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OrangePi as iTunes server with forked-daapd

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If you follow https://github.com/ejurgensen/forked-daapd you will get a lot of error-messages. 


Here is guide to install it on your Orange Pi Pc (Debian Jessie),

sudo apt-get install build-essential git autotools-dev autoconf libtool gettext gawk gperf \
  antlr3 libantlr3c-dev libconfuse-dev libunistring-dev libsqlite3-dev \
  libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavfilter-dev libswscale-dev libavutil-dev \
  libasound2-dev libmxml-dev libgcrypt11-dev libavahi-client-dev zlib1g-dev \

for Armbian you need some little extras installed

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev 
sudo apt-get install libjson0 libjson0-dev
sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-discover libnss-mdns

then you run

 git clone https://github.com/ejurgensen/forked-daapd.git
 cd forked-daapd
 autoreconf -i
 ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
 sudo make install

create the new user 

sudo adduser daapd

adjust the settings for your music-path in /etc/forked-daapd.conf


 on my Orange Pi, the file /etc/init.d/forked-daapd was missing. If yours is missing, too, just add it:

sudo nano /etc/init.d/forked-daapd

and copy this text inside:

#! /bin/sh

# Provides:          forked-daapd
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network $time avahi
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $network $time
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: media server with support for RSP, DAAP, DACP and AirTunes
# Description:       forked-daapd is an iTunes-compatible media server for
#                    sharing your music library over the local network with RSP
#                    clients like the SoundBridge from Roku and DAAP clients like
#                    iTunes. It can also stream music to AirTunes devices.

DESC="RSP and DAAP media server"

test -x $DAEMON || exit 0


set -e

    # Check if a given process pid's cmdline matches a given name
    [ -z "$pid" ] && return 1
    [ ! -d /proc/$pid ] &&  return 1
    cmd=`cat /proc/$pid/cmdline | tr "\000" "\n"|head -n 1 |cut -d : -f 1`
    # Is this the expected child?
    [ "$cmd" != "$name" ] &&  return 1
    return 0

# Check if the process is running looking at /proc
# (works for all users)

    # No pidfile, probably no daemon present
    [ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ] && return 1
    # Obtain the pid and check it against the binary name
    pid=`cat $PIDFILE`
    running_pid $pid $DAEMON || return 1
    return 0

force_stop() {
# Forcefully kill the process
    [ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ] && return
    if running ; then
        kill -15 $pid
        # Is it really dead?
        if running ; then
            kill -9 $pid
            if running ; then
                echo "Cannot kill $NAME (pid=$pid)!"
                exit 1
    rm -f $PIDFILE
    return 0

case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
            --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
        if running ; then
            echo "$NAME."
            echo " ERROR."
        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
        start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
            --exec $DAEMON
        echo "$NAME."
        start-stop-daemon --stop --test --quiet --pidfile \
            /var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $DAEMON \
            && $0 restart \
            || exit 0
        PID=$(cat $PIDFILE 2> /dev/null || true)

        echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile \
            /var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $DAEMON

        if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
            while running_pid $PID $DAEMON; do echo -n "."; sleep 1; done

        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile \
            /var/run/$NAME.pid --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
        echo "$NAME."
    echo -n "$NAME is "
    if running ;  then
        echo "running"
        echo " not running."
        exit 1
    echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
    exit 1

exit 0

Save it. 


Now we need to allow the service access to it´s own database:

sudo chown -R daapd /var/cache/forked-daapd 

Start the service:

sudo /etc/init.d/forked-daapd restart
tail -f /var/log/forked-daapd.log

you should see some activity on the log-file. After the scanning is complete, you can see your Orange Pi music-server in iTunes.


Automatic updates for the music-server (e.g. at 4am in the morning, necessary if you use a network-share for the data):

sudo crontab -e

and add the line

0 4 * * * touch /{path to your music}/trigger.init-rescan
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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

compile failed ... any idea?


