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Posted (edited)

I am deciding for buy orange pi one board. But I want to use it for this pipe {  ffmpeg -v -ss seconds -i ./video  -vframes 7 -f image2pipe -vcodec bmp  -   |  mkbitmap -x -f 3.5 -s 1 -b 1 -t 0.48 -o - |  potrace --turdsize 2  --longcurve --turnpolicy black -b pdf -o pdf-file.pdf  } . And I need someone that have the orange pi one  that could test it and post the "fps speed" or time of process some video  , 60 seconds . 





Edited by pfeerick
Added board type to title

Yes  , The ffmpeg argument is wrong ...


Is like this;

{  time ffmpeg  -t 60 -i ./video  -r 7 -f image2pipe -vcodec bmp  -   |  mkbitmap -x -f 3.5 -s 1 -b 1 -t 0.48 -o - |  potrace --alphamax 1.334 --turdsize 2  --longcurve --turnpolicy black -b pdf -o ./pdf-file-output.pdf  }


Please if you could !  test it , let me know the fps and time .








"-i ./video" is also wrong, it required a input file, so here is what I used and reported output :

  Reveal hidden contents


2 fps that's more fast than rpi1 but ...


What other board will be better doing this pipe code??



ok  { ffmpeg  -t 60 -i ./"input-video"  -r 7 -f image2pipe -vcodec bmp  ./imgage-%d.bmp } code goes on 40 fps !! thats fast !!




How fast goes the inverse { ffmpeg  -framerate 7 -i ./image-%d.bmp -pix_fmt yuv420p  ./out-video.mp4 } with the modification of the encoder "I don't know"?




martinayotte ,

Is this " orange pi one allwinner" better for video convert , encode , transcode , or things related to fast ffmpeg performance ?  or other boards, tv boxes  with amlogic or rockship are faster in those tasks??

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