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Posted (edited)

Happy New Year for all,


My old Samsung Monitor stopped working some days ago, and I dont know if it will be fixed, so I decided to buy a new LG 27'' Monitor.


My Zorin OS and Windows on X64, Raspbian and Ubuntu On Raspberry PIs are working properly. 


But booting Armbian - Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) on "Orange PI 5" and "Orange PI 5 Plus" My New  monitor refuses  to show any image (only black screen).


"Orange PI OS XFCE" on "Orange PI 5" is OK on my new monitor.


I took a litle look at boot files but I didn't find anything to fix this problem.


Any idea to solve this problem???





Edited by Jorge Cury
  • Solution

Use vendor kernel based images, 6.1.y to say. I assume you tried mainline.

Mainline images are known having incomplete hdmi support. This will be better once kernel 6.13 images are available.


For even better experience check for images with mesa-vpu extension or build such by by yourself.



Try these just for fun if you want: should include everything.






Hi Werner,

Very good advise, problem solved. 

At least for OPI 5, but I'm sure OPI 5+ has the same problem.


I am trying for all weekend, first I tryed "https://dl.armbian.com/orangepi5/Noble_vendor_kde-neon-kisak", but after some updates I got boot failed.


Then I followed your advise and it is working good.


Except for WiFi Dongle "Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL88x2bu [AC1200 Techkey]" that is loosing the connection each hour or two.


Thanks, very much.



Hi People,


This .img Is running OK too.



And I think it is better than the OPI5 .img in many configs,,,


Realtek Dongle doesn't loose connection, after inactive time expiration Monitor doesn't enter in "night lights" (sorry, I dont know the correct name in English)...


But after a reboot all applicatons are restored  in the center on the center of screen, one on top of the other (Plasma does not remember the  place it was before)


And the login to my NAS there is no way to expecify (always remember). 


Thanks from Brazil,





I have the same problem with my Rockpi 4b. No screen, no monitor detected. @Werner, is there anything similar maybe for the noble gnome kiask images? My original inquiry is below but i've been trying to scour other similar threads for info:


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