~/Downloads/forked-daapd$ make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pi/Downloads/forked-daapd'
Making all in sqlext
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/pi/Downloads/forked-daapd/sqlext'
/bin/bash ../libtool  --tag=CC   --mode=link gcc  -g -O2 -Wall -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -avoid-version -module -shared -lprotobuf-c -o forked-daapd-sqlext.la -rpath /usr/lib/forked-daapd sqlext.lo -lunistring -lpthread
libtool: link: gcc -shared  -fPIC -DPIC  .libs/sqlext.o   -lprotobuf-c -lunistring -lpthread  -O2   -Wl,-soname -Wl,forked-daapd-sqlext.so -o .libs/forked-daapd-sqlext.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lprotobuf-c
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:435: recipe for target 'forked-daapd-sqlext.la' failed
make[2]: *** [forked-daapd-sqlext.la] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/Downloads/forked-daapd/sqlext'
Makefile:534: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/Downloads/forked-daapd'
Makefile:401: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
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I have also this warning below during ./configure
Not sure whether this is related to the error?



configure: WARNING:
*** The config script /usr/bin/libgcrypt-config was
*** built for arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf and thus may not match the
*** used host armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.
*** You may want to use the configure option --with-libgcrypt-prefix
*** to specify a matching config script.
checking for gpg-error-config... /usr/bin/gpg-error-config
checking for GPG Error - version >= 1.6... yes (1.17)
configure: WARNING:
*** The config script /usr/bin/gpg-error-config was
*** built for arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf and thus may not match the
*** used host armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.
*** You may want to use the configure option --with-gpg-error-prefix
*** to specify a matching config script or use $SYSROOT.
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found issue related to --enable-chromecast

my configure script :

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-chromecast 
any idea what's missing here to enable chromecast?



for chromecast you should try 

sudo apt-get install libjson-c-dev libgnutls-dev libprotobuf-c-dev

first. Then try to compile again.

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is it possible to do autorun in systemd ??

cannot start with below /etc/systemd/system/forked-daapd.service



Description=DAAP/DACP (iTunes), RSP and MPD server, supports AirPlay and Remote
After=network.target sound.target
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/forked-daapd -f
# Restart, but not more than once every 10 minutes
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Script from #8 really works.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/forked-daapd.service

and paste the script from #8. 

sudo chmod +x forked-daapd.service
sudo systemctl enable forked-daapd.service
sudo systemctl start forked-daapd.service

after that continue from 

tail -f /var/log/forked-daapd.log

from #1.


I checked it on my OrangePi Zero with Armbian / Ubuntu Image 

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Is there a reason for you to compile it yourself? I've been using the version from the official packages for quite a while now. I remember there were problems long time ago with version 0.19. But since Espen Jurgensen took over the development (from forked-daapd >= 0.20) this works very reliable. Installation from the official repos is really easy...







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Is there a reason for you to compile it yourself? I've been using the version from the official packages for quite a while now. I remember there were problems long time ago with version 0.19. But since Espen Jurgensen took over the development (from forked-daapd >= 0.20) this works very reliable. Installation from the official repos is really easy...


when i tried to use forked-daapd for the first time, it just didn´t work with my iTunes (OS X and Windows 7). Later I found, that Apple changed some small parts of their software :)

Getting the most up-to-date version of forked-daapd solved the problem. And it was just available from source.


The developer is very active, so I always have a very good change to solve any kind of problem just by compiling myself.

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for Armbian you need some little extras installed


You should be a bit more specific which distro you use. Armbian images were either Debian Wheezy, Jessie, Ubuntu Trusty or Xenial (support for Wheezy and Trusty removed a few hours ago). Usually Ubuntu images are more up to date (and sometimes faster since built with a more recent GCC version). So please add for which distro your instructions should apply.

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You should be a bit more specific which distro you use. Armbian images were either Debian Wheezy, Jessie, Ubuntu Trusty or Xenial (support for Wheezy and Trusty removed a few hours ago). Usually Ubuntu images are more up to date (and sometimes faster since built with a more recent GCC version). So please add for which distro your instructions should apply.


Edited the first post and added the information.

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I have problem now playing from local audio output alsa

I want to play from card 1 : snddaudio

Anybody help?




