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Ethernet not work on NanoPi Neo after kernel 4.9.0 to 4.9.4

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A week ago Armbian was kernel 4.9.0, and Ethernet on NanoPi Neo worked after compile image. But now kernel is 4.9.4 and Ethernet not works (no interface eth0, ifconfig -a not shows eth0, only Loopback). There was also renewed Armbian framework.

How do I get to work Etnernet on NanoPi Neo after last change Armbian framework and Kernel?


The answers to your questions are already on the forum while AFAIK there is no proper working solution yet. That means, you can go back to 4.9.0 (also use search if you don't know how) an loose some other features and bug fixes or write a new, bug less, future compatible driver ... if you want a working Ethernet. This board is going toward mainline support, where simple dirty hacks are usually waste of time.

You are using development kernel, so don't expect that you can actually use it in production.


I'm confused - new to Armbian and looking for an image for the nanopi-neo. The web page for this board shows 4.9.4 as Mainline and older versions as Legacy.


Is there currently any image that will work for this board?



We are in the middle of general update (upload is in progress since morning), so there will be new image today.


They all should work, last build was tested few days ago, here is brief testing log:



distro tested: Armbian_5.24.170131_Nanopineo_Ubuntu_xenial_dev_4.9.4.img

boot from uSD: OK

Wired network connection works with dedicated speed: KO. eth0 does not pop up, maybe because new mailnine rename the ethernet port from ethx to that stupid sequence of alphanumeric string. anyway, 'dmesg | grep eth'

does not report any entry. Also cat /proc/dev/net report presence of only 'lo' device.

Filesystem resize finishes successfully: OK

Shutdown: OK

reboot: OK


Mainline kernel works the same way: i am not sure to understand te meaning of the task. i can say that i go around inside distro (via debug serial port) and it appears to be ok, i see 4 cores, top works,



Ethernet not working on latest development  - i'll try to fix it right away.




Tested Neo and ethernet is working fine. I need to rebuild and upload images ... in few hours, in the morning.

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