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I installed armbian on the emmc of Magicsee N5+, it  work very well. But after kernel update, I'm unable to restart the emmc system ....

I tried 5x on the 3 last month, and I always have the same issue ....


Is there any solution ?


Maybe it links with this error message after update :




Try booting from an SD card, and then try to boot from emmc.  I have one box that won't reboot without first doing a boot from SD.  But after a boot from an SD card, then it will boot from EMMC correctly.

4 hours ago, xNiux said:

I tried a u-boot-refresh from usb system

What do you mean by that.  Please be specific as I don't know what you are referring to.


Hi started a fresh amrbian system from USB, and I hopped the command u-boot-refresh detect emmc system and add it to the boot choice.

1 hour ago, xNiux said:

u-boot-refresh detect emmc system and add it to the boot choice.

Never heard of this command.  What does it do?  What do you mean by add it to the boot choice?

Have you read and followed the instructions on this site to install to emmc?


Yes for sure, and the installation on emmc work perfectly. 

I don't know if it's normal, but starting with a USB system, I can't mount any emmc partition ....  So, I can't get my datas, or try to restore emmc boot 😢




Ok, I successfully mounted the /dev/mmblk1p1 partition. And I understand the problem extlinux.conf is incomplete, it missing labels ...

I will try to install a cleanly system on emmc, and trace the problem on next kernel upgrade

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