# Local audio output
audio {
        # Name - used in the speaker list in Remote
        nickname = "BPi-M2P"
        # Type of the output (alsa, pulseaudio or dummy)
        type = "alsa"
        # Audio PCM device name for local audio output - ALSA only
        #card = "default"
        card = "snddaudio"
        # Mixer channel to use for volume control - ALSA only
        # If not set, PCM will be used if available, otherwise Master.
#       mixer = ""
        # Mixer device to use for volume control - ALSA only
        # If not set, the value for "card" will be used.
#       mixer_device = ""
        # Syncronization
        # If your local audio is out of sync with AirPlay, you can adjust this
        # value. Positive values correspond to moving local audio ahead,
        # negative correspond to delaying it. The unit is samples, where is
        # 44100 = 1 second. The offset must be between -44100 and 44100.
#       offset = 0
[2017-01-13 00:45:34] [  LOG]   laudio: Unknown PCM snddaudio[2017-01-13 00:45:34] [  LOG]   laudio: Could not open playback device: No such file or directory
[2017-01-13 00:45:34] [  LOG]   player: Could not start ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
[2017-01-13 00:45:34] [  LOG]   player: Could not activate ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
aplay -l


**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: audiocodec [audiocodec], device 0: SUNXI-CODEC sndcodec-0 []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: snddaudio [snddaudio], device 0: SUNXI-TDM0 snddaudio-0 []
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: sndhdmi [sndhdmi], device 0: SUNXI-HDMIAUDIO sndhdmi-0 []
  Subdevices: 0/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
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still error if change

card = "hw:1,0"




[2017-01-13 01:04:47] [  LOG]   laudio: Invalid value for card[2017-01-13 01:04:47] [  LOG]   laudio: Could not open playback device: No such file or directory
[2017-01-13 01:04:47] [  LOG]   player: Could not start ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
[2017-01-13 01:04:47] [  LOG]   player: Could not activate ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
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I took the according name from the output of amixer and it works on my Banana Pi running Armbian Debian Jessie.


As example:

Excerpt from output of command "amixer":

Simple mixer control 'Power Amplifier',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 63
  Mono: Playback 40 [63%] [-23.00dB]
Excerpt of my forked-daapd.conf:

# Localaudio output
audio {
  # Name - used in the speaker list in Remote
  nickname = "My Nickname"
  # Audio device name for local audio output
  # card = "default"
  # Mixer channel to use for volume control - ALSA/Linux only
  # If not set, PCM will be used if available, otherwise Master.
  mixer = "Power Amplifier"
Hope that works for you as well.



Edit: forked-daapd from official debian-jessie-repo (installed with: "apt-get install forked-daapd", version 22.0-2)

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I have Banana Pi M2+ and use PCM5102 DAC via I2S

So far I know PCM5102 doesn't have digital mixer to control volume

"amixer" output below, no mixer for PCM ??



Simple mixer control 'Lineout volume control',0

  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 31
  Mono: 31 [100%]
Simple mixer control 'ADC input gain ctrl',0
  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 7
  Mono: 3 [43%]
Simple mixer control 'Audio adda drc',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Audio adda loop',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Audio linein in',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [off]
Simple mixer control 'Audio lineout',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]
Simple mixer control 'LINEIN_G boost stage output mixer control',0
  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 7
  Mono: 3 [43%]
Simple mixer control 'MIC1 boost AMP gain control',0
  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 7
  Mono: 4 [57%]
Simple mixer control 'MIC1_G boost stage output mixer control',0
  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 7
  Mono: 3 [43%]
Simple mixer control 'MIC2 boost AMP gain control',0
  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 7
  Mono: 4 [57%]
Simple mixer control 'MIC2_G boost stage output mixer control',0
  Capabilities: volume volume-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: 0 - 7
  Mono: 3 [43%]
Simple mixer control 'audio capture mode',0
  Capabilities: enum
  Items: 'main mic' 'mic1_2' 'linein'
  Item0: 'main mic'
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amixer --card 1


Simple mixer control 'I2s Or Pcm Audio Mode Select format',0

  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined

  Playback channels: Mono

  Mono: Playback [on]


Change in /etc/forked-daapd.conf


mixer = "I2s Or Pcm Audio Mode Select format"





