From https://github.com/montjoie/linux
 * branch            dwmac-sun8i-v5 -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      dwmac-sun8i-v5 -> origin/dwmac-sun8i-v5
[ .... ] Checking out

Ok..... now  go to bed and have a look in the moning. It's a "holiday day" in The Netherlands:




So lets pick up again from yesterday. Very cold weather in the Netheralnds so nice to stay at home at Kings Day!


Building ended nicely:


[ o.k. ] Kernel build done [ @host ]
[ o.k. ] Target directory [ /root/output/debs/ ]
[ o.k. ] File name [ linux-image-dev-sun8i_5.27_armhf.deb ]
[ o.k. ] Runtime [ 49 min ]

scp the deps directory to my Orangepi Zero and installed. Dont't forget to remove the empty extra directory in deps

Switch to debs directory on Zero aninstall with 


dpkg -i *.deb


Reboot and check new kernel


root@orangepizero:~# uname -a
Linux orangepizero 4.11.0-next-20170424appletalk-sun8i #1 SMP Wed Apr 26 23:57:33 UTC 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

Then load appletalk module


modprobe appletalk

Check if loaded


root@orangepizero:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
appletalk              28672  0
binfmt_misc            16384  1
bluetooth             270336  0
rfkill                 20480  2 bluetooth
sun8i_codec_analog     24576  0
snd_soc_core          122880  1 sun8i_codec_analog
snd_pcm_dmaengine      16384  1 snd_soc_core
snd_pcm                77824  2 snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_core
uio_pdrv_genirq        16384  0
uio                    16384  1 uio_pdrv_genirq
usb_f_acm              16384  1
u_serial               20480  3 usb_f_acm
g_serial               16384  0
libcomposite           40960  2 g_serial,usb_f_acm

Then install tcpdump and check for Appletalk packages:


tcpdump -i eth0 atalk

And yes....... the packages are OK!


tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
10:50:06.372204 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 25
10:50:06.887358 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 25
10:50:07.401890 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 25
10:50:07.919619 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 25
10:50:08.432017 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 25
10:50:08.948119 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 25
10:50:09.472932 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
10:50:09.581650 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
10:50:09.698288 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "BasiliskII:Workstation@*"
10:50:09.822851 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 8: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
10:50:09.929207 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 8: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
10:50:10.034992 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 8: "BasiliskII:  Macintosh@*"
10:50:11.132849 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 9: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
10:50:11.245412 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 9: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
10:50:11.362360 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 9: "BasiliskII:PPCToolBox@*"
10:50:11.964771 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 10: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalkZone"
10:50:12.793514 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 10: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalkZone"
10:50:13.626542 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 10: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalkZone"
10:50:14.454197 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 10: "=:IPGATEWAY@LocalTalkZone"
10:50:15.317545 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 11: "*"
10:50:16.150885 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 11: "*"
10:50:16.984492 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 11: "*"
10:50:17.818713 AT 1.174.nis > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 11: "*"
10:50:20.206997 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 12: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
10:50:21.034921 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 12: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
10:50:21.867519 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 12: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"
10:50:22.702075 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 12: "BasiliskII:AFPServer@*"

With the "non fixed drive" they where like this....truncated..and all ending in [|atalk]...



listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
22:48:45.847967 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:48:46.696016 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:48:47.541512 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:48:48.383287 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  truncated-nbp 9
22:49:02.634005 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 148: "=:AFPServ[|atalk]
22:49:06.542306 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
22:49:07.055313 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
22:49:07.572883 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
22:49:08.097816 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
22:49:08.614034 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
22:49:09.135912 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
22:49:09.659743 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
22:49:09.765651 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
22:49:09.882163 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 2: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
22:49:10.006475 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
22:49:10.115347 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
22:49:10.232643 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 3: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
22:49:11.365723 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 4: "BasiliskII:PPCToolB[|atalk]
22:49:11.480356 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 4: "BasiliskII:PPCToolB[|atalk]
22:49:11.598736 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 4: "BasiliskII:PPCToolB[|atalk]

Next thing will be installing netatalk and go for the ultimate test!!!!!



