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Odroid HC1/HC2/XU Kernel issues with fstrim on Kernel 6.1.x


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I had to roll back and use apt hold on the 2 corresponding packages to remain on the "good" LTS kernel 5.4.253 that supports fstrim on extremely popular Crucial SSDs that support it.
It's impossible to get the maintainer Joe to reply. Is there a triage way to have someone contact him and make him aware of this issue?


I have zero complaints about his work, but SATA TRIM commands are a must have on SBCs that have drive bays. It dramatically increases lifetime of NAND based storage devices.


Please tell me what to do. I found filing a simple bug report would be counter productive as I want to investigate why later Kernels are either compiled without support for it or what causes later Kernels to break.
We are talking about a feature here that is available in every Desktop *NIX OS.


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

4 hours ago, garak said:

It's impossible to get the maintainer Joe to reply.


Maintainers don't work for Armbian, that’s an open source project. We are volunteering our free time ... and you are kindly asked to not call us on "home phone". This should be clear.


4 hours ago, garak said:

Is there a triage way to have someone contact him and make him aware of this issue?


I am solicitation developers and maintainers to ignore all private (and in majority emotional blackmailing) communication. Sometimes abuse still works and they got vandalized and you could even break them eventually ... and they stop helping you. Please don't take this personal. Its a relationship between open source end users and developers / maintainers.


4 hours ago, garak said:

Please tell me what to do.


Fork the code, fix it (probably just need to enable something https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/main/config/kernel) and submit a PR. Or wait that this complains you posted on forum is heard by someone that has time and will do this. Instead of you. You can file a bug to Jira, but makes almost no difference. Maintainer will address this issue when he find the time and if he wants to. This is how things works in (non Desktop *NIX OS) open source world.


4 hours ago, garak said:

We are talking about a feature here that is available in every Desktop *NIX OS.

Embedded (especially with vendor kernel as in this case) Linux is (far) away from simple and unified x86 Desktop *NIX OS.


4 hours ago, garak said:


Many things has changed, but primary problem is that vendor (Hardkernel) switched their primary kernel from 5.4.y to 6.1.y ... and feature breaking is what always happens at such kernel changes. 

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The bossman himself of the project answers! My gratitude for your work and thanks for your replies, Mr. Pečovnik!
No worries, I understand free software and FLOSS, I donate regularly to the FSF. I never harass developers at their home address!

I was trying to reach out on X and Github in the past. E-Mail would be ideal. It's not that I want anything other than minimum functionality.



emotional blackmailing


Strong words for I have done nothing like that. I just want to know if my boards will still be supported if the LTS Kernel "dies". Anything 6.x simply does not work. These are storage SBCs, if they cannot perform TRIM commands they need to be sold off and I need to migrate to real servers.



Fork the code, fix it


This will not happen, I am not a Kernel dev nor I know the correct build flags. I can control microcontrollers in the C-language. I am not a developer on x86_64. My code is simple and it fits in 10 text files.



but primary problem is that vendor (Hardkernel) switched their primary kernel from 5.4.y to 6.1.y ... and feature breaking is what always happens at such kernel changes. 



Thanks Igor, this is an excellent reply! I guess I need to buy their new 2-bay NAS if they make it hard for Armbian developers.
If Joe or you took any offense, I mean none. SDD with out TRIM is like car without seats, if you allow my terrible analogy!

"Shame" on Hardkernel then. I will get over it eventually and until 2026 it is a long time anyway! Thanks to Linus a Kreg for LTS kernels!

Will donate to Armbian soon!


Edited by garak
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17 minutes ago, garak said:

"Shame" on Hardkernel then.


Yes and no. I would say its just a bug, nobody to blame in particular. Try their official Ubuntu image with this 6.1 kernel if this also manifest there, so it can be narrowed.


20 minutes ago, garak said:

E-Mail would be ideal.


Open source projects are far from ideal circumstances :( 


We only provide email support for partners, where we have some control and don't need to pay 99.5% of hard cash costs that conversation (and previous hard and frustrating research work) will generate. With 0.5% of general public support (share of end user donations in this project), we already have problems to maintain a lot cheaper segments of this project. Providing email support is super expensive. Its not just you. Its thousands of often frustrated and angry customers of somebody else that would rather talk to an expert directly and not to anonymous forum. In human population we also have a small percentage of people that never respect any rules, act predatory, play dirty ... They would destroy mental health of people on such support  and subsequently project in no time if we would provide / allow this. This can also be observed on forums ... Email support is not possible, even you would be willing to pay for it. Most of open source projects explicitly asks their users "please do not contact us for technical support, use community forum for support".

31 minutes ago, garak said:

nor I know the correct build flags

Neither do developer without investing his time into research.


54 minutes ago, garak said:

Strong words for I have done nothing like that.


Nothing here was meant personal. I just tried to "visualize" this communication. I do understand your frustration, but we are already doing the impossible. 


55 minutes ago, garak said:

I just want to know if my boards will still be supported if the LTS Kernel "dies".

Odroid XU4 is having vendor kernel made around latest LTS. It was never true LTS ...

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I just tried running fstrim on my HC1 which has a Samsung 860 EVO in it and got no errors. I was not aware that fstrim support is device-specific. As mentioned by @Igor, try the official ubuntu image and report the issue to https://forum.odroid.com/viewforum.php?f=225 if you can reproduce it. Other than that, do you mind sharing a link to the bug you posted? Are there any specific errors you are seeing?

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