[2017-01-14 22:31:03] [  LOG]   laudio: Failed to open configured mixer element 'I2s Or Pcm Audio Mode Select format'

[2017-01-14 22:31:03] [  LOG]   laudio: Could not open mixer

[2017-01-14 22:31:03] [  LOG]   player: Could not start ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'

[2017-01-14 22:31:03] [  LOG]   player: Could not activate ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'


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This doesn't work?

card = "hw:1"
mixer = "I2s Or Pcm Audio Mode Select format"




[2017-01-15 00:05:54] [  LOG]   laudio: open '/dev/snd/pcmC1D0p' failed (-16)[2017-01-15 00:05:54] [  LOG]   laudio: Could not open playback device: Device or resource busy
[2017-01-15 00:05:54] [  LOG]   player: Could not start ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
[2017-01-15 00:05:54] [  LOG]   player: Could not activate ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
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Device or resource busy

This looks like forked-daapd is trying to access the correct device, but there is another service/application running which accesses and thus blocks the audio device - or another application was running which used the audio device and didn't free the access again after using that audio-device.


Do you have an idea what that could be? Try to disable it (or maybe reboot) and then try again with forked-daapd.


I think we found the correct card and mixer. But with the "device or resource busy" problem I can't help any further. This you need to figure out yourself. Good luck :-)

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This looks like forked-daapd is trying to access the correct device, but there is another service/application running which accesses and thus blocks the audio device - or another application was running which used the audio device and didn't free the access again after using that audio-device.


Do you have an idea what that could be? Try to disable it (or maybe reboot) and then try again with forked-daapd.


I think we found the correct card and mixer. But with the "device or resource busy" problem I can't help any further. This you need to figure out yourself. Good luck :-)


shairport-sync is using this audio device

however i didn't hard lock the device, instead i'm using .asoundrc in /home/shairport-sync

my understanding by doing this, hw:1,0 can be switched, activated upon usage selection, but seems it's not the case

do you know anyway to share same device by multiple application?

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dmix if we are talking about ALSA, otherwise pulseaudio can do this too.




I do have already enable dmixer in .asoundrc

Am I missing something?




pcm.snd_card {
        type hw
        card 1
        device 0
ctl.snd_card {
        type hw
        card 1
        device 0
pcm.dmixer {
    type dmix
    ipc_key 1024
    ipc_perm 0666
    slave.pcm snd_card
    slave {
        period_time 0
        period_size 1024
        buffer_size 4096
        rate 44100
        format S32_LE
        channels 2
    bindings {
        0 0
        1 1
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Yes, you need to set it as a default ALSA input or you need to tell your applications to use dmix explicitly (instead of "hw:1" it should be something like "plug:dmix" if I remember correctly.


 I change .asoundrc to this below, but still not working


pcm.!default {

    type plug

    slave.pcm "dmixer"



pcm.dmixer {

    type dmix

    ipc_key 1024

    slave {

        pcm "hw:1,0"

        period_time 0

        period_size 1024

        buffer_size 4096

        rate 44100


    bindings {

        0 0

        1 1




ctl.dmixer {

    type hw

    card 1


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But you are still telling your applications to use "hw:1" directly and thus bypassing the dmix. If your default configuration is correct, you should be able to use something like "plug:default" in applications too.




[2017-01-16 02:27:51] [  LOG]   laudio: Invalid CTL plug:dmix[2017-01-16 02:27:51] [  LOG]   laudio: Failed to attach mixer: No such file or directory
[2017-01-16 02:27:51] [  LOG]   laudio: Could not open mixer
[2017-01-16 02:27:51] [  LOG]   player: Could not start ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
[2017-01-16 02:27:51] [  LOG]   player: Could not activate ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
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change card = "plug:default"




[2017-01-16 02:29:33] [  LOG]   laudio: Invalid CTL plug:default[2017-01-16 02:29:33] [  LOG]   laudio: Failed to attach mixer: No such file or directory
[2017-01-16 02:29:33] [  LOG]   laudio: Could not open mixer
[2017-01-16 02:29:33] [  LOG]   player: Could not start ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
[2017-01-16 02:29:33] [  LOG]   player: Could not activate ALSA device 'BPi-M2P'
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