For more about my current setup information:

/var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/WaDD


Addded to /etc/apt/sources.list


#netatalk 2.2.5 for AFP DDP and macipgw
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian sid main


did an

apt-get update

Ten an:


apt-get install netatalk  



It give some key eroors. Don't pay attention to it. If you get questions if you want to proceed just do.


Ten edit /etc/init.d/netatalk and change



Just to be sure I rebooted and started netatalk by hand


/etc/init.d/netatalk start

And YES! Workes fine!!!!



root@orangepizero:~# nbplkup
                   orangepizero:netatalk                           65280.115:4
                   orangepizero:Workstation                        65280.115:4
                     BasiliskII:AFPServer                          1.174:249
                     BasiliskII:PPCToolBox                         1.174:251
                     BasiliskII:  Macintosh                        1.174:252
                     BasiliskII:Workstation                        1.174:4
           AsantéTalk 94081D2A:Asant▒Talk                         65285.239:252
           AsantéTalk 940863E7:Asant▒Talk                         65399.143:252

Many thanks to Corentin Labbe for fixing this problem and many thanks for tkaiser for his patience in explaining how to get this fix in my building environment and get it actually working!

4 hours ago, op1tjaap said:

netatalk 2.2.5


Strange, I can not remember that we ever released Netatalk 2.2.4 or above back then ;)


Anyway: glad that it works and I hope you informed @montjoiethat his fix did it? If you can provide a diff I could try to throw the patch to our current sun8i dev sources so you would get both working NBP and all the other improvements (like cpufreq scaling AKA 'performance' ;) )


Yes … I informed Corentin Labbe about the result. 

I’m afraid I don’t know how I should let you know what the diff is. I have seen a multicast fix in drivers/net/ethernet/allwinner/sun8i-emac.c in  sun8i-emac: fix multicast 3 days ago. May this is it:


This is in sun8i-emac-v5.1. I used dwmac-sun8i-v5. I don’t see the same fix. Hope you can work with this information and apply the fix to the Armbian images?

I gave my 4.6.0 MacIPpi image this new 4.11.0 kernel with the fix, and it is working fine. No more RX errors! Uptime 17 hours and counting


 __  __            ___ ____        _
|  \/  | __ _  ___|_ _|  _ \ _ __ (_)
| |\/| |/ _` |/ __|| || |_) | '_ \| |
| |  | | (_| | (__ | ||  __/| |_) | |
|_|  |_|\__,_|\___|___|_|   | .__/|_|

Welcome to ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux stretch/sid 4.11.0-next-20170424-macippi-sun8i
Made possible on an OrangePiOne
System load:   0.00             Up time:       17 hours         Local users:   2
Memory usage:  23 % of 496Mb    IP:  
Usage of /:    86% of 3.4G

[ 469 updates to install: apt-get upgrade ]

Scanning your network for Macintosh and AppleTalk devices. Found:

                    OrangePiOne:AFPServer                          65280.116:129
                    orangepione:netatalk                           65280.116:4
                    orangepione:Workstation                        65280.116:4
                   orangepizero:netatalk                           65280.115:4
                   orangepizero:Workstation                        65280.115:4
                     BasiliskII:AFPServer                          1.174:250
                     BasiliskII:PPCToolBox                         1.174:251
                     BasiliskII:  Macintosh                        1.174:252
                     BasiliskII:Workstation                        1.174:4
            Asant▒Talk 94081D2A:Asant▒Talk                         65285.239:252
            Asant▒Talk 940863E7:Asant▒Talk                         65399.143:252

orangepi@orangepione:~$ uptime
 17:53:31 up 17:53,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


Log file on: http://sprunge.us/IKiD



About netatatalk 2.2.5, it is the last version supporting 'classic' AppleTalk (that is, via DDP). It can be found at



