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I'm trying the new version of armbian for orange pi plus 2 .

Is there some news to create an access point ?  

I saw there are some files and other files not 

Does someone could link to me some tutorial for the access point?   

I have several usb dongle wifi and wifi on chip 

After a lot of web sites I visited I'm not able to create an access point 






Once you have a Wifi adaptor, you can use NetworkManager to enable access point by using something like :

nmcli device wifi hotspot con-name myHotspot band bg ssid myHotspot password myPassword

Or, if it does not work/wants more flexibility you may want to try :

nmcli connection add type wifi ifname '*' con-name my-hotspot autoconnect no ssid my-hotspot
nmcli connection modify my-hotspot 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared
nmcli connection modify my-hotspot 802-11-wireless-security.key-mgmt wpa-psk 802-11-wireless-security.psk myPassword

I'm trying with  usb dongle realtek 802.11n WLAN NIC .

On the top of the desktop I open the Network Manager 

The list shows to me the two wifi network as client ready to connect to locals wifi nets 

I do 

1- Create new wi.fi network 

2- The window shows me the wi-fi adapter  Realtek 802.11n WLAN NIC , it means exist

3- Network name   " myWifi"

4- wi.fi security  WEP 128 bit passphrase

5- Key  "Mypassword12345"

6- I push the button create  

I get an error window 

Connection failure 
Failed to add new connection 
(1) Insufficient privileges 

Wha t I have to do , give some permission to some files ? 

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