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Where do I get the url for sending build log

Go to solution Solved by pkfox,

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Hi all,

apologies I know this isn't the correct forum to post,but, I have a question regarding the armbian build process for a raspi5b , but  unfortunately I can't post in the correct forum because It requires the url of my build log which I don't know the location of - anyone here know where that is ? I use SHARE_LOG=yes as a parameter to compile.sh and my build machine is a x86_64 GNU/Linux with a 1gb ssd and 32gb of ram - please ignore the tag I couldn't find an appropriate one

Edited by pkfox



At the end of the build process you will provided with a curl command to send logs to https://paste.armbian.com/logs

simply copy&paste this command to get the URL you are looking for

Tip: If upload fails try replacing paste.armbian.com/logs with paste.armbian.de/logs or paste.armbian.eu/logs


Hi @Werner I ran the build again and I see this at the end

🌱] SHARE_LOG=yes, uploading log [ uploading logs ]
[🌿] Log uploaded, share URL: [ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=en> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Error</title> </head> <body> <pre>Cannot POST /log</pre> </body> </html> ]



Ah you have set SHARE_LOG to yes which is good in general but in this particular case isn't :D


You can either

- set this to no so you will be provided with the curl command


- additionally set PASTE_URL="https://paste.armbian.de/log"


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