Package: netatalk
Version: 2.2.5-2
Installed-Size: 2926
Maintainer: Debian Netatalk team <pkg-netatalk-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Architecture: armhf
Depends: libacl1 (>= 2.2.51-8), libattr1 (>= 1:2.4.46-8), libavahi-client3 (>= 0.6.16), libavahi-common3 (>= 0.6.16), libc6 (>= 2.15), libcomerr2 (>= 1.01), libcrack2 (>= 2.8.12), libcups2 (>= 1.4.0), libdb5.3, libgcrypt20 (>= 1.7.0), libgssapi-krb5-2 (>= 1.14+dfsg), libk5crypto3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libkrb5-3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7), libpam0g (>=, libwrap0 (>= 7.6-4~), perl:any, netbase, libpam-modules
Recommends: lsof, rc, db-util, procps, cracklib-runtime, libpam-cracklib, avahi-daemon
Suggests: texlive-base-bin, groff, quota
Description-en: AppleTalk user binaries
 Netatalk is an implementation of the AppleTalk Protocol Suite for
 BSD-derived systems.  The current release contains support for
 EtherTalk Phase I and II, DDP, RTMP, NBP, ZIP, AEP, ATP, PAP, ASP, and
 This package contains all daemon and utility programs as well as Netatalk's
 static libraries.
Description-md5: 9400f37f8d52982c30c427813e004eab
Homepage: http://netatalk.sourceforge.net/
Section: net
Priority: extra
Filename: pool/main/n/netatalk/netatalk_2.2.5-2_armhf.deb
Size: 682740
MD5sum: 7d858c5e5b4cb3335a3d572bf25da822
SHA256: d7fa103da5d13fd3aa98c2c40120a1fe03940f2f2cb10df5419ba83a129a1872

Package: netatalk
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: net
Installed-Size: 2901
Maintainer: Debian Netatalk team <pkg-netatalk-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Architecture: armhf
Source: netatalk (2.2.5-1)
Version: 2.2.5-1+b1
Depends: libacl1 (>= 2.2.51-8), libattr1 (>= 1:2.4.46-8), libavahi-client3 (>= 0.6.16), libavahi-common3 (>= 0.6.16), libc6 (>= 2.15), libcomerr2 (>= 1.01), libcrack2 (>= 2.8.12), libcups2 (>= 1.4.0), libdb5.3, libgcrypt20 (>= 1.6.0), libgssapi-krb5-2 (>= 1.10+dfsg~), libk5crypto3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libkrb5-3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7), libpam0g (>=, libwrap0 (>= 7.6-4~), perl, netbase, libpam-modules
Recommends: lsof, rc, db-util, procps, cracklib-runtime, libpam-cracklib, avahi-daemon
Suggests: texlive-base-bin, groff, quota, db4.2-util
 /etc/netatalk/papd.conf d9a2796d69ecb9151a0018d8c35b70e6
 /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.system 5e3ed8c628babece08be6599b654419e
 /etc/netatalk/afp_ldap.conf 74713affe6341650cf8fc281c350789d
 /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default 0918dbf3548156b1b574f5fca461b098
 /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf 44acec260b65f1bf2cf26ca91fc05e9e
 /etc/netatalk/atalkd.conf f18caedd5e218b0b61c5c03ef13c5398
 /etc/default/netatalk 233b97e400e922a39436dc9258416f67
 /etc/init.d/netatalk 59e238521a79c3f342ba060ea7a9f07c
 /etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server/netatalk 13ab2493ccc5343a8fac73eced0c6712
 /etc/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/netatalk c7889e80639044d35c0bd614410f1891
 /etc/pam.d/netatalk 01dc501e2d43ffc9f76b338e24a55e80
Description-en: AppleTalk user binaries
 Netatalk is an implementation of the AppleTalk Protocol Suite for
 BSD-derived systems.  The current release contains support for
 EtherTalk Phase I and II, DDP, RTMP, NBP, ZIP, AEP, ATP, PAP, ASP, and
 This package contains all daemon and utility programs as well as Netatalk's
 static libraries.
Description-md5: 9400f37f8d52982c30c427813e004eab
Homepage: http://netatalk.sourceforge.net/


3 minutes ago, op1tjaap said:

I used dwmac-sun8i-v5.

This is the "new" driver, it won't be used in Armbian anytime soon. We could patch sun8i-emac or wait to see if megous rebases his 4.11 branch to include newer sun8i-emac driver.




Thanks for the explanation. For the MacIPpi I will update the standard Armbian images with this dwmac-sun8i-v5 branch. I really like to have a stable working driver for Ethernet on my OP1 and OPZ.

3 minutes ago, op1tjaap said:

Glad it is fixed now for everybody!

Nothing is fixed yet. It's important that @montjoieknows about the bug and is/was able to fix it in the other branch that will later be the one all more recent Allwinner variants will use. For now it's up to you to confirm. Just use the build system again, clean up everything in userpatches directory and then do

cd userpatches/kernel/sun8i-dev
wget https://github.com/montjoie/linux/commit/43934e114a3a3358a570480c8974e4e52769cd11.patch

Please let kernel rebuild, test and report back. Then we'll look whether we throw the patch into Armbian's standard sun8i-dev patch folder and/or send it to megous (would require that someone -- maybe you -- also test whether the patch cleanly applies against his 'orange-pi-4.11' branch :) )



Again thanks for your help in building this test!!


I applied it and rebooted. Boots fine


root@orangepizero:~# uname -a
Linux orangepizero 4.10.11-sun8i #7 SMP Mon May 1 14:42:32 CEST 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

Loaded appletalk


root@orangepizero:~# modprobe appletalk
root@orangepizero:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
appletalk              23452  0
bluetooth             263753  0
evdev                   9979  0
sun8i_codec_analog     13766  0
xradio_wlan            92375  1
snd_soc_core          115473  1 sun8i_codec_analog
mac80211              325145  1 xradio_wlan
cfg80211              192815  2 mac80211,xradio_wlan
snd_pcm_dmaengine       4221  1 snd_soc_core
rfkill                 10928  4 bluetooth,cfg80211
snd_pcm                70145  2 snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_core
sun8i_ths               3134  0
gpio_keys               8517  0
cpufreq_dt              3522  0
uio_pdrv_genirq         3354  0
thermal_sys            43168  2 cpufreq_dt,sun8i_ths
uio                     8012  1 uio_pdrv_genirq
usb_f_acm               4871  1
u_serial                8725  3 usb_f_acm
g_serial                3737  0
libcomposite           34692  2 g_serial,usb_f_acm

Installed tcpdump and tested... not good unfortunately....


root@orangepizero:~# tcpdump -i eth0 atalk
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
20:33:04.964117 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
20:33:05.481145 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
20:33:05.997312 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
20:33:06.512207 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
20:33:07.028382 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
20:33:07.547945 AT 1.174.zip > 0.zip:  at-#6 11
20:33:08.072818 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
20:33:08.182537 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
20:33:08.298547 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 7: "BasiliskII:Workstati[|atalk]
20:33:08.421346 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 8: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
20:33:08.535162 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 8: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]
20:33:08.645062 AT 1.174.253 > 0.nis:  nbp-lkup 8: "BasiliskII:  Macinto[|atalk]


I see the same problems like before. Mutilated AppleTalk packages


Just to be sure and complete I post my armbianmonitor logs:




Hey, that's really good work! I actually have some AppleTalk related plans for some Orange Pi related boards, so this is really good timing. I have some experience with low-level AppleTalk work (and I own the dead-tree version of Inside AppleTalk), so if you need further assistance I'll be glad to help as much as I'm able (my free time is limited these days, though).


These days, though, AppleTalk kernel modules are becoming a bit long in the tooth; I had to submit some patches to NetBSD to fix their AppleTalk stack a few years ago, and no one had even noticed it was broken. OpenBSD removed it a number of versions ago, and the Solaris module is broken enough that it crashes my Sparc machines. I'm beginning to wonder if it makes sense to build a new userland AppleTalk library that uses BPF or DLPI (on Solaris) like the HECNet router for DECNet does and fork Netatalk 2.x to work with that. It would make things a lot more portable, at least for file servers and any new applications you might want for AppleTalk (which are, um, rather sparse on the ground).

28 minutes ago, op1tjaap said:

I see the same problems like before. Mutilated AppleTalk packages


Ok, I checked debug output and can confirm that you used the kernel I built with montjoie's patch applied. So obviously it's fixed in dwmac-sun8i-v5 but not sun8i-emac-v5. Please try to resolve this problem upstream and keep us updated. If you don't get back within the next 3 days I'll revert this patch since useless: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/e6440d65f1e29974096ef2cf0807e74521e06ff9


(Sorry, I can't test anything here since I've zero AppleTalk equipment any more -- feels somewhat strange given I wrote Netatalk's AppleTalk routing chapter 15 years ago)

1 minute ago, tkaiser said:

Please try to resolve this problem upstream and keep us updated. If you don't get back within the next 3 days I'll revert this patch since useless: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/e6440d65f1e29974096ef2cf0807e74521e06ff9

This patch is deleted already since we switched to 4.11 (well, we are in the process of fixing broken things) and megous already picked up the newest sun8i-emac changes.

1 minute ago, zador.blood.stained said:

This patch is deleted already since we switched to 4.11 (well, we are in the process of fixing broken things) and megous already picked up the newest sun8i-emac changes.



@op1tjaapplease try it again maybe the day after tomorrow and if multicast is still broken please report back to Correntin.

3 hours ago, fraveydank said:

if anyone needs any ACTUAL AppleTalk equipment, I have a few machines to spare... you will make my wife happier. :-)

Hehe, I just had a look when I sold all my AppleTalk stuff: 10 years ago since at the same time I also sold all Unix machines I had.


Nice gear you owned in the old days tkaiser! I worked on an Indy in the 90's. Couldn't do much with it and preferred FreeBSD on PC platform. I remember we found out that our Indy even didn't had a compiler on board....You had to buy it for serious money.


OK ..... back to Apple and AppleTalk again. I'm  also active on the 68k Macintosh Liberation Army. MacTjaap over there. Nice place if you are still interested in Apple hardware and Appletalk. I'm currently thinking of a way to use a board like a * Pi (Armbian Pi) to act as a LocalTalk bridge, router and macipgw together. See about this in a posting about the MacIppi:




and here about an actual prototype:




I'm also active on mac68k.info (more interested in the low-level stuff the cover, and can't keep up with the forum traffic on 68kmla).  I'm actually working on fixing some of the routing stuff in netatalk 2.2.5+ (several important patches in git from 2014 that never made it into a release, wonder if they'll ever do a 2.2.6); the routing is broken and it's screwing up my home network, which also encompasses a VAX and an Alpha running VMS (with Pathworks for Mac).


FWIW, while I like the idea of small ARM boards as AppleTalk routers/MacIP gateways, I wish there was a better way to get LocalTalk signals through. The rather high-speed serial decoding must be super ugly to do on the Linux GPIO layer, but a small CPLD/FPGA or a PSoC or similar might do the trick connected over SPI. Relying on something like an Asante bridge seems just about as problematic. :-)


Nice to hear! You doing good work for the netatalk community!


About the Localtalk on a CPLD/FPGA or a PSoC? Do you know if there are project somewhere working on something like that?


I don't know of any extant, no. It woudn't be the hardest thing in the world, though doing the DPLL for the serial decoding isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. The PSoC is probably easier to get started on and has easier tools, but the CPLD/FPGA is the "right" way.


It's also worth noting that most small micros are way more than powerful enough to do AppleTalk routing at a scale that could handle reasonably large networks. You might find the ESP32 with something tied on to do the LocalTalk decoding to be an ideal platform; it's well more powerful than most AppleTalk routers that existed out in the world short of the high end Cisco multiprotocol routers and such (and even then, it's only smaller RAM, still a faster CPU). But you'd have to write the AppleTalk stack from scratch, most likely. It's something I have way back on my queue whenever I plow through the pile of projects currently on my plate.

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